Half-life 2 May Still Come To Ps2!



I found an artical in a new PS2 magizine:

"Clealy, we want a slice of the that action. And now Valve has let slip that HALF-LIFE 2 will probably come to PS2 in 2004. Chances are, it'll be PS2-ified by Gearbox (who converted the original HALF-LIFE to PS2 from PC) and hopefully much of its advanced technology will remain intact for the console version. See PS2 gets everything worth having in the end.

This artical came from the OFFICIAL PS2 MAGAZINE UK.

We PS2 owner my not get left out yet.
mrBadger said:

I'd take that with a bucketload of salt.

remember the ps2 could hardly run HL1
and in co-op (which was really cool.. except you had to be 2 chicks... which was really odd) it didnt have the processing power to draw the v_weps (really ticked me off)
and considering Hl2 is a shite site more technilogically evolved.... and the fact valve have stated bluntly "The Ps2 just doesnt have the processing power to run Hl2" I would guess your sources are grasping at imaginary straws.
Mr. Redundant, I felt I needed a hug so I clicked the link in your sig:(
*Fused cries*
Official PS2 mag were also pretty confident Halo would be going to PS2.
I highly doubt this... If it can run HL2, then so can my cellphone.
Well Maxikana let's not underestimate the PS2 graphical power.

It is comparable to my good ol' P2 200mhz.
yeah umm HL2 is never going to appear on the PS2.

besides even if it did it wouldnt be any good graphicly, and it would have to be simplified for PS2 controllers and the lack of a hard drive.
Sheesh give up. Aparently you have a computer. Use that to play HL2. You will NEVER see HL2 on the PS2. Ever.
This has been debated to death. Technically, Half-Life 2 could be done on the PS2, given the correct developer and the right production values to port it. Some things would need to be stretched, but the game over-all could be ported.

The pipeline of the PS2 is not entirely based on processor power. Honestly, processor power in game consoles do not mean "TOO" much. Ported games to the PS2 generally make the system look bad. Nobody is doubting that the PS2 is tough to develop on...nor is anyone doubting that ports suck on it in general. However, when you take a rather good developer, and give them time to essentially take a game and re-build it using advanced alg. properties on the PS2, you can pull some pretty nice things from the pipeline.

As for power, in REAL TIME specs, as of now the Gamecube is still the most powerful system[Rogue Leader 3 pulls the most polys and true formed effects...AND runs at 60 FPS...]

Could the X-Box be more powerful...sure it could. We have yet to see, a real world performance demo of something running better then Rogue Leader 3[off topic here so Im going to stop...look up the 22 page debate on this that we had on power of the 3 consoles...and why the PS2 is still quite a monster]

Beh there are many errors in my writing...I am going to take this time to go to sleep.

BTW--You most likely will never ever see HL2 on the PS2...but certainly you would on PS3.
I'd pity the ps2ers for not being able to play HL2...but I'll pity them even more for having a PS2. I never liked consoles...although now you can also use some of them as a DVD player which is nice.
the CPU power matters alot, it's what carries out all the logical functions (i.e physics, AI and game logic)...
well with all the advanced tech put into HL2.. its hard to see how PS2 will run it.. unless the game is scaled down..

anyway, just a tad off topic: i was at a friend's place yesterday and saw him playing GTA: VC and.. god.. immediatedly i thought "if console ports to pc look like this, then please, no more ports.. " seriously, VC did not look impressive to me.. and on that note, i don't see how HL2 could look impressive on any of the consoles in the market right now..
GameCube is the most powerfull system? More powerful than Xbox? If your right I say rock on. To bad GameCube has like.......what? 5 good games?
Why the Hell would you even hope for this...

No mods for one...
if halflife2 came onto the PS2.....it would be halflife 1 engine but halflife2 levels and guns and story..lol..sorry ps2 fans! xbox maybe....definitly the next next generation systems...like ps3 ...so u guys will get it eventually....
Play hL2 on ps2 is just like playing HL2 on a pc with DX6.0.
So... any news on a SNES port? I hope it makes use of the FX chip and mode 7 effects... :|
Non-Sequitur said:
So... any news on a SNES port? I hope it makes use of the FX chip and mode 7 effects... :|
Think it'll look any better than Star Fox?

Who the hell said the gamecube is the most powerful system? That seriously pisses me off, Xbox is far superior. Every game that has been ported for all three consoles (Xbox, PS2, Gamecube) runs better on Xbox, even with all the bells and whistles and STILL runs at a higher framerate than PS2 and GC. GC does not have the transform and lighting capabilities that the Xbox has, and who the hell would think of developing a next-gen console, without an internal hard drive or ethernet port? Come on, I still could ramble on, and not even mention Xbox-Live.
RFarmer said:
Who the hell said the gamecube is the most powerful system? That seriously pisses me off, Xbox is far superior. Every game that has been ported for all three consoles (Xbox, PS2, Gamecube) runs better on Xbox, even with all the bells and whistles and STILL runs at a higher framerate than PS2 and GC. GC does not have the transform and lighting capabilities that the Xbox has, and who the hell would think of developing a next-gen console, without an internal hard drive or ethernet port? Come on, I still could ramble on, and not even mention Xbox-Live.

Xbox whore.

:LOL: no but seriously i agree with you.


but seriously i want HL2 to be ported to PS2.

1. becuase those people would get a game thats about on par visualy with Doom 1
2. becuase it could never handle 1/4 of the calculations required.
3. becuase they would have to wait 2 years to get the bloody thing.
4. becuase theyre retarded enough to think that the PS2 will be somehow better than the PC version and wouldnt just buy the PC version.
5. they would NEVER get any mods for it
6. lets not go into console multiplayer, HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA AHA AHAA

*ends rant*
seriously though, why would anyone want to play HL2 on *ANY* console... it ruins any game except the ones designed for it imho.
save the cash you spend on the silly lil consoles (unless your buying them for your 9 year old kids.. they like them) and upgrade your comp.
I made the mistake of buying too many consoles.... and have come to the realization that no matter how spiffy they look, and how many cool games they promise.. they arent worth it.
and I have nearly every console under the sun... not a gamecube.. I wouldnt touch that with a 20 foot pole.
Mr. Redundant said:
seriously though, why would anyone want to play HL2 on *ANY* console... it ruins any game except the ones designed for it imho.
save the cash you spend on the silly lil consoles (unless your buying them for your 9 year old kids.. they like them) and upgrade your comp.
I made the mistake of buying too many consoles.... and have come to the realization that no matter how spiffy they look, and how many cool games they promise.. they arent worth it.
and I have nearly every console under the sun... not a gamecube.. I wouldnt touch that with a 20 foot pole.

Halo 2 and Fable made my mind for the Xbox...

The gamecube is like a kiddy console, maybe with the exception of Metroi and Rogue Sqadron...
Is hl2 coming to xbox or not? If so how long do you guys think it will take to port to xbox after the pc release?
I think that HL2 is *supposed* to be on XBOX. Hopefully, HL2 on the XBOX will turn out similar to the way Rainbow Six 3 did. If so, XBOX owners ought to be happy. I play Ravenshield on pc and when I tried RS3 on XBOX, I was impressed at how well it turned out. Multiplay was fun and exciting and very very intense. I would have to say the RS3 on the XBOX is one of the better tactical shooter I've ever played on a console.
yeah rs3 is pretty sweet. What hardware does the xbox use DX wise? Is it 7 8 8.1?
RandomPING said:
The Gamecube is not really a kids platform as much as just doesn't have as dark of games. There are some great games that arn't kid related, like Eternal Darkness was really good. Windwaker had a light hearted feel to it, but it wasn't a kids game. Animal Crossing seemed obnoxiously kiddy, but i could never have seen a kid play and enjoy it. Ikaruga was great too, thought it was originally on the dreamcast.

I mean, most of the people i know who really enjoy their gamecube are at least 20, everyone's little brothers or just family members i know that are young love their xbox and PS2 because they're "cool". It's often the 10-14 year old's that are considering the gamecube "kiddy" because it doesn't really try to be cool, it just pumps out inovative titles that try new things. I just think that too many people mistake the lighter feel of a game with that of a childs game, because there are so many titles on the cube that most kids wouldn't enjoy even though they look colorful and have interesting character designs.

Not that i'm a cube fanboy or anything, but my cube and PS2 and even original NES get most of my attention in the house. I take something new and colorful over yet another tactical first person shooter any day.

I felt the GC needed some defense here. :)
IT'S PROBABLY NOT COMING OUT FOR PS2, GET OVER IT....PS3, howevber is another thing.
Game cube a kiddy console? there all ****ing kiddy consoles.

maybe, just MAYBE the ps2 could run a toned down version of hl2's graphics, with its "uberreallycool algorithms" but there is no chance in hell that a 233 mhz cpu can compute everything necessary to run as complex and comprehensive of a physics engine as hl2's.