Half-Life 2: Max Payne style


Jul 19, 2003
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  • sirdan3k_halflife.jpg
    42.7 KB · Views: 620
And the second pic:


  • sirdan3k-halflife2.jpg
    61.4 KB · Views: 587
lol..... i love max payne noir-style story telling
and its funny, too

the only time hl2 has as much style as max payne is in a fanbois wet dream.
Never played max payne so i didn't know exactly what style the story was in. Seeing this cracks me up though :) Especially the first one :D:D

I love max payne, very good game. :) Can't wait for MP2. :)
The only part of Max Payne I didn't like was the story telling style. The comic book layout was just so freaking lame. Maybe you guys disagree, but I really didn't like it.

HL2 will rock MP2
You can't compair HL2 to MP2, there two totally different styles, one is fps one is tps.
Love the pics..

Speaking of HL style, everytime I see something like a mechanical facility ie. water treatment centres etc. with colourful pipes and painted concrete walls I immediately think of HL... these games really get to you.

One time I actually saw a dumpster on the roof of a building and I suddenly had the impulse to use a grenade and drop it on someone. :dork:
Hope the level design on mp2 is better than the first. A 30 story office building and the only doors you can go through are the ones you need to to get to the end. I mean how much work would it have been to make 3 default empty rooms with or without bad guys in them and stick them behind some of the other doors? It happened on most of the other levels too. Just struck me as lazy on the level design that was all. Basically a good game though, pretty much impossible to compare to hl or hl2 though.
Originally posted by Styloid
Love the pics..

Speaking of HL style, everytime I see something like a mechanical facility ie. water treatment centres etc. with colourful pipes and painted concrete walls I immediately think of HL... these games really get to you.

One time I actually saw a dumpster on the roof of a building and I suddenly had the impulse to use a grenade and drop it on someone. :dork:

Yeah I get that too. Can't think of a good example but there were at least a dozen times that me and my brother were driving in the car and one of us would go: "Wow. That looks SO half-life!" when we pass some building, contruction site, industrial facility, shipyard, etc Most of the time's it's a concrete wall or something that looks normal to most people, but to us it seems as if it's straight from Black Mesa :)
i loved those onliners in max payne, it really got me into the game :p