Half-Life 2 - Pre-Load Date

Chris D

Staff member
Jul 1, 2003
Reaction score
Gabe Newell, CEO of Valve Software, has confirmed pre-load dates for the upcoming Counter-Strike: Source beta. Along with this he has also confirmed the date that Half-Life 2 will start pre-loading through Steam![br]
Here's the full post from Gabe:
Just got out of a review meeting. 8/11 the Cafe's turn on (tomorrow). 8/16 CZ/ATI users pre-load. 8/18 CZ/ATI turns on. 8/17 HL-2 pre-load starts (textures, audio and other stuff that doesn't change).
This is very exciting news, not only are most of us merely a week away from playing Counter-Strike: Source, but we're also a very short time away from Half-Life 2 actually shipping if Gabe's statement about the Half-Life 2 pre-load is true.[br]
You can catch all of the original news and forum postings at HL2Fallout and this forum thread.
Woo hoo!


*but I'm taking the house and car if this thing gets delayed*
And it's already on the news page.. damn you are fast, Chris_D. :D
Chris_d is thee Haxors! :cheese:

Great news though!! Closer and Closer!
Zerox said:
And it's already on the news page.. damn you are fast, Chris_D. :D
Heh, yesterdays news post was rather amusing. I received the press release at 00:55 and I posted the news (by my clock) at 00:56 :p

If we're not the first source of news, we'll be damn near second ;)
Ace like my face!

Whilst the date for the CS:S preload is great, the date for a HL2 (OMG) preload is even awesomererererer

I think that might be a new speed record for time from new information arriving here until its posted on the front page. :O

Nice work Chris_D and thank you Gabe! :thumbs:

EDIT: Heh, this thread is moving so fast I can't keep up with it.

only 2 days preloading, cut it down quite a bit from the original 5 days.

hl2 is probably still quite a way away, because he said only the things that wont change such as textures, audio etc will be preloaded. they may still have quite a lot to fix after bugs start pouring in from the cs:s beta. even then it still has to go gold and still has to be published. even if the game is ready in a week or two, i doubt they will let people play it by downloading it from steam if its not released in stores at the time.
Best news EVAH! :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
kevinb456 said:

only 2 days preloading, cut it down quite a bit from the original 5 days.

hl2 is probably still quite a way away, because he said only the things that wont change such as textures, audio etc will be preloaded. they may still have quite a lot to fix after bugs start pouring in from the cs:s beta. even then it still has to go gold and still has to be published. even if the game is ready in a week or two, i doubt they will let people play it by downloading it from steam if its not released in stores at the time.
You're quite right, it's irrelevant when the pre-load is, it will still have to wait until it's on store shelves before anyone is playing it on Steam./
Chris_D said:
You're quite right, it's irrelevant when the pre-load is, it will still have to wait until it's on store shelves before anyone is playing it on Steam./
If you won't be using the space on your hard drive anyway then it might be more convenient to get it since it will reduce download times once the game is fully released.
/me dies of heart attack

/me gets up again and screams : HL2
Ed turns his paper over, writes "I LOVE HL2" three hundred times, then does a funny little dance before fainting.

My Dad's getting (re)married August 14th (and I still see that more as "day after Doom III UK release" then "Dad's wedding") and I'm going to visit him in Spain from 24th-31st. After I return, who knows...

Go on Lennie! Dance! *kicks his avatar robot*
Woo. I can't bloody wait.
I was right about the date for CZ owners too. Weird...

Anyway, I hope they encrypt all those textures and sounds and stuff. Don't want any spoilers after all!
JimmehH said:
Woo. I can't bloody wait.
I was right about the date for CZ owners too. Weird...

Anyway, I hope they encrypt all those textures and sounds and stuff. Don't want any spoilers after all!
They will definitely encrypt everything.
AcousticToad said:

Pass me a towel please...

Great news.

*thehunter1320 passes AcousticToad a towel

avoid that part of the towel there... unless you enjoy swapping splooge :naughty:
Prediction (ironic):

HL2 Steam Release date: September 30th, 2004.

Retail Release Date: Within 1st 2 weeks of October.

They will have around 100,000 (or more) players testing CS:S BETA & the Source engine, finding many minor/major bugs. It will take Valve approx 3 to 4 weeks to squash these. MUCH quicker method than paying people to test their game, and much more productive.

Tho, I feel sorry for Valve's programmers...they must be working some major overtime! :borg:
That is awesome news.

And does that mean if I haven't bought Doom III, I should wait for Half-Life 2?
I could do that.
Omg, this news just made me cream. Half Life 2 is on its way, hopefully it comes with tissues, cause dayum my wang is happy.
Tredoslop said:
That is awesome news.

And does that mean if I haven't bought Doom III, I should wait for Half-Life 2?
I could do that.
HL2 probably won't be out for another month at the least. So if your willing to wait that long then go ahead. :)
so basically theyre saying its still not finished :( this news disappoints me :(
ukfluke said:
so basically theyre saying its still not finished :( this news disappoints me :(

Make that glass half full :D

They could be saying it is very close done and they are just waiting on a couple things (testing of Source through CS:S...testing of Steam under massive load).

Can;t see them released ANYTHING unless they were somewhat close. Evetually hackers will get into those files and release spoilers all over the place. I doubt Valve wants that to happen...so my guess is the game has to be somewhat close if they are willing to start pre-loading it.
The game itself is done, they have just been killing bugs thats all. What will probably take the most time from now until release will be Valve dealing with Vivendi and killing the few last bugs they can find.
Tredoslop said:
That is awesome news.

And does that mean if I haven't bought Doom III, I should wait for Half-Life 2?
I could do that.

don't buy Doom 3. It's ok, but not worth the money. I'm quite sore that I shelled out for Doom 3 'cos I knew HL2 would be arriving at some undefined time afterwards. D3 really offers nothing but a very linear, sort of pretty ( If you can afford it - (I don't have £300 for a new video card to complement my £27 game))and (admittedly) scary 3 day gaming experience. As far as I can tell it's just an advert for other developers demonstrating the fairly unexciting improvements to their engine.
For the record, I didn't hate their game - thought it was reasonably executed and mostly stayed true to the spirit of the original games but certain things were so stupid they pretty much ruined it for me.

my tuppence.

oh, and multi (4???) player is cack as well - ground control 1 gets more airtime in my house.
yeah dont buy d3 i just finished it about 30 minutes ago...boring as hell! glad i downloaded and didnt buy it :)
come on do you all seriously think those release dates, ESPECIALLY the HL2 one will hold up?
i'm just thinking what this means -

if cs:s beta can be rolled out in as little time as it appears it can then the hl2 preload (obviously to a much wider audience) is surely a good sign that we can expect things real soon.

I'm incredibly excited by this news cheers chris_d
i can't sleep tonight. i logged on and read that. i've read it twice now.

please excuse me while i fall off my chair into a coma.
So if the hl2 preload is 8/17 then when could we expect to be playing hl2? beggining of sept?????