Half-Life 2 Release Pushed Back

Originally posted by roxXx
gggrr i buyt a whole new pc, and i was a 30 sep believer, but now **** valve realy i dont need hl2 anymore there are lots off other better games! **** VALVE!

lol... please, you must be dumb or something, why complain about the release just cause u bought a new PC, do you think it was a waste of cash or what? the game will still come, and you'll have your PC when it comes, and who the hell could belive that they would squeeze the game to gold and send it out to stores all around the world in 6 days before 30th sept? you got to be joking.
Doug Lombardi:
We will release that information as soon as we have confirmed a new date.

He can release as much information he want. His words mean absolutly NOTHING anymore. I have NO confidence in what he, or anyone on Valve says anymore.
Originally posted by FOe
Doug Lombardi:

He can release as much information he want. His words mean absolutly NOTHING anymore. I have NO confidence in what he, or anyone on Valve says anymore.

Ok, yet VALVe obviously knows 100 times more than you, but ok.
Hah, I'm on crack. Didn't read it properly. :)

Well boo hoo. It's not that bad. More time to jerk off.
So much whine for so little... *sigh* the world doesnt end cause of a game delay, dont take me wrong now, i do want HL2 to come out and i cant wait to play it, but come on, the game will come, sooner or later, we couldnt really expect them to announce that the game would go gold less than a week before their release date. So to all those 10 year old fanatics and whiners out there, calm down, stfu and wait as we all do.

And since the game is as good as done, i dont think we will have to wait that long until they release it :smoking:
nooo.. so EB was right? isnt that one of the signs of the apocolypse? :(
Well, that kinda sucks. But, I was hoping it would be delayed, so I can finish my computer before it's release. Oh, well...Maybe we will get the benchmark and SDK early now. :)
"h00ray! I just wasted loads of money on over priced equipment that I don't really need and will be much cheaper when HL2 finally gets released."

But seriously.. I'm not surprised at all, I kind of thought 30sep was too good to be true. :dozey:
Originally posted by CyberDOG
So much whine for so little... *sigh* the world doesnt end cause of a game delay, dont take me wrong now, i do want HL2 to come out and i cant wait to play it, but come on, the game will come, sooner or later, we couldnt really expect them to announce that the game would go gold less than a week before their release date. So to all those 10 year old fanatics and whiners out there, calm down, stfu and wait as we all do.

And since the game is as good as done, i dont think we will have to wait that long until they release it :smoking:

See i don't think its Valve delaying it (and how obvious it was to me anyways) but I believe that Valve must be more open with its core customers, Telling no one about anything and swearing everyone else to secrecy is the wrong way to do business and will lead to people getting upset. I know that Valve need to keep some things under raps to protect there product but they (Valve) must have known for a while now that the game had NO CHANCE of coming out 30th September.

Come on Valve a little give and take will keep the masses happy no matter when the game is out. Just don't have a release date, that would have been better.
Originally posted by CyberDOG
So much whine for so little... *sigh* the world doesnt end cause of a game delay, dont take me wrong now, i do want HL2 to come out and i cant wait to play it, but come on, the game will come, sooner or later, we couldnt really expect them to announce that the game would go gold less than a week before their release date. So to all those 10 year old fanatics and whiners out there, calm down, stfu and wait as we all do.

And since the game is as good as done, i dont think we will have to wait that long until they release it :smoking:

Yes it does! The worlds coming down and your the only one who doesnt know! Aaaaahhhh!
Nah JK... Well hope theyll at least give out an official statement about this.. ;(
Agreed. If they hadnt f**ked up their Hardware, Valve wouldnt have to spend 5x the normal time of writing code-paths for its cards.....


I'll never buy one of their cards again.
Originally posted by paolob
Wheres Disturbed? Lol What happened? Moron.

LOL... he is a fixture at the OP4 related forums. Maybe he read the news, got very depressed, and drank himself into a self induced coma.
Hmm I just canceled my HL2 order with Gameplay now as they say November release ...

Such a shame as Call of Duty is out that month as awell . Hmm CoD or HL2 ?? cant get`em both...
Originally posted by droper
This is all nvidia's doing.

I now see the conspiracy theory.....

Nvidia was quite about their as$ wipping in the benchmark and cut a side deal with Valve to completely rewrite the Source engine in CG so it will play "the way it's meant to be played" thus getting Nvidia out of a big bind.

Or maybe Valve was in denial about the ability to deliver as promised. Valve needs to work of my ethics; UNDER PROMISE, OVER DELIVER. :x
very bad move from valve, they show us no respect first they hype the game and neither say yes or no wheather game is on schedule.

Now a few days from 30th they pushback the game another 3 months, why ?
Keep in mind that there still haven't been an official response to this email on the Steam Forums by anyone! I think they have time for that. Especially if they have the time to delete the Steam FAQ that used to be there.
i bet they had it finished they just wanted to make more sales during holdidays

I call bullcrap, this Isn't the first time somebody has claimed to have "Official" imformation and it turned out to be bullcrap. Not only that but Valve Isn't stupid, and to "Delay" the game 6 days before release would be a HUGE mistake and they know that. So I still don't think it is delayed
From: "Doug Lombardi" <[email protected]> | This is spam | Add to Address Book
To: "'Adam(SpuD)'" <[email protected]>, "Gabe Newell" <[email protected]>, "John Cook" <[email protected]>, [email protected]
Subject: RE: HalfLife2.net wants confirmation.
Date: Tue, 23 Sep 2003 22:04:59 -0700


Yes, I sent that note to Shack.

Sorry it didn't reach the entire press list at once.

And, as you may have guessed, that's all we can say -- for the moment anyway.

-----Original Message-----
From: Adam(SpuD) [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Tuesday, September 23, 2003 9:46 PM
To: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]
Subject: HalfLife2.net wants confirmation.

Hello, I am SpuD from the halflife2.net staff team.

With all this speculation of the release dates and now this magical email that all the sites are reporting about has thrown many into confusion about the release date.

First off, I want to verify this new email that all the sites are posting about.
Second, can you tell me the exact release date now. Hopefully it hasnt changed.

And can you tell Fragmaster to be a mature boy and not rub it in if we beleivers are wrong.

i really hope its a fake!
so much things doesnt make sense now.

I STILL BELIVE THE 30th!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
this is the email as issued on shacknews

The previously announced September 30th release date for Half-Life 2 is being pushed back. We are currently targeting a holiday release, but do not have a specific "in-store" date to share at this time. We will release that information as soon as we have confirmed a new date.
but it is A FAKE! this is the REAL Doug Lombardi's mail content that i have had from a secret source:

The previously announced September 30th release date for Half-Life 2 was done to keep people asses burning on - about selling Hl2 over Steam network.... that was just a joke!!! hahah - me and Gabe have laugh for months just imagining people that truly believe to buy HL2 with that crap... Well, since that Doom3 is not quite a threat we can quietly and safely sell our baby on Christmas Holidays making so much much more money! wahhoooooo!!!
I know that this sh*t will happen as soon we get to 30th sep
NOW, everyone is so angry with valve....have you guys seen what a piece of sh*t steam is? This is for sure not the first mistake valve has made to their loyal fans.
Valve realise they have let people down by not meeting the 30th. But lets face facts here. 6months ago, no-one knew about Half-Life 2, and now we are complaining how they could be missing it by a month or so?

Life goes on folks. It just means Half-Life 2 will be better, and more readily available than it would be if they rushed it out on the 30th.

I respect Valve for not rushing the game, however I have to say they should have given their fans a bit more lead-time, as many people will have bought ATi cards in the run-up to the game, and are now going to have to wait to use the cards they got, on the game they bought it for. I myself, am glad I have waited. Im not upgrading my system till i have a copy of HL2 in my hands.
Originally posted by Maximus
NOW, everyone is so angry with valve....have you guys seen what a piece of sh*t steam is? This is for sure not the first mistake valve has made to their loyal fans.

Sad but true :dozey:
Oh well. I read the other day Halo PC had gone gold, I will get this while I wait for HL2.

I do think the short notice is a bit sh*t.

I dont understand everyone saying they will get more money releasing it in the holiday season. As far as I can see they would get the same amount of money just spread over a longer period. People will rush out and buy it whenever it is release, and kids will still want it for Christmas.

I'm so glad I did'nt rush out and buy a Radeon 9800 pro, they should be about $1.5 by the time HL2 comes out (only joking).
Mid october or early november is fine...but christmas :|:|:|:|
Originally posted by Obraxis
Valve realise they have let people down by not meeting the 30th. But lets face facts here. 6months ago, no-one knew about Half-Life 2, and now we are complaining how they could be missing it by a month or so?

Life goes on folks. It just means Half-Life 2 will be better, and more readily available than it would be if they rushed it out on the 30th.

I respect Valve for not rushing the game, however I have to say they should have given their fans a bit more lead-time, as many people will have bought ATi cards in the run-up to the game, and are now going to have to wait to use the cards they got, on the game they bought it for. I myself, am glad I have waited. Im not upgrading my system till i have a copy of HL2 in my hands.

ya but kids nowadays are immature, and lack respect... so they dont care what goes into developing a 5 year project living up to hype of "the greatest game ever made" so they just "WANT IT NOW MOMMY, WAAA!" I mean a lotta people here are worse than my 2 yr old :P

Cheers Valve, I'll wait for you till the end of time
one thing with Valve is that i think that they shouldn't send that mail to Shacknews. They should have a hl2 website to put it on, then we wouldnt have any damn rumors.
Originally posted by Droogie
one thing with Valve is that i think that they shouldn't send that mail to Shacknews. They should have a hl2 website to put it on, then we wouldnt have any damn rumors.

Kinda OT question: Is it possible to make a singe-player mod for HL2 from xmas to May if we're 3 people & since it's a schoolproject, we have to put at least 100 hours at least into it? Granted, this project started about a month ago so we have a few hours gone already... But Blue Shift wasn't too long. That kinda length should be possible right? ;) Even though we've never done it before :D

I'm just asking since I getting a little nervous that we won't make it & fail this "course". It's the biggest of all where I go!

Half-Life 2 will be released when it's released. Whether it is delayed or not, how about if everyone gets on with their lives and stops harassing the guys at valve about it. Why do you think they had to keep it a secret for so long? Because they knew this shit would happen, let it go... When it's released, I'm sure we'll know, then you can get yourself a copy. I mean, come on, it's a god damn video game... I look forward to playing it, but is it this important!? Some of you seem like you're about to cry over it.
Anyway, I wouldn't suggest wasting your time replying to this here post, I doubt I'll ever check this thread again anyway... But I assure myself within 10 minutes there will be about 10 more pages of flame...
