Half-Life 2 Movie - Coming Soon

Oct 7, 2003
Reaction score

This one isn't mine. I found it over another Forum posted by someone who search the web about it. It was made by Cadwalader

LOL Too bad it isn't real. There are many famous actors over there. Great Job Cadwalader :thumbs:
yikes, too many hollywood stars!

nice collage though.
That movie would pwn to the high heavens. The actors would be perfect.
Robert Patrick looks a bit young, and I just imagine Tom Cruise as Gordon and think "WTF?", but apart from that I reckon you've got a pretty good lineup there... though ol' Bill's rendition of his lines might make the movie twice as long as allowed for in the budget...
if they made a HL2 movie, i would want it to contain none of the origonal characters, but instead be based around the resistance in general. this would allow it to be acceptable to a broader audience, and also it would mean we didnt have to have tom cruise in an HEV suiT.
Or about random people in Black Mesa, ordinary people coping with a disaster of stellar proportions.

This is great - Jean Reno as Gregori :D

And as for Connery: "Ah, Doctor Freeman. I'd like to shay thish ish a pleashant shurprise, but it ish neither a shurprise or ash Im shure you'll agree, particularly pleashant."
OMFG... anyone else notice that Eli actually sounds exactly like Bill Cosby?
I'd still have to sponsor Charlie Sheen as Gordon. The resemblence is scary.
Direwolf said:
I'd still have to sponsor Charlie Sheen as Gordon. The resemblence is scary.

Haha, I can't believe I never noticed this... good thing he never talks too.
Tom Cruise as GF, give me a break! Terrible selection of actors.
lol, pretty good choices really.. better than some people's suggestions.

But lets face it, hardly any of them actors could be paid.. too many big stars, the budget would have to be incredibly large and no way anyone would invest that kind of money into a HL movie, not with the track record for films based on video games... Anyone remember street fighter? :p
I just have to show it for people who never saw it: :D

How's that for scary? (Its actually a real shot from The Arrival.)
But lets face it, hardly any of them actors could be paid.. too many big stars, the budget would have to be incredibly large

Ever saw True Romance? If not... have a look at the cast there :p it also cost just 12-13 Mio.

Apart from that... a HL Movie ... wouldn't work.
A HL2 movie would be good if done right. Charlie Sheen does look a heck of a lot like Gordon though. :laugh:

I'd be for a Combine/Resitance style movie with maybe one character from the game. Maybe a CGI movie made for just the HL audience.

As a general rule though:

video game to movie = terrible
satch919 said:
video game to movie = terrible

No, you also have the added element that 99% of computer game movies were done by shitty directors with no love of the original game.
Actually they are usually done by shitty directors who are complete fanboys, which is possibly even worse.
Hey, I've been looking for that image that you used for the background in your collage, so I could use it as a wallpaper, but i couldn't find an un-edited version of it. Could you send it to me? [email protected].
And as for Connery: "Ah, Doctor Freeman. I'd like to shay thish ish a pleashant shurprise, but it ish neither a shurprise or ash Im shure you'll agree, particularly pleashant."

haha i cracked up when i read that, it wuz just what i was thinking too.
Why not use Robert Guillaume as Eli, Vance... since he -is- Eli Vance. For that matter, get Robert Culp to play Dr. Breen, since he was Breen as well... or is everyone on this list too young to know who either actor is? And while I agree with anyone-but-cruise, Sheen would just ruin it with that trying-too-hard-too-be-cool-sotto he does. Heh, and Louis Gosset Jr. looks good in Alien make-up... "Enemy Mine"... so he could still play a Vortigaunt.

Also Connery always plays Connery,