Half-Life 2 Release Update



Found this from http://www.halflifesource.com/

Half-Life 2 Release Update
Saturday, June 12, 2004 | 1 hour ago 6 comments

Breaking news: We have new information regarding Half-Life 2 which will be discussed tonight on HL Radio. Live show starts at 8pm EST / 1am GMT. Valve will deliver the finished game to Vivendi Universal within a few weeks. However, Vivendi is telling us that they hope to have the game on the store shelves by the fall.
This better not be another CS:CZ where the game was done, but the release was delayed. Screw Vivendi!

Within a few weeks sounds pretty good, tho. And realistic if what Lombardi and Gabe have been saying were true. I just hope that Valve isn't underestimating the time things will take, given that they underestimated it by a year last time, and they apprently thought they were near done then too.


Just wait and see.
The reason why people liked the Voice Actor interviews on Half-Life Radio is that they didn't have a big build up.

Unlike "We ask Gabe about the release date?" "All the news on Half-Life Multiplayer!"

Half-Life Radio doesn't always deliever so we'll have to wait and see.
Vassago said:
Found this from http://www.halflifesource.com/

Half-Life 2 Release Update
Saturday, June 12, 2004 | 1 hour ago 6 comments

Breaking news: We have new information regarding Half-Life 2 which will be discussed tonight on HL Radio. Live show starts at 8pm EST / 1am GMT. Valve will deliver the finished game to Vivendi Universal within a few weeks. However, Vivendi is telling us that they hope to have the game on the store shelves by the fall.
Heh well considering hlradio often make claims then fail to deliver, in a bid to get people listening. You'll excuse us if the majority don't believe it this time.

I refer you to the story "The boy who cried wolf" for further information.

Nothing personal toward them of course, but if your a regular listener you'll understand.

I do hope this time they are right though. That would be pretty neat.
If this is true, sounds like Doom3 and HL2 really will be going head to head. ON MY COMPUTER!! Which game will get the favored place on the E: drive? Which game will be stuck on the lowly C: drive? Bwahahaahaahaa
Fenric said:
Heh well considering hlradio often make claims then fail to deliver, in a bid to get people listening. You'll excuse us if the majority don't believe it this time.

I refer you to the story "The boy who cried wolf" for further information.

Nothing personal toward them of course, but if your a regular listener you'll understand.

I do hope this time they are right though. That would be pretty neat.

I listened to them only once. They started grunting "You're the jerk, You're the jerk" and "it's a girl it's a girl" and I shut it off. I guess time will tell if this is a pile of B.S or not.
Taking bets on whether this'll be true - odds are high for false, everyone!
fall? that sucks ..bad..f*ck vivendi if this is true..
If they are really going to hand off the game within a few weeks (let's say, a month, since that's a few weeks) then the game should technically be able to come out at the end of July. But fall? Doesn't make much sense. It takes two weeks, a month tops, to burn cds and ship them out and they should have the boxes and materials finalized already.
Just as long as one person on these forums suffers through the HL Radio broadcast to get any information, we will be fine. I just know I won't be listening to that horrid station ever again.
Wait, a minute. Couldn't people have guessed that this was the case for the "summer" release?

Breaking news: Appointment of a new Pope raises the number of Catholic Popes by one.
Xenome said:
fall? that sucks ..bad..f*ck vivendi if this is true..

f*ck vivendi? :LOL: surely f*ck Valve, what vivendi has to do with HL2 delay? :p
Well, "summer" doesn't mean "fall" in my book.
Apos said:
Well, "summer" doesn't mean "fall" in my book.

Depends, would you class early September as Summer?

It is summer but most people would call it Autumn (or Fall).
Naveed said:
f*ck vivendi? :LOL: surely f*ck Valve, what vivendi has to do with HL2 delay? :p

because valve delivered their game on time ( @ summer), but vivendi isnt able to release it in summer time
Apos said:
If this is true, sounds like Doom3 and HL2 really will be going head to head. ON MY COMPUTER!! Which game will get the favored place on the E: drive? Which game will be stuck on the lowly C: drive? Bwahahaahaahaa

pfft, only the preppy posh nerd games go on the E: drive, all the pot-smoking COOL games hang out at C: :-p

anyway, valve has said "a few weeks" before... and it turns out to be a few months...
Well, if Vivendi do delay it until Fall for some reason, but VALVe do release it over STEAM, I know which version I am getting.
Reaperman said:
pfft, only the preppy posh nerd games go on the E: drive, all the pot-smoking COOL games hang out at C: :-p

anyway, valve has said "a few weeks" before... and it turns out to be a few months...

valve DID deliver the game on time..this is vivendi's fault..valve can't do anything about this

btw C:\ and E:\ suck... D:\ is for the real 'gangstaz" :p
I think given what Valve have said previously, it's quite likely that they are ready to go gold in a couple of weeks. When Soldner went gold a couple of weeks back, it took no time at all to get published. Unless Vivendi are the slackest bunch of torturous sado-masochists, it shouldn't take more then a couple of weeks to get on the shelves.

So Half-life 2 will be released in just over a month! (AGEEEEEEES AWAY!!!)

I'm a D:\ gamer myself. It's for the more sophisticated gamer!

Edit: If Vivendi do release it in fall (it's AUTUMN damn it!) then do you reckon I can sue for the mental damage they have created.
mortiz said:
Well, if Vivendi do delay it until Fall for some reason, but VALVe do release it over STEAM, I know which version I am getting.

/me strokes steam with his penis.................................. I need a life :sleep:
RoguePsi said:
Unless Vivendi are the slackest bunch of torturous sado-masochists, it shouldn't take more then a couple of weeks to get on the shelves.
Which they are! Condition-Zero was completed November 2003, as stated by Gabe. Vivendi took 5 months of assing around to get it released in March 2004.

Though surely there'd be more haste getting Half-Life 2 ready.....
Depends, would you class early September as Summer?

Nobody can call September summer. There are three months in every season. Summer is June,July,August. Period.

Well, if Vivendi do delay it until Fall for some reason, but VALVe do release it over STEAM, I know which version I am getting.

Which is exactly why it wont be released over steam first. Vivendi counts on fans going the route of buying boxes and collector's editions. If it were released over steam first, they'd lose a lot of sales.
Mr-Fusion said:
Which they are! Condition-Zero was completed November 2003, as stated by Gabe. Vivendi took 5 months of assing around to get it released in March 2004.

Though surely there'd be more haste getting Half-Life 2 ready.....

Actually, Condition Zero was completed but Valve saw how SHITE it was and made the makers (who have slipped my mind) redo a fair chunk of it. Thus it wasn't Vivendi's fault but the slack developers who Valve trusted to do a good job.

So please everyone, no more Vivendi bashing - get your facts straight.
So Half-life 2 will be released in just over a month! (AGEEEEEEES AWAY!!!)

Two months. Month to finish it, and, to be safe, a month to publish it.
Ahhh f*ck sticks.

i just woke up like 3 minutea ago and im trying to eat a cold lasagne from last night....

(its 13:30)

now of course im going to have to stay up for this and i swear to god if they dont report it right this time im going to ignore any and i mean ANY claim HLR ever makes again.
All ive seen is "by fall" which could be vivendi being cautious, if valve can finish the game in a few weeks, then we can all spend a few months taking the piss out of vivendi.
Well, I just hope this is true (about the finish of the game) and not true (about Vivendi release plans).... Just hoping that VALVe will release the game over Steam before, and say: "f*ck all who dosen't have internet!!!"

Btw, D: Drive, the way it's meant to be played!
It's a weird newspost...to say the least.
How come they seem to be the only ones to know about it?

And let us say, that it's true, and the game is virtually ready in a couple of weeks, so, it could be that Vivendi are going to put it on the shelves somewhere in the Fall, but how about distribution via Steam? Maybe we could all be downloading it in a couple of weeks through steam.
Sorry but where have people gotten this "Valve will finish it in a couple of weeks" thing from?
Obviously I'd love that - then it could be out by mid-late July (right?) and I could spend my summer alone in a darkened basement and get rickets rather than frolicking with friends in the sunlight and getting sunburned.
And if it's released on Steam a considerable time before retail (ie: a few weeks) I'm going to be one f*cking livid panda.
el Chi said:
Sorry but where have people gotten this "Valve will finish it in a couple of weeks" thing from?
Obviously I'd love that - then it could be out by mid-late July (right?) and I could spend my summer alone in a darkened basement and get rickets rather than frolicking with friends in the sunlight and getting sunburned.
And if it's released on Steam a considerable time before retail (ie: a few weeks) I'm going to be one f*cking livid panda.
Read the newspost?
Luckily enough my dad just got a credit card.

so i may just buy it from steam if it turns out vivendi are sitting on the release and valve are releasing it through steam.

however i just dont see why vivendi would want to loose customers (you can bet a lot of people will buy it over steam if they wont get the boxed version till fall)

I think the vivendi bit is BS.

(and CS:CZ was delayed cos it sucked balls and got crap reviews, so they over hualed it quick style)
I doubt Steam will have enough bandwith in Europe, to provide us all with the game :'(
I think Valve won't release the game on Steam before Vivendi releases it - it's supposed to be simultaneously [sp?] released over Steam and in stores... at least that's what I've heard a few months ago.