Half-Life 2 Release Update

technically its not to uncommon for that to happen after the internal testing within the dev studio has taken place the publisher will test it.

I know with Eidos as fact, that with them they do all the testing of games internally. They have their own testing crews that just sit there and play diffrent games all day leaving the devs to do the developing.

not sure if its exactly like that in Vivendi
Sai - Okay, HLradio claims to have new info on the release date, saying that HL2 is done, it's in the testing stages, and will be finished this summer. But vivendi, HL2's publisher, will not be able to get it mass produced and shipped all throughout the world before summer ends. They are 'hopeful' for an Autumn release.

HLradio didn't really say any more than what we already knew...

But the possibility of HL2 being sold via steam before the retail version comes out is still up in the air. but don't get your hopes up, i kinda doubt this will happen. but preloading a week or so before the game is out on the store shelves seems likely to me.
Moejoe said:
HL2's publisher, will not be able to get it mass produced and shipped all throughout the world before summer ends. They are 'hopeful' for an Autumn release.

Wich is complete BS.

Ground control 2 and Soldiers hereos of WW2 went gold in the last week.

Soldiers will be out at the end of the month and GC2 will be out in the 25th this month....

i belive GC2 is being published by Viviendi.

So whoever said itll take 3 MONTHS for HL2 to get mass produced either got something wrong or are lying.
They are wrong. Valve has said over and over that it'll all be the same time. Maybe they are confused about the fact that it will preload early.
Moejoe said:
Sai - Okay, HLradio claims to have new info on the release date, saying that HL2 is done, it's in the testing stages, and will be finished this summer. But vivendi, HL2's publisher, will not be able to get it mass produced and shipped all throughout the world before summer ends. They are 'hopeful' for an Autumn release.

HLradio didn't really say any more than what we already knew...

But the possibility of HL2 being sold via steam before the retail version comes out is still up in the air. but don't get your hopes up, i kinda doubt this will happen. but preloading a week or so before the game is out on the store shelves seems likely to me.

so should everybody be in the mood for a fall release date? i mean if valve gives vivendi the build in a few weeks then shouldn't it be read at about july? i heard publishers waiting for a specific time to release games b/c the release of one game may get in the way of other games in the publisher's release calender, but i mean it's hl2, games should avoid trying to be released around the time that monster hits stores, oh and thanks a lot Moejoe for answering my question first, thanks man.
Sai said:
well i was leaving the state this weekend and i haven't got a chance to check up on hl2.net and one day of absense leaves me in the cold of a 14 page thread, guys i really need a re-cap, i just don't have the time to read 14 pages, judgeing by the last posts on this page, i'm thinking the entire thing was bs, is this true, can someone give me the whole story, i'm really frustrated that i missed out on this :hmph:

Change your settings and it's only 6 pages!
they keep bringing up the fact that it may sell via steam before a retail version hits the shelves. It's kinda irritating, and i bet it's getting a lot of peoples hope's up...Seriously, if you hear this, be very skeptical about it. I'm gonna wait to hear from valve about this, and in the meantime i'm gonna fire off an e-mail just for confirmation.
It's good that they're doing lots a playtests. That way gamers (like us) can say to valve what parts kinda sucked and what parts they loved, if they notice any bugs etc. Then Valve makes it like the uber super awesome HL2 which will be perfect. Then we get the creme of the crop mauahahhaahahahahhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
FictiousWill said:
Change your settings and it's only 6 pages!

ehh...my question's already been answered, i'll change them later, but great, hl2 radio dissapoints again, so unexpected.
Sai said:
so should everybody be in the mood for a fall release date? i mean if valve gives vivendi the build in a few weeks then shouldn't it be read at about july? i heard publishers waiting for a specific time to release games b/c the release of one game may get in the way of other games in the publisher's release calender, but i mean it's hl2, games should avoid trying to be released around the time that monster hits stores, oh and thanks a lot Moejoe for answering my question first, thanks man.

No problem.

I'm just guessing, but i don't think HL2 will be released at the same time as Doom 3. But as far as expecting a fall release, i would wait a while for info directly from the source. But don't be surprised if the game does come out in september, i certainly won't be.
Apos said:
If this is true, sounds like Doom3 and HL2 really will be going head to head. ON MY COMPUTER!! Which game will get the favored place on the E: drive? Which game will be stuck on the lowly C: drive? Bwahahaahaahaa

I see we share a similar dilema.
lets see, doom3 is slated for q3, and according to this report so is hl2 right now. i am not a serious pc gamer, so the choice is obvious on what will get on my shelf this year, but my hope is that the fall release is something to make people annticipate the game later than when it's really slated for release so people will be surprised, man that would be so cool if that were the case
this is just me but how can you delay a game that is done?

game content is complete
perfecting the numbers is almost complete
and fixing bugs is next on the list
what could possibly delay this?
Great, so hopefully it'll be out soon...hopefully NOT fall, sometime in July would be nice :D
Dreglor said:
this is just me but how can you delay a game that is done?

game content is complete
perfecting the numbers is almost complete
and fixing bugs is next on the list
what could possibly delay this?

How do you know that all that is true? Because they told you?

For all we know, they could be inventing new ways to not have to do anything and just hope that somehow, the anticipation for hl2 will bring in cash:

Gabe: "We're sorry to announce that HL2 will be once again delayed until we feel like working on it again due to a recent headcrab infestation in our toiletry facilities."

But seriously, no, I don't think even Gabe is stupid enough to lie about that. Unless he's got another plan up his sleeve to have fans forgive any delays by working up some pity.. OOOOH how about a hacking incident? Damn, already done.
I'd say August is the soonest we could hope to see it, realistically. Sept. to be safe.
Lets assume Valve gives HL2 to Vivendi right now. How long would it take them to make enough copies for a massive worldwide release, assuming 10-15 copies will go out to every wal-mart and best buy out there? I have no idea what kind of cd/dvd burning hardware/software they have or how fast they can spit out finished cd's, plus boxes, instructions, and bean bag headcrabs. :D . Does anyone know how many cd/dvd's they can burn per second/minute?
2 weeks at the most, assuming everything is compiled, all box artwork, and manual etc is done. A month if they have to make all of that stuff.

They don't burn mass production software/music/movies. It is "stamped" onto the cd.
You'd think that they'd have the manual finalized by now. Heck if they were really planning on a Sept. release, they should have had that stuff finalized back then.
Apos said:
You'd think that they'd have the manual finalized by now. Heck if they were really planning on a Sept. release, they should have had that stuff finalized back then.

Yeah, the manuals and boxes will be finished by now. The standard inaccuracies mentioning features or enemies that didn't make it into the game wouldn't be there otherwise.

I still haven't been to New Florida in Freelancer yet...
The standard inaccuracies mentioning features or enemies that didn't make it into the game wouldn't be there otherwise.

Do you remember any from HL1? I seem to remember the machine gun grunt being on there somewhere, and of course the scripted sequence where the marine is choking the scientist is on the box, but not in the game.
If you look closely at the HL manual, you'll see in the "Allies" or "Friendlies" section that the scientist appears to be an older, lower-poly version.
My current rig can't run Doom3 or HL2 so atleast by the time HL2 is released ATI's PCI express chipset and graphics card will be on store shelves... Maybe even Micro$ofts XP64 will be released so I can play the 64bit client of HL2.... That would be worth the wait for me...
Apos said:
Nobody can call September summer. There are three months in every season. Summer is June,July,August. Period.

Actually the Autumnal Equinox, or first day of Autumn, is Sept 22nd. That makes summer up until Sept 21st.
Actually the Autumnal Equinox, or first day of Autumn, is Sept 22nd. That makes summer up until Sept 21st.

Actually, almost nobody is a farmer or worships the sun anymore, so Summer in the US is better matched to the months.
Apos said:
Actually, almost nobody is a farmer or worships the sun anymore, so Summer in the US is better matched to the months.

I think you are thinking of Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4. Dividing the year in quarters.
I think people do still care about the equinox and so on, I always hear on the news "today is the first day of summer (or another season)" and that is always governed by the position of the Sun, rather than just the month of the year.

I have NEVER heard anyone say: umm.. yeah Summer starts today... because it's June
Not clear. They could just be basing this off on the same clueless info everyone else's speculations are coming from. All I know for sure is that Valve finishing the game within a month or so SOUNDS right: as long as:
a) they were realistic when they estimated where they were at E3
b) no big disasters or holdups
Apos said:
Not clear. They could just be basing this off on the same clueless info everyone else's speculations are coming from. All I know for sure is that Valve finishing the game within a month or so SOUNDS right: as long as:
a) they were realistic when they estimated where they were at E3
b) no big disasters or holdups
So Valve will finish the game in summer as they said
but Vivendi wont release it in the stores until Fall ?
Game finished in a few weeks and a humongous publisher with a humongous track record isn't able to get the game on shelves before fall? Excuse me but if this is true that would be the biggest pile of crap I've ever come across.
I don't think so, I mean VU shipped chronicles of riddick just within a week after the finished product.The IGN and gamespot hands-on report said that.
lans said:
I don't think so, I mean VU shipped chronicles of riddick just within a week after the finished product.The IGN and gamespot hands-on report said that.
So, what did hl radio exactly say last night?

edit: never mind, already know .. omg maybe they probably announced this, to get more listeners..
11th of june: the arrest of the code thieves is on CNN + a Fall release date is mentioned for the 1st time

12th of June: HLR makes a newspost in wich they state HL2 is finished already and that Vivendi is targeting a Fall release date
Later that day on HLR they confirm it and say they got that info from ppl who spoke to guys from CNN.

13th of June: confusion :D