Half-Life 2 Release Update

Dougy said:
and CS:CZ was delayed cos it sucked balls and got crap reviews, so they over hualed it quick style
It's very ironic that it took so long in production and then when it was sh*t, they spruced it up (albeit only making it a little bit better) so quickly... :)
I was watching CNN last night and they talked about the HL2 code arrests. In that short news story, they mentioned that the release was slated for the Fall and that was the first time I heard Fall instead of Summer anywhere.
el Chi said:
It's very ironic that it took so long in production and then when it was sh*t, they spruced it up (albeit only making it a little bit better) so quickly... :)

Valve have stated, and were very adament about, a unified release between Steam and retailers.

It will not be out on Steam first. It may be available for preloading for a while - but you won't be able to play it.
RoguePsi said:
Actually, Condition Zero was completed but Valve saw how SHITE it was and made the makers (who have slipped my mind) redo a fair chunk of it. Thus it wasn't Vivendi's fault but the slack developers who Valve trusted to do a good job.

So please everyone, no more Vivendi bashing - get your facts straight.
Actually you're wrong. The version that's out now was finished November 2003.

The Ritual fiasco occurred a long time before November 2003.
Well PC Zone happens to say that CS:CZ was delayed becuase it was crap and got revamaped.

Im more akin to belive them then some guy on a board.

"Hey guys ive got a great idea, weve finished the game but lets wait till next f*cking year to release it!" :rolleyes:

You're all horribly retarded.

I'll dig up evidence and return.
Well I would dance.. if it didn't say fall (autumn to normal people)

Well I would cheer.. if it wasn't from HLR

Let the lord forgive the sins of HLR if this be bovine excrement.
Mr-Fusion said:
Actually you're wrong. The version that's out now was finished November 2003.

The Ritual fiasco occurred a long time before November 2003.

Actually...I'm kinda...erm...right. :eek: :imu:
VALVe Software has sent some info to the Shack about CS: Condition Zero's new direction. Gabe Newell had the following to say:
This new direction is in reference to scrapping Turtle Rock Studios and Rituals crap

Condition-Zero launch party December 2003
A final version of the game will be available for play on PCs provided by AMD.

Preview of the final version February 2004

Condition-Zero released March 24 2004

The delay from November 2003 till March 2004 was not to redo the game. The developer swapping from Rogue Entertainment to Gearbox Software to Ritual Entertainment to Turtle Rock Studios had already happened.

There was one quote from Gabe saying something like "It's amazing how Vivendi can take so long with a finished game" but i cannot find it!!
Apos said:
Nobody can call September summer. There are three months in every season. Summer is June,July,August. Period.

Which is exactly why it wont be released over steam first. Vivendi counts on fans going the route of buying boxes and collector's editions. If it were released over steam first, they'd lose a lot of sales.
june 21 (start) 3 monts after that the end of summer would be sept 22, there you go .. Yeah what FISKER_Q said :imu:
Just hoping that VALVe will release the game over Steam before, and say: "f*ck all who dosen't have internet!!!"

They've said before: not going to happen. Simultaneous releases. They waited on CS:CZ too.

21st of June - 22nd September
That's three months.

Bah, Summer ends on labor day at the latest in America, where Valve is based. Nobody pays any attention to the equinox anymore. We don't worship the sun these days.
They really make us wait a long time, don't they.. sigh, I remember being all excited for 31st sep last year.. Just get this game out by the end of august. Please.

HLRadio at it's best ¬_¬

Those idiots don't even have a schedule. I've spend a full day on their IRC channel asking when the reruns for the Merle interview came. Nobody knew. Geez. I still haven't heard it :(

Anyway, I'm still going to listen.. :(
DeltaBlast said:
Anyway, I'm still going to listen.. :(

Well looks like DetaBlast is going to take one for the team :thumbs:

Just post a report when they're done with whatever replay they are going to play tonight :E
Originally Posted by Queball
I will never again visit hl2.net. The little bastards are at it again over there with their HLR bashing.

You just now realizing this? I quit going over there a long time ago.

Yeah, I saw that too.. what a joke.. Don't they realise it's not HL2.net having a thing against them, it's just 90% of everyone who ever listened in.

HL2.net IS the hl2 community, so they can't just treat it like a minority of people coming from one site not trusting them for info.
I felt like emailing Doug about this...after all, he's the marketing guy...I don't expect a reply though :D
Apos said:
If this is true, sounds like Doom3 and HL2 really will be going head to head. ON MY COMPUTER!! Which game will get the favored place on the E: drive? Which game will be stuck on the lowly C: drive? Bwahahaahaahaa
haha. for me, im buying HL2 first, playing it through at least twice, then hoping to find Doom 3 cheap.
I like the guys at HL Radio, they're funny and nice...and normal. But the last time they made a claim about knowing about HL2 Multiplayer and didn't even talk about HL2 that night (that I remember anyways, or at least they did nothing for about an hour).

So...I'm reluctant to even listen. But I will.
Yay, more rumours. Officially Half-Life 2 is still on schedule for a Summer release. It's very possible that it can be delayed but there's been no official word of it, only rumour produced by 'Jimmy' down the road.

I certainly wont be staying up to listen to the radio, very rarely does it have anything of interest to people after Half-Life 2 info.
el Chi said:
Sorry but where have people gotten this "Valve will finish it in a couple of weeks" thing from?
Obviously I'd love that - then it could be out by mid-late July (right?) and I could spend my summer alone in a darkened basement and get rickets rather than frolicking with friends in the sunlight and getting sunburned.
And if it's released on Steam a considerable time before retail (ie: a few weeks) I'm going to be one f*cking livid panda.

Sunburned in the UK! :dork: When I went there on vacation all it did was rain 2 years ago... sheesh... oh wait, maybe it was April I went :smoking:
If valve releases a finished product to Vivendi and they don't release it until fall, I would bet my life savings that somebody will leak it out of Vivendi.
Cyanide said:
If valve releases a finished product to Vivendi and they don't release it until fall, I would bet my life savings that somebody will leak it out of Vivendi.

You my good man, are an idiot :)
Like I have been saying i bet its gonna be a september....fall release!
I think the people who use the forums at halfliferadio.com hate us. I was looking at the site when I found this:

I will never again visit hl2.net. The little bastards are at it again over there with their HLR bashing. I hate that site. I am glad that HLR will never endorse them and now I can see why. :LOL: -Queball

Linkumz- http://www.halflifesource.com/forums/showthread.php?threadid=6131 @ the bottom of the page :angry:

Oh well, I guess it is a free country...
goldenboi said:
I think the people who use the forums at halfliferadio.com hate us. I was looking at the site when I found this:

I will never again visit hl2.net. The little bastards are at it again over there with their HLR bashing. I hate that site. I am glad that HLR will never endorse them and now I can see why. :LOL: -Queball

Linkumz- http://www.halflifesource.com/forums/showthread.php?threadid=6131 @ the bottom of the page :angry:

Oh well, I guess it is a free country...

Hah, yeah. Half-Life radio tends to bash itself in my experience. They always build up lots claiming to have lots of information and then don't. Then we complain about it and get accused of HLR bashing.

Anyone remember when their site referred to Halflife2.net as a site which is well known for its false information? That made me quite angry because I tend to treat Fan sites as respecible news sites, and it irritates me when they dont' act like it.
ok, ive never listened to hlradio before, so this will be my first time. i hope they actually have some sort of new info.
we will see what happens. Personally I still have the same outlook, they can delay it again if they need to, to make it the best they can. But Vivendi holding it until holidays or something, now thats just retarded.
I feel like I repeat myself all the time.

Stop site bashing. Their news post may be slightly dubious considering they haven't quoted a specific source or anything like that but until they're proved that they're lying or spreading rumours leave them alone.

I know they haven't always had a great track record but I'm just fed up of the sort of "gang wars" in this community. If I see any more site bashing then this thread is deleted.
I thought I said I would never listen to HLR ever again, but I am changing my mind. I know I am setting myself up for a let down, but the potential is so great.

With that said, re-read their statement again.

Breaking news: We have new information regarding Half-Life 2 which will be discussed tonight on HL Radio. Live show starts at 8pm EST / 1am GMT. Valve will deliver the finished game to Vivendi Universal within a few weeks. However, Vivendi is telling us that they hope to have the game on the store shelves by the fall.
This is the same news we have had for a while now. Here is to hoping HLR actually comes through with something big. :cheers:
Let's just wait for some information. It could turn out to be them ringing Vivendi and a secretary called Sharon saying, "Yeah, we expect them to be finished in... erm... a few weeks? And we should have the game out by... Fall, maybe?"

The tone of their post does make it sound like they've talked to someone from Vivendi and not Valve. Vivendi could just be guessing.
I dont think weve whent about bashing HLR.

unless of course Telling the truth is bashing a site.

2 times before ive tuned into said radio station after being told they would have exlcusive info and 2 times before they have had nothing.

Ill tune in tonight cos im a fair man, i dont hold grudges but they better have what they have promised this time.

I actualy encourage other people to listen in tonight, either way im expecting to be quite entertained.

A. they arent lying and we get some release info
B. they lie and all hell breaks loose again

i think their main problem is that they have no time schedule, they say they start at 1 am Uk time but what they dont mention is that you wont get any info till 4 am uk time.

ackkk either way im tuning in.
Hey, I never tune in b/c I don't know my timezones! What would 8PM EST be for the west coast of the US?
I'll wait until the HLradio show is over and go see their website. They always post information after their show. I don't know if I can listen to it tonight,