Half-Life 2 is NOT Gamespot's best PC Game 2004

Gamespot gave 9.4 to UT2004 and only 9.2 to HL2. I mean give me a break. I played UT2k4 and never was even close as impressed as playing HL2. Those ppl are idiots! :p
Gamespot allready lost allot of oomph a while back if you ask me.
well to tell the truth i have a complete membership with them and i'm probably about to cancel it. all the reviews are completely baised on console/multiplayer games and you know it.
actually, WoW winning over hl2 doesn't bother me that much even though I disagree. In my opinion, both games serve as examples of what games in their respective genres should shoot for. Comparing hl2 to WoW directly though is kind of silly though because of how different they are in both play mechanics and design.

What bothers me is halo 2 winning over half-life 2. That honestly makes no sense to me whatsoever. I have halo 2, and it's a fun game... but wow, there's really no contest there if you put it up against hl2.
I've never seen so much unintentionally ironic, hippocritical, fan-boy drivel in one topic before. Does it really matter if HL2 doesn't get GOTY? Its certainly not going to detract from my enjoyment of whats an undeniably outstanding game.
The Silhouette said:
you made no sense, die before you spread your stupidity.

If you can't understand that HL2 will be modded for years to come while WoW will always just be WoW then you're a complete moron.

Your stupidity is beyond measure.
Imo mmorpgs shouldn't win GOTYs, since to play them you can't really be a casual player. HL2 is fully entitled to win GOTY, not just for the cool game it is but for all that it will bring with it.
Halo 2 didn't win Xbox GOTY? But I thought Gamespot sucked Master Chief Cock!

And please stop calling people Fanboys just 'cause they like playing a game.
WhiteZero said:
Pathetic... I bet any site/mag that dosent hive HL2 GotY, people are going to call the entire company ghey.
Some fanboys make me sick.

When you have a groundbreaking, revolutionary game like Half Life 2, which fails against a Half Life wannabe like Halo 2 which fails in every attempt to rip off the ideas and franchises of Half Life, yes, they are "ghey". They try to be controversial by trying to hate Half Life 2, but we all know Half Life 2 is possibly the greatest game ever released.
HalfLife2Addict said:
When you have a groundbreaking, revolutionary game like Half Life 2, which fails against a Half Life wannabe like Halo 2 which fails in every attempt to rip off the ideas and franchises of Half Life, yes, they are "ghey". They try to be controversial by trying to hate Half Life 2, but we all know Half Life 2 is possibly the greatest game ever released.
Now come on, they didn't try to hate Half-Life 2! They said that they loved it!

At the same time, it really does seem from what they said that they really thought HL2 should be the Game of the Year. The Halo 2 comments just didn't seem as glowing. I do indeed sense corporate shenanigans.