Half-Life 2 Release Update

Cutey_Kaite said:
apperently half life 2 will be released on steam first..

They are only saying that because they are convinced that CZ was released on Steam first before retail stores. Which isn't true.
doug from steam just called. think he said that it will be released on steam before retail; didnt say by how much.
so now some guy from steam is saying that the game will defenitly come out first on steam
"They are going to release the collector's pack, then the game on steam 'first.'"

'first'? wtf does that mean? A steam release as soon as it's done, by valve? then vivendi releases it to retailers when they are done publishing?
Well thats cool since i already have my CDKEY registerd and ready to go :) but the question how much sooner ?
Tork said:
Well thats cool since i already have my CDKEY registerd and ready to go :) but the question how much sooner ?

It's not sooner. They aren't basing it on anything! Doug Lombardi just said that Half-Life 2 is going to be released on Steam like Condition Zero.
oh so now its what they read? lol
didnt they say that they had NEW info !?
well...how much sooner was CS:CZ released on steam than retail? if it was only a few days, then all this is really irrelevant...
Please don't just bash hlradio or else you'll get the thread closed on us and we'll have nowhere to discuss this.
"Look how those forum people are saying how HLRadio has no new info! That's so untrue - we watched CNN like everybody else!"
yea, come on guys. I mean, there isn't a whole lot of news out now, and they are rounding up all they can find, and giving it to us. I appreciate their efforts, and enjoyed listening to it.
well...how much sooner was CS:CZ released on steam than retail?

As far as I know, not any sooner at all. They started pre-loading before it was in stores, but I think everything went active and on sale all at the same time.
*sigh...* I just feel bad for those guys now.. I'm not goin to say anything negative about them anymore.. I just feel...bad..

Well at least they speculated fairly reasonably, and stayed on the subject of hl2 for quite a while this time:)
FictiousWill said:
"Look how those forum people are saying how HLRadio has no new info! That's so untrue - we watched CNN like everybody else!"

i know its sad.. :sleep:
Wasn't Hl2.net going to start it's own broadcasts at some point? I bet Murno and the guys would do a great job.
i bet they would do a good job, id like to hear them broadcast. ok, im going to go play dod.
alrtiey guys, back to more joint operations.

happy gaming guys

and happy weekend
id have to say september seems the most likely release, if your going to choose a month, It would be nice if it made a july August release, but i just cant see that happening,, (again, dar j'ai vou anyone? <im not french so dont know how the hell you write that>.)
blahblahblah said:
I finally tune in and they are talking about horses...
I tuned in right then to.... apparently man can outrun the hoarse now -_-
hahahaha raccoon in space .... I thought this was about half life 2
I agree, september is the conservative, safe date, if everything else is true (a few weeks, plus vivendi being slwo for whatever reason). Still, if they are pretty much done now, I wonder if maybe they are spending time polishing off other things for release: the ports, a new version of steam, etc.
I want HL2.. :( lol
But anyway, HLRadio never ceases to let me down
there gonna talk about HL2 after the break like they said "were gonna have a couple interviews over the radio but you'll have to wait untill after the break na na nanana"
hl2 radio sucks .. i was out getting really drunk with my mates (arent i cool?) and i rushed home to catch hlradio in time.. only to find them talking about some pointless stuff...

oh goody
lol in typical fantastic halflife radio style... "Well we heard this from Doug Lombardi" did you balls!

Ive heard so much crap.. but technically its not lying because they word it so well.
I really doubt Vivendi would hold onto a game like HL2 for a month or two before deciding to release to the market. That could be the stupidest move any publisher could make.
well i was leaving the state this weekend and i haven't got a chance to check up on hl2.net and one day of absense leaves me in the cold of a 14 page thread, guys i really need a re-cap, i just don't have the time to read 14 pages, judgeing by the last posts on this page, i'm thinking the entire thing was bs, is this true, can someone give me the whole story, i'm really frustrated that i missed out on this :hmph: