Half-Life 2 reached alpha milestone in March!


May 22, 2003
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gamespot said:
But we know from the case of the first Half-Life that anything is possible and that we should expect only the unexpected. At any rate, the situation now is as follows: In March of this year, Half-Life 2 finally went alpha, which means that the game is feature-complete and now undergoing extensive testing. It's currently slated for tentative release this summer, but understandably, there isn't a more-specific date to look forward to. At Vivendi's preshow event, a Valve representative candidly admitted that the source code theft last year contributed to the game's lateness, but now the team is back pushing full steam ahead, revitalized by the alpha milestone, and is excited to be able to play through the game from start to finish. Now the team can concentrate on giving Half-Life 2 that all-important layer of polish it's going to need to make a strong impression, according to Valve anyway.

Just saw that one Gamespot's preview.

Im not a game design expert, but I always thought that an "alpha" version meant it was a version that was playable, all the major features were implemented, and you could play a few levels to show all of it off.

If that is the case then wouldn't the E3 demo shown last year be an alpha? wouldn't the leaked version also count as an alpha?

I think they meant HL2 reached some sort of beta stage in March.
The alpha/beta incident has been discussed quite formidably in the past.
Well apparently, according to the infor Alpha stage means everything is done, they just need to tweak it with regards to things like textures. I guess beta testing is where it is all finnished and they are checking for bugs.

Of course, its all a matter of opinion....They may be a definition of Alpha and Beta testing but i havn't seen one.
Every developer has a different definition of Alpha.

Valve's seems to mean you can play through it. Beta would be 'final content and lots of bugs' and master would be 'finished'.
From experience Alpha usualy means the game is basicly done, all that needs done is place holders need to be changed for the real versions of models/buildings/sounds and some balance/clipping problems need to be rectified.
I guess I was going by the "doomIII alpha" that was leaked. I was just looking at some of the definitions for "alpha version" and like Farrow said, it looks like the general idea is that the game for the most part done.

I guess the doomIII alpha should be renamed.
We are just debating semantics at this point. The important thing is that we will be playing HALFLIFE 2 this summer.
The Mullinator said:
I guess I was going by the "doomIII alpha" that was leaked. I was just looking at some of the definitions for "alpha version" and like Farrow said, it looks like the general idea is that the game for the most part done.

I guess the doomIII alpha should be renamed.

Exactly. The Doom III leak was just three levels put together for the express purpose of showing off at E3 2002. It wasn't close to finished or feature-complete. And neither was the leaked build of HL2. They weren't betas, neither were they alphas; they were leaks, plain and simple. Anyone who has played either of them will attest to that, I'm sure.
Any news is good news! Anyone know how long it took the original to go from Alpha to release?
gunstarhero said:
We are just debating semantics at this point. The important thing is that we will be playing HALFLIFE 2 this summer.

you hope.....
In the Gamespy video interview, Doug says that the game is currently (that means March) in alpha stage, you can play through the whole game. He said they expected to hit beta around E3.
Xtasy0 said:
you hope.....

no i don't hope! I pray.

and yeah the Doom 3 leak was not alpha or beta it was crap. Never downloaded the Halflife 2 one though didn't want to ruin it :hmph:
Xtasy0 said:
you hope.....

So you're one of those who updated their systems in September because Gabe said "0MG EVERYONE HL2 WILL PLAY BTTtEr 0n RAdeOn cARds. NViidiA sckuks S0 bUY a raDEon card"
Seppo said:
So you're one of those who updated their systems in September because Gabe said "0MG EVERYONE HL2 WILL PLAY BTTtEr 0n RAdeOn cARds. NViidiA sckuks S0 bUY a raDEon card"

nope, updated before september, update had nothing to do with hl2. i just couldnt stand playing games on a geforce4mx any longer.

my GF3 ti200 has been fine, even runs far cry well. Of course now that radion 9800 pros are down to 150 ill get one for HL2.
From experience Alpha usualy means the game is basicly done, all that needs done is place holders need to be changed for the real versions of models/buildings/sounds and some balance/clipping problems need to be rectified.
WTF? You are just pulling this out of your ass, laddie. Please don't say 'from experience' if you don't have any...
UKchaos said:

my GF3 ti200 has been fine, even runs far cry well. Of course now that radion 9800 pros are down to 150 ill get one for HL2.

What?! Radeon 9800Pro for 150? Are you talking about US or UK currency? Because $150 would be super
Seppo said:
What?! Radeon 9800Pro for 150? Are you talking about US or UK currency? Because $150 would be super

well 9800 pro is about £150 now anyway :p

but for £50 ish more I'll be more than happy with my 6800GT!
From my 'experience' (following game/software developement, which are different), I always interpreted Alpha to be the stage where the essentials are complete, and then major bug testing is done. Beta is when everything is in, and playtesting is done.
Like I say, all companies have different interpretations of Alpha, but I don't think any interpret it as...

'the game is basicly done, all that needs done is place holders need to be changed for the real versions of models/buildings/sounds and some balance/clipping problems need to be rectified'

that sounds like '3 weeks from master', not 'Alpha'.
Seppo said:
So you're one of those who updated their systems in September because Gabe said "0MG EVERYONE HL2 WILL PLAY BTTtEr 0n RAdeOn cARds. NViidiA sckuks S0 bUY a raDEon card"

Hrmmm I don't think he said that at all, hes just looking at what happened on Sept 30 I'd imagine.
why do people care so much? its only a 8-10 month delay.

jesus MANY games are delayed that much(includin' hl1). Why such a big cry fest and "OMG VALVE CONSPIRACY" fest over this game?
this has been known since the new screenshots imo..