Half-Life 2 Pre-Purchase Now Open!



Restart Steam and you get a nice popup with the option to pre-purchase HL2!
Gold Package purchased.
Price 89.95
Tax 0
S&H 9.95

Total 99.90

Being one of the first (if not THE first)...priceless
Purchased the Silver Package, STEAM is taking forever to push my transaction through though!
Can anyone do a screenshot of the popup for those of us at work that need to wait until we get home to do this. Thanks in advanced!!!
does anyone wanna buy me a silver package? I have to head to class soon
Anyone know if I can upgrade to gold if i buy silver now?
Now I just need to wait 7 minutes for CS Source to update...
My order just went through!

"Steam unlocking game files"

Best day ever!

so right what do i do its says i have to wait does this mean i ahve to keep steam open or restart it or what ?

Subscription pending =/ how long am i going to ahve to wait =/
Can't access Storefront?

Gold: steam://purchase/13
Silver: steam://purchase/10
Bronze: steam://purchase/9
I restarted Steam (cause I'm at work and can't actually play over the Remote Desktop), and it started unlocking files and downloading DoD:Source. So try restarting if you are having trouble getting into CS:Source.
I dont quite understand, i got to the end of the purchase, and it said after a long pause it was unable to complete my transaction, but yet i clicked on CS : Source anyway and its unlocking?!!!!!
*tear* It's times like these that I feel really close to my Visa. Now, just imagine the folks at Valve..sitting back..watching the money just poor in.
beardless2 said:
I dont quite understand, i got to the end of the purchase, and it said after a long pause it was unable to complete my transaction, but yet i clicked on CS : Source anyway and its unlocking?!!!!!

i don't understand it either..
does that message mean the trans-action is waiting to be approved?
or do i need to start over again? argh.. :hmph:
beardless2 said:
I dont quite understand, i got to the end of the purchase, and it said after a long pause it was unable to complete my transaction, but yet i clicked on CS : Source anyway and its unlocking?!!!!!

If you'd bothered to read the full message before you spat your crisps and coke over your screen, stabbing the mouse button on next, you'd have read that steam allows you to play anyway until the results of your transaction have been sent to you.
us brits

$10.49 TAx for the Silver version - that'll teach us :(

Parrot of doom said:
If you'd bothered to read the full message before you spat your crisps and coke over your screen, stabbing the mouse button on next, you'd have read that steam allows you to play anyway until the results of your transaction have been sent to you.
Love it. :thumbs:
i wanted to get hl2 at retail so i could have the box and manual etc....but just sitting here looking at those purchase buttons and the fact that i know i could have it on my machine as well as being able to play cs source...its all very tempting
Parrot of doom said:
If you'd bothered to read the full message before you spat your crisps and coke over your screen, stabbing the mouse button on next, you'd have read that steam allows you to play anyway until the results of your transaction have been sent to you.

no need to cry mate
I can not believe that I just purchased a game for 151 dollars canadian. if my dad finds out, he is gonna start charging me rent or something so that I am not irresponsible, but it is worth it!
Woah, HL2 is now the ONLY way to buy any of the older games through Steam!

This had better be temporary...
That's odd..I purchased Gold and it worked fine...now if I open the games browser again it says "Purchase This Package" as if I didn't...oh well..bugs are silly sometimes.
For those of you who were waiting for servers, there are now servers showing up for CS:S.
Silic0nJ3sus said:
That's odd..I purchased Gold and it worked fine...now if I open the games browser again it says "Purchase This Package" as if I didn't...oh well..bugs are silly sometimes.
Hey, as long as you can play...
Just bought the Silver Pack w00000t :D
BEST DAY EVER !!!!!11111oneoneone
Damn, i cant buy it. When I click purchase nothing happenes. I dont think its avalible yet where I am but it should be seeing as its 3:15pm
I'm not going to buy until HL2 has a street date....That way, all the nice Steam bugs will be ironed out and I'll be sure Vivendi isn't going to do some evil Kaibosh on Valve.
since i have the backlog already, does that mean i get a price break on the silver package?