Half Life 2 keeps jaggering/freezing...



now fellaz i have a 1.9mhz Pc with a Gforce4 Graphics card along with 512mbs of RAM, and when i play the game it always jaggers and freezers for split seconds, its kind of annoying, because when someone is talkin its hard to understand what they are saying.
Does this have anything to do with my Graphics card? or do i need to change the RES of the game or something? Or do i need to do something else?

Please Help me

cheers lads
StSTSSSStssst...uuuttter bug

You and thousands of others(including myself) have got the stutter bug.
You will have to wait for a patch or try one of the many temp fixes found on this forum.
Try the low priority fix, it certainly helps me.
doomed - uk said:
I found it's worst on High textures. Medium is okay but not perfect.
Lucky you - I even tried running the game with the -dxlevel 70 command which sets the graphic capability to DX7 level & it still runs like s**t & crashes :x Time for a new PC. In the meantime ............... Fairwell, Goodbye to HL2 :E