Half-Life 2 Release Update

'i love alyx vance even though she doesn't exist?'

lol...how long do they do these game song paradies?
o dear god...this song about this guy loving alex vance is just...agh...there r no words to express how lame i think this guy is v_v
i cant get it to play. do i open or save that pls file?
Methinks the guy who performed this song has never and will never have a girlfriend.
i have winamp, and when i open it, it brings up an "edit playlist" thing
omfg this is painful!, wat makes it wors is that he cant sing in the first place >_< ...must...refrain...from closing winamp...
They probably won't announce it until the end so they get more viewers...

EDIT:nvm :eek:
oh bugger

there source is from some poeple who talked to CNN
very professional :frown:
okay, this is the big news: done in summer, released in fall.

THAT'S IT. Now, go back to sleep.
well this is what they said so far .... :(

valve spokesman said that the game will be done in summer
they did research, and compiled list of links with info
a lot of news agency contacted valve to learn that the game will be done at fall
doug lombardi said that half life 2 will be avalible through steam (umm yea..)
valve said that game is done...
come on, what about the few weeks comment jerk!
That's just said that it will be finished this summer.


I'm off to bed.
There also saying upon relase there will be a short supply of the retail copy for the first week while it will be availible on steam.
Could be a load of rubbish from these guys though. :|
I thought we were going to have some real news when the guy said he had just recieved an e-mail from Doug, but it was just a generic response with nothing really new :(
stop with filler bs :flame:

wtf?!? they talked to valve's secretary about the released date $%@&#
It's a load of hot air again. I understand that HL Radio wants to draw listeners with spectacular announcements like this, and it's their choice and perfectly fine, but I'm afraid I can't take them seriously anymore as a news source. I'm sure they're nice guys (you can't blame 'em for the retards on their forums) and do this out of best will. But kudos to them for not just blatantly saying 'OMG HL2 isn't coming out till november' but they're objectively viewing the case.

But to make things clear, it now pretty much about one CNN reporter saying something about 'Valve hoping on completing it in the summer and having it on the stores by fall' which could pretty much mean anything.
well lets see its been almost 20 minutes, and so far all we know is that they contacted valve and that the game might come out fall

basiclly crap
yea this is one of the above and beyond crappy hlradio programs... listening right now... im kinda disgusted with their arrogance in having us believe that they are the final word in calming the community down.

god i hate this guys voice too
Wow at least one guy there isnt negative saying he believes it will come out in the summer.

Valve has finished the game, now it's up to Vivendi to release it.
i hate hlr -_-

I never knew it was possible to talk oout of your ass, these guys proved it
Remember that not everyone knows everything about HL2 and its release date. Their program is targeted toward more casual gamers who don't look for info by themselves.
"Everything we have said this year has been on track and correct..."

Wow, way to lie.
::sigh::, they have no idea what they're talking about...
Never again am I staying up till 1 in the morning to listen to this rubbish.
Goodnight :)