Half-Life 2 Length Time?

:| FarCry was about 20 hours in length, Half Life 2 is said to be around same amount of time... thing is I never finished FarCry! :eek: JP! It's all about gameplay and story!
Wait, lets think people. Say it's twenty hours. That's pretty long compared to some recent FPS's right? I mean, wasn't COD like eight hours? It had great reviews and was a blast. Now, say the reviewer rushed HL2, and skipped some parts (I mean, why would a reviewer wait through every scripted sequence and non-action part if s/he was under a schedule?). And it was twenty hours. That means HL2 is a pretty long game anyway.
actualy a few latest games i think are to easy on hard i think
i hope hl 2 will be more like nightmare on hard :D
Im almost certain the reviewers did not rush through.
Cheta said:
Im almost certain the reviewers did not rush through.

I think when people say 'rush through', they mean that the reviewer probably didn't stand there and continue talking to each and every NPC, trying to get all the dialogue. The reviewer also most likely didn't take extra time to explore each square foot of each level, and do their best to find all the secrets. They didn't re-play the good parts just for the hell of it.

On the other hand, I doubt they went for a time trial, racing past all the baddies and heading straight for the end. They probably didn't rush on past important dialogue, missing critical story points. I'd say that the 19 hours was a little under the average that most of us will see (we might get 2-4 more hours the first time, if we play on Normal).

depends on how long they said HL was, it took me at least 40 hours to beat, i went slow and enjoyed everything. Hl2 will last me 60-65 hours minimum.
Exactly wraith! it annoys me when poeple compete to beat it fast, you lose so much, and i mean come on, you want the best game ever to last a while dont ya?
Wraith said:
depends on how long they said HL was, it took me at least 40 hours to beat, i went slow and enjoyed everything. Hl2 will last me 60-65 hours minimum.

Does that include reloads etc..? I could possibly see you being able to stretch the game out to that kind of length if you just messed around all the time and kept dying.

But i doubt even if you took your time doing everything in the game as slow as hell that you could stretch it out to 65 hours, it would just get boring, thats over 3 times the length of time it took the PCG (i think?) reviewer hwo said he was deliberately taking time out to check out the environments.

I mean i'm not saying your wrong, i obviously havent played the game or anything, but 65+ hours is a very long time indeed. I doubt i even spent that long on H&D2 on hardest difficulty, where some of the harder missions were a good 4-5 hours a piece, and there were plenty of them too.