Half-Life 2 Pre-Loading Phase 6

god damn it, finishes preloading this phase at 2am this morning...and was on these forums. Now im in college, and tey have changed the content filter....so im back on here again at 935am LOL!!

got a 5.3GB steam apps folder now or something.....
DavE0r said:
god damn it, finishes preloading this phase at 2am this morning...and was on these forums. Now im in college, and tey have changed the content filter....so im back on here again at 935am LOL!!

got a 5.3GB steam apps folder now or something.....
Mine's something like 10 GB
mbrithoms said:
apparently this is the last preload, so maybe if we wish upon a headcrab we will see it nov 1st, now we have maps means the RC was accepted as maps are the last thing to preload we even have server dll's etc etc. this is it ladies and gents
There's no way this is the last pre-load. We don't have to core game files yet, such as the dll files.
It's unlikely that they will be pre-loaded at all, IMO.
just because they're preloading the maps doesn't mean they're bug free. one advantage of steam is, that they can release patches everytime they want. they could let steam clients download tiny bits of code and replace it witht he existing one on your hd, theoretically.
Full version of Counter-Strike, this is the full version, same bugs as the beta, only 2 sets of player models.

lol okay then.
bassport said:
just because they're preloading the maps doesn't mean they're bug free. one advantage of steam is, that they can release patches everytime they want. they could let steam clients download tiny bits of code and replace it witht he existing one on your hd, theoretically.
It does: why waste time and bandwidth pre-loading maps that you know need an update?

How would the maps be updated without breaking any savegames on them anyway?
HL2 - release date.. January 2005....

Oh and I paid for it last week thro steam... MUG < me

haha.. only kidding, it will be here soon enough.. all the preloading is a good sign, as much as I'm hoping it gets released before 23rd I would say it sounds likely.. so much for the f****** summer/Autumn release!
I guess there are two more preloads, 1 with system files .exe and .dll`s think it would be the last one and possible next one would be a big one (secret multiplayer or AI), dont really know but i guess.. So yeh they could releaset sometime next month...
It always says it's complete after a pre-load.

And Chris - hows your HL2 folder 10 gig!?
Chris_D said:
There's no way this is the last pre-load. We don't have to core game files yet, such as the dll files.

The DLLs are in the Half Life 2 base content .gcf. Client.dll an Server.dll to be exact.

I think we have just about all the game, including the Source engine files! Use GCFscape and look in Source Base Content and HL2 Base content. I hope these files are well encrypted...
Chris_D said:
There's no way this is the last pre-load. We don't have to core game files yet, such as the dll files.

Actually, yes we do. Half-Life 2 Base Content.gcf

hl2/bin/client.dll: 2.98 MB
hl2/bin/server.dll: 5.77 MB

It looks complete to me, and I've been fairly thorough in checking the GCF contents.
DuB said:
It always says it's complete after a pre-load.

And Chris - hows your HL2 folder 10 gig!?

Mines only close to 7... but I have decrypted CS:S, HL, CZ, CZ:DS, HL:OP, so i guess there's my missing 3 Gb

/me prays manchld does get banned.

It's people like manchld that delayed this game a year more than it had to be. And no, you don't want to see it [decryption of HL2] happen. That's just dumb, and you can't possibly imagine how frustrated the people that regular this website would be if some fool noobmonkey decided to decrypt HL2. Gabe would get the violins out again and go on a manhunt for the guy, not just a manhunt.. one of those old fashioned fire and pitch-fork kind of manhunts. The kind where they string the guy up by the scrotum and let him hang there until he either falls to his death or one of us cuts him down to let him fall to his death.
So what was in the preload 6? Cuz I can't tell if mine ever happened, I restarted my client but it still says HL2 preload complete...I never actually saw it do a phase 6..Any help?
It better have, otherwise I'm gonna take my frustration out on the first little girl i see.
I've this problem that "Continue" button simply does not work grr...

restarting rebooting reclicking doesn't help at all. Progress stopped at 69% and I can't make it continue downloading
craw.bar said:
I've this problem that "Continue" button simply does not work grr...

restarting rebooting reclicking doesn't help at all. Progress stopped at 69% and I can't make it continue downloading
It means the Steam content servers are loaded and they're waiting until they're available again to carry on releasing the update.
Chris_D said:
It means the Steam content servers are loaded and they're waiting until they're available again to carry on releasing the update.
It means you've got to delete the counter-strike sourc cache.