Half-Life 2 - Not so good looking ?

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Someone said:
But then females have bigger brains and are smarter to begin with...at least that what my girlfriend tells me

Mine have said much the same thing, I think it's some kind of plot.
My geeky reply to your girlfriend:

Actually, anatomically speaking, men have larger brains than women do-- men's brains contain more grey matter. Wome's brains,however, have better connections between the hemispheres, and they therefore work more efficiently, and in a less-lopsided way than a man's. This upholds the stereotype, after all, I think. :E

Oh, and I like the 'natural' look of HL more than I do the look of FC or Doom. I must admit that the screens do look a bit dated, but still pretty good. (I still think MaxPayne II had really nice graphics..comparable to HL2 even).
Mistress - the first 3 hours of doom 3 are a hell of an experience - you'd be like "best game ever"

However, it's only after 4 hours you'll realize how repeatitive the whole game is...
One thing I dont understand is, is that people say HL2 now looks dated compared to D3 and Far Cry. But we knew and had seen pictures of these games when HL2 was announced, but back then, we said that it looked better than Far Cry and maybe doom 3. So no other games have really come along. Whats going on then?
lans said:
It's probably gonna be a "yet another FPS" graphically - we have YET to see the gameplay. ;)
ill bet my first born that the gameplay will even surpass the graphics...as hard as that may sound this IS half life we are talking about
we have yet to see gameplay? what...2 24 minute videos wasn't enough?
you can compare DOOM 3 and HL 2 in this way to see how good it is..

DOOM 3 videos: you watch the game feels like any other just looks nice.

hl 2. you are watching the videos and feels like you are playing the game. you are there.. the world feels more alive... things to do .... the best part of hl 2 is that when you watch the game in action it pulls you in reguardless..

doom 3 doesn't really do that after the first 15 mins of watch someone play..

yes you should buy d 3 for the graphics.. but its better to go play at a friends house if she or he has it... cause you may want your 60 bucks back. i kinda do but EB won't do that. bastards..

RELEASE THE GAME.. CS: S is bringing HL 2 down.
so.....ur for half life 2? I think so

ANYWAY...i think we have all underestimated hl2's graphics, even I. Just buzz around the tiny official half life 2 site (www.half-life2.com), and you will stumble over some very nice pics, like say whenever there is a quote, there's a pic behind it, for example http://www.half-life2.com/overview.html that pic is sweet.

the four here: http://www.half-life2.com/news.php

and then you have the other ones you see evryday here: http://www.half-life2.com/media.html

The only thing sucky about the site is that the news hasn't benn updated since may 18th 2004. pisses me off.

Valve Corporation said:
Graphics - Source’s shader-based renderer, like the one used at Pixar to create movies such as Toy Story® and Monster's, Inc.®, creates the most beautiful and realistic environments ever seen in a video game.

they can't lie.
ATI4EVER! said:
The only thing sucky about the site is that the news hasn't benn updated since may 18th 2004. pisses me off.

I saw that. "News will be posted and updated here."

I don't care though, they post it at the forums, and they're probably busy with HL2, and other games.
Do u think the old Ant lions looks better then the new ones? =\
I like the new detailed models but I also like the old orange color :\
ATI4EVER! said:
Graphics - Source’s shader-based renderer, like the one used at Pixar to create movies such as Toy Story® and Monster's, Inc.®, creates the most beautiful and realistic environments ever seen in a video game.

they can't lie.

Nearly all modern games uses shaders (including Far Cry, Stalker, Doom 3, and HL2).

I still think HL2 looks awesome. Not jaw dropping gorgeous, but way more than enough to get the job done.

Do u think the old Ant lions looks better then the new ones? =\

I would like to see multiple skinned Ant Lions. That would be awesome. If I had to choose between the 2, I would choose the new Ant Lions. They look better.
WTF?!! they changed the ant lion color!!!! such retards!!! the first oens lookes so much cooler!!! Yeah, I hope they have different ones.
i think there are gonna be various versions of the ant lions you know like different types and stuffs... hopefully..

you know what be cool to see? a HUUUGGE 150 storry 8 legged breading queen
Doom 3 looked gorgeous. Half Life 2's gameplay should more than make up for the lack of graphical finesse that some of you seem to be noticing.

It looks better than Far Cry (the way I had to run it... thanks for the nVidia bias, and the 1.2 patch, Crytek), and it's ATI-friendly. I'm more than happy.
well i think hl2 looks gorgeous in the e32004 video when gordons in the apartments. those textures just blow me away for some reason. valve seemed to pull off gritty urban environments very well. imo
valve seemed to pull off gritty,war-torn urban environments very well. imo

You should have seen the pre-retail DoD. Even now, there are still some official maps that make me go "WOW." It's still amazing what a 6 year old engine can do.
well no, i didn't say war-torn because the apartments were in one piece, they were just dirty and gritty. i didnt' see any large gaping holes because of battles that took place.
I know, lol. I added war-torn because I was referencing something else all together, hence, the italiacs. I don't know, it made me giggle.
I could actually eat the revolver in HL2 it looks so nice, i've not said that about a weapon in a game before......
Pablo said:
Not on the x800 card :p

Not on a 9800 Pro either... :D

Anyway, Doom 3 and Far Cry were just glorified tech demos ( I do like them both all the same) Half Life 2 will give us the real "Meat & Potatoes" and show em all what a GAME should play like!

Mark my words
Murray_H said:
I could actually eat the revolver in HL2 it looks so nice, i've not said that about a weapon in a game before......

I must agree that is one of the best gun models i have ever seen :E
TST_Devgru Seal said:
Indeed. That's what high-quality .bmps are for. They are friggen HUGE though.

Targa is a true image without any compression. And it would probably also be ~50MB a screenshot.

As already said Doom 3 only seems to be doing good metal. And i agree on that part. The models look unnatural and funny.

With Half-Life 2 the specs might not be as good, however the way they wanted the graphics is unique. It looks real even though the detail is nowhere near it.

And another thing with Doom 3 is that the announced features apparently only were for a shortterm comeback at Half-Life 2.

After Half-Life 2's announcement was made, they told us that they would have physics and per pixel hit detection.

Now have any of you seen any serious use of those 2 options in the game? I know that physics and be combined with per pixel hit detection to make the bodies blow around.

I believe i saw one use for it, which could've been done without physics. It was a crane picking up a barrel to clear a room of toxins.

After that i never saw a use for it again.

Now when we see Half-Life 2 those choices will be coming to you all the time. Like the rollermine movie of E32k4. First he could use physics to solve the problem, or just his weapons. Then he had to use physics to get his car back on track.

And then again he had some choices between firing and using physics, he used it for pushing his car over into enemies, and etc.

So bottomline, other than graphics then Doom 3's other features has no real use. And the graphics are hightech, but does not always look that good.
I just got DOOM 3 and, I like it! The graphics are awesome!! And the people don't look bad! Ofcourse Half Life 2 people will look better.
tang0 said:
Just looking at screenshots 1 year on after the delayed shipping date, they are no where near as impressive as to back then.
Mainly due to new games out such as farcry doom3 etc.

Do you think the same?

Same shit, different day. If you don't like it, don't buy it. Zzz....
Crusader said:
I disagree completely :P

I think it looks fantastically awesome, the only next-gen game to not look plasticy and fake. I guess you just have to be sophisticated to appreciate it, as Gabe hinted ;)

Thats how I feel.

Other games don't look "better" they just look different. HL2 looks way more realistic than Doom 3 or Farcry.

D3 has the plasticy shinny shinny everything look.

And Farcry has the extremely bright almost cartoonyish textures look.

HL2 just looks way closer to real life.
Play4Fun said:
In a way that this is a 5 years engine =\

that means nothing. doom3 is a 5 year old engine, carmack started work on it after quake3. but both engines are pretty scalable for the future.
Cybernoid said:
Same shit, different day. If you don't like it, don't buy it. Zzz....


U dont half take things from a different view

All im saying, is basically, the change in the way games look now, compared to a year ago, kind of doesnt make half-life2 look that awsome when we first saw it, even thought it looks very very good of course, but compared to when we saw first screenies, it looked mind blowing then.
Fender357 said:
Thats how I feel.

Other games don't look "better" they just look different. HL2 looks way more realistic than Doom 3 or Farcry.

D3 has the plasticy shinny shinny everything look.

And Farcry has the extremely bright almost cartoonyish textures look.

HL2 just looks way closer to real life.

Quoted for emphasis, because you hit it spot-on.

D3 did great at rendering a world where everything is made of metal.

Farcry did great at rendering a photogenic tropical island paradise.

Half-Life 2 is apparently doing great at rendering basic urban reality.

Just looking at my house now, I can say with certainty that HL2 looks far more like what I see. There's no bright primary colours, but there's also no flat-black shadows with bright reflections popping off of everything.

Doom 3 looks great, and it looks real. But it doesn't look like reality.
It's polished and stylized like a supermodel. It's more cinematic than realistic.
I think HL2 graphics are just meh now..same with there phyics.