Half-Life 2 Products (Photoshop)




Start Making them Folks!
what does that shampoo smells like ? does it smell like Alien blood ?
I think he wants to start a photoshop contest, where we all modify various products and make them somehow relate to HL2...but who knows what he really means :p
strider... did you add the cloak in there because it doesn't look like it fits with other text
Create Half-Life, half-life 2 Everyday consumer products. Example: Gordon's Grand Slam Cereal. Etc... etc..
I think he means "find the products that have half-life 2 references"
Some supervisors of marketing caught wind of Gordon Freeman's expert use of one of their craftsman tools in hl1 (the crowbar), so they decided to release an entire "Freeman" line, set to come out this fall.




Pendragon said:
That last one is the most transparently done, nice work Tim!

oh... i thought there was a brand called freeman in the USA... LOL

like my electronics teachers last name is freeman, and he acts kindof geeky... plus he has the sam style hair... if he wore glasses and had a little goatie, he WOULD be gordon freeman :D
All the regulars should at least attempt to make something ;).
sry for the nooby question... but how do i get to post an image right into the thread ( so its visible in the box ) ? :)
You have to get some free image hosting, then use the img tags. I don't know of any right off the bat, but i've seen a few mentioned lately.
Haha, that's pretty funny man. I feel sorry for the poor sap who accidently eats the prize :D.