Half-Life 2 Release Update

Goddamnit i wish Valve would make some kind of announcment about this news. No-one knows what to believe.

It is not beneficial for Valve to remain quiet.
Well, this isn't news it's just false rumour.
Mr-Fusion said:
Goddamnit i wish Valve would make some kind of announcment about this news. No-one knows what to believe.

It is not beneficial for Valve to remain quiet.

WORD! This is pissing me of. =(
Like being in love with the most beautiful girl in the world, and you realize you can't have her, cause your a computergeek... Ohhh, wait a minute...
Anthraxxx said:
I don't know where, but someone was wondering if the Collector's Edition would be released at the same time or later than the regular version. Well here's what Gabe had to say

As far as I know, they will ship simultaneously. Can't imagine why they'd not ship simultaneously.

From: Daniel [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Saturday, June 12, 2004 4:03 PM
To: Gabe Newell
Subject: collector's edition


There has been talk in the community that the HL2 collector's edition will ship after Half-Life 2 gets shipped. Many people are wondering if the collector's edition will ship at the same time as the regular version, or will it ship after the normal version is released. It would be much help If you could elaborate on the matter.


im betting the steam version, CE version, and regular version ALL come out at the same time.
Obviously this simultaneous release thing is contractual.

But for crying out loud why would Valve sign such a contract?? They could get a 2-3 week headstart with the steam release. I know i would buy it on steam if it meant i'd get it that much earlier. In fact i'll make a poll....

If they would have released HL2 when they said they would, then they would be releasing HL3 by now!
It takes 2 weeks, 3 weeks at the most, to get a game from going gold to appearing on store shelves. If it takes longer then that, something is wrong.
arrgh so when is the release date!

I mean all these threads saying "release date" but not one says it.

Also dont trust HL radio. i mean they always say "they will give us the release date and blah blah blah"

But all they end up talking about is thier everyday lives and just make Gabe and doug think they are just wannabie Radio kiddies lol
only real time to get excited is when the SDK is released.
then it will be a matter weeks till the game comes
Wicked Spider said:
only real time to get excited is when the SDK is released.
then it will be a matter weeks till the game comes

Didn't Valve said, they will release the SDK just after the E3?
a couple of weeks before the releasedate I think it was, not sure tho
Release Info from HLR/HLS = not reliable

I can’t imagine that Valve would ever use such an _______ means to pass out important information. Here’s proof from the TOP

From: [email protected]
Sent: Sunday, June 13, 2004 12:44 PM
To: Gabe Newell
Subject: Clearing up some LH2 rumors on the HL2.net forums.
There are reports/rumors floating round that....
(Source = www.halflifesource.com)

"Valve will deliver the finished game to Vivendi Universal within a few weeks. However, Vivendi is telling us that they hope to have the game on the store shelves by the fall."
I'm not asking whether or not this information is 'true' or asking for a release date, but is this information indeed reliable?

Best Wishes,
Jonathan Griffin
----- Original Message -----
From: Gabe Newell
To: [email protected]
Sent: Sunday, June 13, 2004 11:40 AM
Subject: RE: Clearing up some LH2 rumors on the HL2.net forums.

Not from us.
phantomdesign said:
Release Info from HLR/HLS = not reliable

I can’t imagine that Valve would ever use such an _______ means to pass out important information. Here’s proof from the TOP

errr ... sigh .. so basically all this worrying was for nothing.. and flaming

i still expect summer release

but i must say.. this rumour gave me something to do today
there you go pll, valve said that it wasnt them that said fall 2004, so summer 2004 looks like it, stupid hl radio can get lost
valve said that it wasnt them that said fall 2004, so summer 2004 looks like it

Well, I wouldn't go THAT far. Just because HLradio's information was groundless speculation based on faulty sources, doesn't mean the game can't also be delayed even farther.
oh come on, release the game before september, so that i can enjoy the game before school starts
HL Radio "Valve will deliver the finished game to Vivendi Universal within a few weeks. However, Vivendi is telling us that they hope to have the game on the store shelves by the fall"

Gabe (from the valve info thread) "not from us"

so its a summer release still
Crisis King said:
I'm sick of waiting

i feel your pain man, ive been waiting since july :) i created this account in july thinking it was coming out in september but boy was i wrong, I dont think ive waited for anything this long, and there are people who have been waiting even before that day in day out.
Tork said:
i feel your pain man, ive been waiting since july :) i created this account in july thinking it was coming out in september but boy was i wrong, I dont think ive waited for anything this long, and there are people who have been waiting even before that day in day out.

I've never waited for anything this long either. This is the only game that I have seen that has ever gotten me this excited about a game. Truthfully I don't really care when it comes out because if it takes 2 days or 2 years to come from now..It will feel just the same. Major Satisfaction and relief and an explosion of joy.
hehehehehee...hehe....*cries* I spent 2 hours of reading posts...for this.....and they wonder why we hate them (hlr)...

Anyways, thanx H-L-R, atleast you gave mesomething to do, not productive, but something none the less. Cheers mates! :cheers:
I've been waiting since HL2 was first announced, can't remember if it was early May or late April but I can still remember watching as all the new HL2 sites started popping up. Then I joined this one and never turned my back from it, but the thing is after all of this time I still don't mind waiting any longer. If I need to wait any longer then I will wait, I would be far more pissed off if the game is released too early and it ends up being crap then if they were to delay it again and make me wait longer.

Besides, think of how those poor people who have been waiting years for Duke Nukem Forever or Team Fortress 2 must feel. Everyone complains because HL2 was delayed (so far) for almost a year but thats nothing to what those people have had to endure.
Vassago said:
Found this from http://www.halflifesource.com/

Half-Life 2 Release Update
Saturday, June 12, 2004 | 1 hour ago 6 comments

Breaking news: We have new information regarding Half-Life 2 which will be discussed tonight on HL Radio. Live show starts at 8pm EST / 1am GMT. Valve will deliver the finished game to Vivendi Universal within a few weeks. However, Vivendi is telling us that they hope to have the game on the store shelves by the fall.

FALL!?!?!?! Whatever happend to summer?!?! :LOL: Moreover, this "Viviendi is telling us that they hope", it does not sound very promising to me either. We'd be lucky if we get to play the game this year. Which is cool, for Doom3 is practically around the corner and should keep most of us enterteined for the rest of the year.
In fact, alot of people think Doom 3 is going to be released tomorrow. Not very likely in my opinion, still it's almost definately released in the next 6 weeks.
sigh...this sucks i thought i would be paying hl2 in august....now i may not even get to play this year... /me cries

"vivendi is telling us that they hope to" Vivendi aren't telling them shit. They are getting their info from three articles, from three different sites that are the exact same, word for word.

To me, it is obvious that they all got this "news" from the same source, I'm betting, including CNN. The fall thing is either false, or just a random guess these reporters are making.

Honestly, I don't see valve releasing after the end of summer.

Since it's been mum's the word for awhile now, and they were hoping to give a date at E3, I'm guessing they are going to make a surprise announcement that it's coming out sooner than we think.

All of this is making me crazy though. I'm tired of this. :rolling:

And I really dislike the way HL radio/source posts their news. "Vivendi is telling us that they hope to have the game on the store shelves by the fall."
And they wonder why people get upset when they find out it's false...
Well, Vivendi probably isn't telling them anything personally, it's just what news orgs have picked up, but certainly its news. Frankly, when the choice is between a sooner date and a later date, I hope we've all learned that the later date is more realistic. Valve is not going to rush a release all of a sudden when their philosophy up till now has been "any amount of time it takes to make a great game."

It's a little silly to pretend that any of this is news or that it's a big deal that they've posted about. Valve said before E3 that summer was their next target, and Vivendi has been saying fall for a while now. All anyone can say is that the official release date (the one from Valve) is summer, but of course they haven't ever been realistic about their dates. Both Vivendi and Valve have been wrong many times before, and frankly, it really doesn't pay to listen too hard to either of them. Even Valve is just guessing.
One of the latest e-mails in the Valve-response-only thread states that HL2 will preload on Steam "pretty far in advance." I guess that at the very least this means that if we don't see it preloading before the end of the summer, then we can expect the release in the fall.
Apos said:
Well, Vivendi probably isn't telling them anything personally, it's just what news orgs have picked up, but certainly its news. Frankly, when the choice is between a sooner date and a later date, I hope we've all learned that the later date is more realistic. Valve is not going to rush a release all of a sudden when their philosophy up till now has been "any amount of time it takes to make a great game."

It's a little silly to pretend that any of this is news or that it's a big deal that they've posted about. Valve said before E3 that summer was their next target, and Vivendi has been saying fall for a while now. All anyone can say is that the official release date (the one from Valve) is summer, but of course they haven't ever been realistic about their dates. Both Vivendi and Valve have been wrong many times before, and frankly, it really doesn't pay to listen too hard to either of them. Even Valve is just guessing.

Got any links as to where vivendi has been saying fall for awhile now?