Half-Life 2 Release in April


Dec 6, 2003
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"...HMV in the UK is stating a release of 2nd April 2004, this is also the date Amazon are predicting. EBgames are saying 31st March, which happens to be a Wednesday, so I’m guessing the 2nd to be the better bet. Valve have set no official release date and the fact that both release dates straddle April Fools Day mean it's difficult to place any confidence in these release dates but we're hoping they are true and we only have a few more months to wait."
And so on and so on...

Same value as all the other release dates flying around.

I'm personally hoping for February.
aprils fool day, scares me, what if they say, it was all a joke , Sucker w3 4r3 TeH 31373!1111
April at the earliest. Think about it, there going to want at least three months of magazine advertizing and time to release more screenshots and allow magazines to make huge previews before they release the game, to build up the hype again. Have they even started that yet. No. The only ads so far are from Ati and Falcon Northwest and we only every get a new screenshot every two weeks or so.
yeah i was all excited when i heard the SDK release is "soon." but eh i'm still not getting my hopes up. until i see it available for download, i'm not getting my hopes up. sorry to sound pessimistic, but eh *crosses fingers* seems like an es dee kay release "within the next few weeks" is right in line with a late march/early april game release. i suppose.
The new issues of PC Gamer should be out soon right?? (US version) We shall scour it for ads!!
2 April is a good day.

Falls on a Friday. Most games in the UK tend to be released either Thursday or Friday.

Again... don't get your hopes up.
I'm still saying September 30th 2004. One year late just like Half-Life 1. Those February people are kidding themselves. It's not going to happen. But then at least we're going to get one hell of a game for the wait.
I still say April 9th.. its a day after my birthday so messes that up, and sods law says thats what'll happen :E
I just presume it's April, thats the month alot of stores have been pointing at scince Sept 30th.

Of course I hope it goes Gold tomorrow ;)
February isn't beyond speculation... say the SDK is released in 3 weeks... that's the very beginning of February...

I've always just assumed April, though...

Hey, isn't DOOM III expected at about that exact same time?! Oh well... I guess that'll have to wait... HL2 is cheaper, so I'll get it first. (recent ads have DOOM III set at a $55-$60 price!)
exNihilo said:
April at the earliest. Think about it, there going to want at least three months of magazine advertizing and time to release more screenshots and allow magazines to make huge previews before they release the game, to build up the hype again. Have they even started that yet. No. The only ads so far are from Ati and Falcon Northwest and we only every get a new screenshot every two weeks or so.

Dude, only an email that stated that the SDK would be released not too far in the future was enough to wake up the entire community. All they need to do is an interview or two in a mag, couple of ad's release the remaining binks and they're done.
I think they will release it in April shortly after they announce (on April 1st) that they have started writing a new engine for HL2 from scratch because of legal trouble related to the Source source code leak. At least, that's what I would do if I were a developer and my game was expected to have an April release date... and I wouldn't send out a press release saying that it was a joke until a few days (maybe a week) after the copies were on store shelves.

Imagine that you're walking through your local Gamestop/Best Buy/Wal-Mart and you see Half-Life 2 sitting on the shelf... then, you think "They're putting out the preview boxes a little early aren't they?" and you go home, depressed. A week later Gabe says "Oh yeah, ummm... we were joking about that whole starting over thing. HL2 has been on sale for over a week." You drive 30 mph (or 48 km/h) over the speed limit to the store, get stopped for speeding, and get a $100 fine. Then, when you reach the store you see someone pick up the last copy... and now you're $100 poorer and you (assuming that most of you guys still live at home, which seems like a valid assumption) get grounded for a month (so you can't play HL2 even if you get your hands on a copy). Then you imagine Gabe sitting at home eating, playing HL2, and thinking to himself "I kill myself!"... and you think "kill myself?" that's not a bad idea...
i remember when we gabbed about whether they should do Tv ads or not, lol.

I also just assumed April, because it was the latest month i heard speculated before sept 30th came.

I think Feb. came from people becoming optimistic, because its not "too soon" and the SDK talk inferred (how corectly is debateable, in terms of) Half-life2 coming soon after.

I don't think because the SDK comes out that its necesarrily really close, but that does seem to suggest the coding is pretty well tied up doesn't it? Probably not : ) .

with all the gossip and speculation, pessimissism won't let you down ;)
Orange said:
with all the gossip and speculation, pessimissism won't let you down ;)
Something... isn't right... about what you just said there... :LOL:
I also heard it was supposed to be released on September 30, 2003. Point being, take everything you hear with a grain of salt, even if it comes from Valve.
THe hype is already growing. If you notice, the forums had something lk 40-50 people in one moment every GMT afternoon. I come here now and there are 80-100 people
I see the sdk comingo ut within the next 2-3 weeks and the game about a month after that
I see the SDK in Feb, and HL2 in April. Makes sense in some way that I can not explain. :p
Heres for an April 21st release, new PC for my birthday and HL2 would be awesome! :D
Yea i doubt it'll be the last half of 2004. If anyone saw the beta (which you shouldn't have) they had all the engine built and a lot of the levels laid out, so it was only a matter of tweeking the engine and desiging the levels. The story was alreaty laid out too (according to an interview) prior to then even getting deep into designing the engine.

It's been about 5 months since Sept 30th, and with a huge team working their asses off on it, even with the need to rewrite, or just restructure a little bit of the source i'm sure they're comming pretty close to being done.
Last time VALVE themselves gave us a release date... and look what happened. What these retailers are putting out there are best guesses as well. It's all for naught.
Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines is scheduled to come out in June or July. I'm sure Valve would want to get HL2 out before their game and I'm sure Troika & Activision don't want to wait to long to release Vamp because Valve is taking to long.
I'm not sure why everyone thinks April 2004 is such a magical date. There's absolutely nothing that reaffirms my confidence that HL2 will be released anytime soon. If it gets delayed until 2005 I would not be one bit surprised. Disgusted. Angry. But not surprised.
jet jaguar said:
I'm not sure why everyone thinks April 2004 is such a magical date. There's absolutely nothing that reaffirms my confidence that HL2 will be released anytime soon. If it gets delayed until 2005 I would not be one bit surprised. Disgusted. Angry. But not surprised.
That's pretty weird. Maybe you should get that checked out...
I would be surprised if it wasn't release this year... and well before the end of the summer.
I'm hopin for a march release every game i can think of that released a sdk the game followed 3-4 weeks behind.