Half Life 2 - Length


Oct 14, 2004
Reaction score
Was just wondering, does anyone know how long the game is? It took me months to complete the first one, in fact it took about a year!

I am on the last level of Far Cry and bought it about 2 months ago. So as you can see I don't get much time to play games what with work, football and a girlfriend!

If I was to work it out I probably play computer games about 3 times a week for about 2 hours each time...so that works out at 6 hours a week....Jesus thats bugger all!!

I just hope it lasts a long time as from what I have seen in the videos and reviews it looks like a masterpiece!

Roll on November 16! :)
Reviewers have said between 15 and 20h iirc.
I heard alot of different things..I think one of the valve employees said that it might take up to 30 hours or so. But it also depends on how you play..so It could take longer or shorter than the "average" time.
i will take 2 hours just looking at stuff in the trainstation
I usually play games quite methodically. I check every nook and cranny before moving on.

But from what you guys are saying then it should take me about 2-3 months, but as you say you will probably play it again and again.

I think I have played half-life twice through and enjoyed it both times.

Also in the review in PC Zone they talk about how you can change the difficulty level during game play...quite a nice touch I thought.

Also you have to remember.....expansion packs probably in the near future. With so many new important characters they could make packs for:

Combine Soldier
The Evil Chick

Just to see their side of the story in greater depth.

What do you think?
Who's this 'Evil Chick' you're referring to? Know something we don't? Or are you referring to the bird from the HTML of certain 'tests'?

More to the point, johnstone has a Girlfriend!
If only to try and use the physics in different ways to work through the game, plus, given the reviews and it being so amazing, why on earth wouldn't you want to play it again?
czrsink said:
Who's this 'Evil Chick' you're referring to? Know something we don't? Or are you referring to the bird from the HTML of certain 'tests'?

More to the point, johnstone has a Girlfriend!

Nah I just heard rumours on this site that one of the chicks in it has alterior motives....i.e. to kill big Gordo.....maybe I am talking shite.

And yes I do have a girlfriend, do you not have one?
Wife and child mate, wife and child.

I just always find it amusing when people mention girlfriends in posts, I can't explain why.
i will play the game really slow, harvesting all the great moments ill encounter, and having fun with the gravity gun
Its about half hour you spend without any weapons, so taking that into account, I would guess the average gamer will complete it within 24hours (lot longer than Half-Life).

Mind you, like one of the reviewers said, you will just be content with chucking Tin Cans at the Cops faces, and then pegging it when they set the Batons to stun
I just love talking about her all the time.....oooh my sweet love!!!

I dunno why....it came up in the speil I was writing.

A wife and child eh....you will have even less time to play HL2 than me!
johnstone said:
I just love talking about her all the time.....oooh my sweet love!!!

I dunno why....it came up in the speil I was writing.

A wife and child eh....you will have even less time to play HL2 than me!

haha my good lady wife is currently kept busy playing Zuma of all things (But I reckon I may need to buy another copy of HL2 once she sees me playing it!)
I daredn't show my wife Zuma. She was addicted to Bejewelled within about 5 minutes of playing. I had to uninstall it...
johnstone said:
I just love talking about her all the time.....oooh my sweet love!!!

I dunno why....it came up in the speil I was writing.

A wife and child eh....you will have even less time to play HL2 than me!

Tell me about it, she's only 6 weeks old and already OWNS me.
nagual678 said:
anything to back that up ?
Uhh, yeah. It's called Half-Life and all the friggin' MODs that are STILL being played six flippin' years later. :flame:
Its funny how girls get addicted to shitty games. I remember a girl from uni who failed her course cos she played Mahjongg all the time.

At least if one of us was to fail it cos we were playing the greatest game ever produced.

Also another game where you shot Baloons "Pong" I think had my sister hooked for months! Utter mince it was!

I got hooked on Championship Manager years ago.......but so has everyone!
johnstone said:
I just love talking about her all the time.....oooh my sweet love!!!

I dunno why....it came up in the speil I was writing.

A wife and child eh....you will have even less time to play HL2 than me!

Course Work
Going back home (My computers in my dorm)
Nights out

Crikey, I'll only have 1 hour each week to play the game, roll on christmas vacation! :thumbs:
Defiler said:
Uhh, yeah. It's called Half-Life and all the friggin' MODs that are STILL being played six flippin' years later. :flame:

we were talking about HL singleplayer.
and to have a "great" replay value, this means that it will be replayed more than just two times, and no one have really anything to back that up besides some reviews that give a personal and commercial viewpoint.
Reviewers have been averaging about 20 hours, but I believe that play length is deceptive because we're talking about skilled gamers working under the pressure of a deadline. I love exploring and seeing as much as I can the first time through, so I imagine I'll be able to easily stretch it into 30 hours or more.
nagual678 said:
we were talking about HL singleplayer.
and to have a "great" replay value, this means that it will be replayed more than just two times, and no one have really anything to back that up besides some reviews that give a personal and commercial viewpoint.
Sorry, for jumping the gun. :D

Hell, I played HL1 about 5 times. It's just a great game and I find new stuff everytime I play it again.
This site mentioned something about 12 chapters taking 3-4 hours to complete. Meaning a 36+ gaming experience.

I can't wait to make a speed guide and knock it down a fair portion.
Defiler said:
Sorry, for jumping the gun. :D

Hell, I played HL1 about 5 times. It's just a great game and I find new stuff everytime I play it again.

again, we are talking about HL2 SP.
i do not say that HL2 will not be good (or more). i am bemused that almost everyone is saying that it is going the best game ever made, and won't accept one bit of criticism against hl2, when basically no one knows very much about this game except for screenshots movies and commercial reviews.

basical fanboyism, i guess
czrsink said:
Wife and child mate, wife and child.

I just always find it amusing when people mention girlfriends in posts, I can't explain why.

hehe me too.

'I can't wait for HL2, it's going to own so hard. Anyways - off to see my girlfriend, laters'

It's up there with ppl who feel the need to mention getting stoned in multiplayer games'

'sod this, i'm going to skin up'
'I hear that'
'damn straight'

You can feel the angst coming through the monitor /o\'
Its funny how girls get addicted to shitty games. I remember a girl from uni who failed her course cos she played Mahjongg all the time.

Hahaha, my g/f got addicted to Dracula: The last sanctuary and played it for weeks. That is very true about girls getting addicted to shitty games.
Fanboyism yeah, but why not nagual?

The truth is, it will be the greatest game ever.

Not only is the single player the most immersive and exhilirating experience in gaming history, but also the REPLAY value will go on and on. I do count multiplayer and single-player expansions as replay value. You can be sure that the best modders, mappers and modellers in amateur game design will bend their mighty minds towards making some fantastic single-player and multiplayer experiences. The possibilities of a gravity gun and real physics are endless.

Also if you only count replay value as referring to the sole single-player element shipped with the game, then it certainly does have replay value. By just looking at the few videos that have been released, the maps ingame are expansive, beautiful and intricately detailed, and each time you play through the game it will undoubtedly be a unique experience. I don't think I could ever tire of something like the gravity gun.

Why do I believe it will be the greatest game ever?

It has been universally touted as such by magazines and reviewers that I trust.

The videos are evidence enough for me. 'Tenements' sent a chill down my spine, and I wasn't even playing it.

You are free to criticise, but don't expect not to receive a rebuke or counter-argument.

If you're going to be a fanboy it may as well be for the best game ever.
Johnstone, the description you gave about one of the character is a potential spoiler and should be removed IMO. :eek:
Hey I read it on these boards....I just thought it was common knowledge.....I mean she does look a bit shifty in the screen shots.. ;-)
thescotster19 said:
Fanboyism yeah, but why not nagual?

The truth is, it will be the greatest game ever.

Not only is the single player the most immersive and exhilirating experience in gaming history, but also the REPLAY value will go on and on. I do count multiplayer and single-player expansions as replay value. You can be sure that the best modders, mappers and modellers in amateur game design will bend their mighty minds towards making some fantastic single-player and multiplayer experiences. The possibilities of a gravity gun and real physics are endless.

Also if you only count replay value as referring to the sole single-player element shipped with the game, then it certainly does have replay value. By just looking at the few videos that have been released, the maps ingame are expansive, beautiful and intricately detailed, and each time you play through the game it will undoubtedly be a unique experience. I don't think I could ever tire of something like the gravity gun.

Why do I believe it will be the greatest game ever?

It has been universally touted as such by magazines and reviewers that I trust.

The videos are evidence enough for me. 'Tenements' sent a chill down my spine, and I wasn't even playing it.

You are free to criticise, but don't expect not to receive a rebuke or counter-argument.

If you're going to be a fanboy it may as well be for the best game ever.

as i implied, no one's opinion is worth a dime as no one played it directly, the only experience one has of HL2 is through someone else playing the game, be it a movie - of course they're showing the best part, or reviews.
and i still didn't criticize in ANY WAY HL2, i was just pointing out brainless fanboyism (not a redundancy) of people that media, rumors and chat have kept in perpetual excitement.

i agree with you for the most part.
Fair enough. I can't help being extremely excited though, those nasty media types have whipped me up into a frenzy.

I do think videos give a pretty good idea of how a game is though, you can tell a lot. You can also tell when a game is going to be bad, I often see videos that merely show a games intro, or FMV sequence and no in-game footage. A clear sign that the game isn't good enough to show.

HL2 vids are different, they are all actual in-game footage.
indeed, one can assume without doing any far guess that HL2 is going to kick major ass, but remember condition zero (and other games i can't recall right now). same context - media and community hyping up beyond belief the game, then the big deception. let's hope (and it's quite safe to factualize) that hl2 will live up its expectations