Half Life 2 or a flying hampster

Is Half-Life 2 better than a Hamster with wings

  • Flying Hampster

    Votes: 57 52.8%
  • Half-life 2

    Votes: 51 47.2%

  • Total voters
There's a lot of money to be made with a flying hamster, or at least enough to buy HL2.
I would take the flying hamster, then teach it to fly downtown to steal HL2 copies for me :)
And of course, I have to name it Boo...
o definaty the flying hampster then i would use my flying hampster to steal me a copy of HL2. While in the confusion of seeing a flying hampster i really dout people will care what it is carrying in its mouth.(ok so id have to be a really big flying hampster to carry a HL2 box but still)mean while ill be sitting my car as the get away vehicle. Ill be unstoppable MUAHAHAHAHA.:laugh:

EDIT:Damnit i took to long to tyoe and someone stole my idea.ARGH
This is sad, who ever voted flying hampster should be beaten in a burlap bag.
This is the first versus poll where Half-Life 2 actually has a chance of losing!

I had a hamster once...and I gotta tell you hamsters are the most retarded and suicidal pet you can ever get, I think they're related to Lemmings:x now having a hamster with wings would make matters even worse..wouldn't be surprised if it headed straight for the sun or something similar stupid resulting in it's death. I'm not even sure if you can teach hamstersany trick(at least tricks not resulting in them killing themselves) in anycase it'll probably take much more than 2 months to train it...by then I'vealready bought my Halflife2

now...if it had been a winged mouse I'd might have gone for that one...mice are smarter and less suicidal.
now...if it had been a winged mouse I'd might have gone for that one...mice are smarter and less suicidal
No that would be bad, you couldnt train them to do stupid and suicidal stuff!
Something is puzzling me though. What kind of wings would a flying hamster have? Furry? Or batlike? Need to give it a red cape if its bat like.

And the hamster is in the lead! w00t!!!!
batlike because hampsters are related to bats :afro:

Or maby fury... oh well I'll just have to make a poll on that too :dozey:
of course, what else would you name it besides Boo?

(Baldur's Gate II fans will get this :cool: )
It could have furry flaps like flying squirrels, though they glide rather than actually fly.
and what does that have to do with the flying hamsters?

this thread is not comparing halflife 2 with other games, its comparing halflife 2 to a flying hamster.
Half-Life 2 is just a game, but a flying hamster has it a real life, it's a living thing, and you could have it steal a copy of Half-Life, so comparing each other is okay...
you know what u could do to test the physics of the flying hampster is let it fly around and swing at it w/ a baseball bat if u miss u will see how it reacts to the wind of the passing bat and if u connect to the poor furry thing well then depending on how hard u hit it u eighter have plying hampster soup or a really cool physics demo, as its body bounces of walls and the floor lifeless. Hmm i think thats called animal cruetly though so proceed w/ caution.:cheers:
Man, HL2 will beat any game except STALKER .

omg gorgon stop posting useless things in our serious threads jeese.I do believe there is a stalker vs HL2 thread somewhere Sheesh.Search it and it will come.
Flying or not, I'll still have to clean up after him, and make sure that my cat dont eat him.
HL2 > any kind of hampster( but the one who comes with hl2 included.)
nah i bet the blasted hampster that would come w/ HL2 would eat the cd, then all ud be getting would be the fat greedy hampster. Last time i checked u cant stick a hampster in a cd/dvd drive and get the same result of the HL2 CD.
id take HL2, and while you morons take months trying to mteach a hampster to steal a specific game for you, i will play, and enjoy, and laugh.
omfg your avator that little white danceing bubble is so funny it makes me cry ;( :cheese: I used to have one just like that

Can some of you even spell your own name? There is no P.
Hamster.Can some of you even spell your own name? There is no P.

well im glad to see ur first post a was a flame and dont hate on me b/c i cant spell my own name. I blame my parents.
id say they live for 1 week. At least thats how long i would be willing to up w/ it b4 i killed the thing anyways. Or wait i mean until it commits "suicide":cheese:
I'm pretty sure flying hamsters live for 12 years, or 1-2 months depending on their occupation; their missions vary; sometimes they will be taught to escort armadillos out of a person's lawn, in which case they use blue/dark camouflage, but at other times they like to pretend to be jamesham bondster and try their wings at ridiculously impossible spy ops
so thats what that flying thingy is. Well ill be damned. Imma go catch it, then eat it. YUMMY:eek:
Wow, people are idiots.

wow people are asses.

Im sorry we will try to keep the fun at a minimum for the duration of the wait for HL2.:|
i wonder if a flying hamster would be lured in by a bug zaper.

HMMM thatd be one huge BZZZZZZ ZAP.