Half Life 2 Machinima (Red vs Blue type Movie)

just use random server, it's on at the moment, and i'll keep it up for as long as i can
It's happening right now people, you're in or you're out.
Yes pleez be in WE NEED MODELERS AND MAPPERS!!!!and voice ACTORZ
did i miss it i still dont kno wwhat ime it is
haw did it go if it did happen can i still act or voice act
i hav a funny voice
MarcoPollo said:
Yes pleez be in WE NEED MODELERS AND MAPPERS!!!!and voice ACTORZ
i could, but i don't have a microphone :(
sorry I missed it guys there was just no way I could have done it....it happened about 1 AM EST and I had to be up for work at 5 AM EST
Yeah, I wasn't able to be there... work and such. But I'm still up for voice acting.
by the way i found an amazing map we could use its rp_c17_028 it is a huge portion of city 17 in multiplayer it is used for role playing......it just would work so well police station, mayors office, hotel, cafe, gang hide out, tons of stuff......
yeah ive played on that its cool but it laggs loads
you need a premise first, and rvb didnt get off the ground from good story, but a witty and consistently funny script and good characters. the entire first season was a load of bs, but i still watch it. lets see a teaser or premise first, and i might help out.
I don't really want to be part of this as I don't go on these forums regularly enough and I'm not too keen on giving out my email but would it feature humans and combine, maybe a sort of 'community' atmosphere... but with RPGs instead of dinner parties.
Sorry to resruct this thread but...
As the project leader i need to say that i would love to hear from anybody remotly interested in the project. To give an idea, or to sign up just give us a yell.
[email protected]
I could do some voice acting.. I have a mic and lots of free time, and I have done much acting in the past, but not anytime this week for samples or anything because I have a cold... =D
no it didn't the writers haven't been able to be online at the same time yet. But as soon as we have a script, you guys will know.