Half-Life 2, left alone feeling (spoilers! dont read if you haven't completed it)


Apr 18, 2004
Reaction score
As I was playing the buggy part, and where you meet the antlions, I felt very alone. Along the sea there is only a few seagulls, no trees and the water seems dead(no plants or fish)
And after you have killed a few combines.. everything is so quiet and dead.

Even though I think its the best game I have ever played, I wanted more sequences with ALyx, Kleiner and Barney. I just LOVED the part when Breen escapes and you go after im in the elevator as Alyx says goodbye.

Everything was so dark..sad, lonely

Anybody else had this feeling?
I believe that was the feeling of emptiness they were trying to give you. How do you think the rebels felt?
Foxtrot88 said:
Damn, wheres that damn edit button
the edit button disapears after a while

EDIT: 2 dams in a short phase, lol
Yes, those spoiler things would be great for those kind of people like me, who didn't play yet, you know?

I think the alone feeling is great, it completely fits the situation. Not to mention you were alone for the vast majority of the original. Also, I think the fact that you felt that way says something about how well the game draws you in.

I do agree though that some more sequences like the initial one in Kleiner's lab would have been nice. I loved that jokey, friendly atmosphere and doing that a few more times really would have been amusing, as well as great contrast with the oppressive regime outside the door.