Half-life 2 Review Coming Soon?

Please note: A game DOES NOT need multiplayer to recieve a high score in a review.

Whether or not HL2 has its own MP is irrelevent to the final score. It's only impact will be if its so unbelievable innovative and fun or just plain appauling. Your bog-standard MP won't have any effect. The main focus of a review will be the singleplayer. CS:S is irrelevent also, simply because its a different game entirely. DoD:S etc won't be reflected in the score so why would CS:S?
theotherguy said:
not true, half-life 1 was a complete peice of crap when they "finished" it in 1996/97, then they delayed it an entire year, reworked the whole game, and gave us the Hl1 we know and love.
There's a difference between A YEAR long delay and a 2 month delay.

A big difference. 2 months isn't going to do much in the way of improving. 12 months is.

FoB_Ed said:
Well before HL1 was delayed it was a mediocre shooter, and look what we received.
Same as above.

A few months, negligible. 12 months would help.

Please read what i type then think about it people.
Your bog-standard MP won't have any effect. The main focus of a review will be the singleplayer.

I disagree. Putting atleast a decent MP in a single-player game is worth a few review points.

CS:S is irrelevent also, simply because its a different game entirely.

I disagree. It's a free game that comes with HL2. Did Doom 3 have any free games that came with it, or even playable multiplayer?

If it is actually included on the install disk, it should definately be considered part of a review.
RoguePsi said:
Please note: A game DOES NOT need multiplayer to recieve a high score in a review.

Whether or not HL2 has its own MP is irrelevent to the final score. It's only impact will be if its so unbelievable innovative and fun or just plain appauling. Your bog-standard MP won't have any effect. The main focus of a review will be the singleplayer. CS:S is irrelevent also, simply because its a different game entirely. DoD:S etc won't be reflected in the score so why would CS:S?

Youre wrong there.

A game gets points for mp: replayability. I never saw an review from an game where they didn't mention mp (well since mp is used by 99.99% of the company;s)
joepjens said:
Youre wrong there.

A game gets points for mp: replayability. I never saw an review from an game where they didn't mention mp (well since mp is used by 99.99% of the company;s)

Wrong there Joe. Replayability is the ability to replay the single player game. This is attributed to "different paths", different spawning of enemies, choices deciding the outcome, etc.

MP is an "addone" a plus if you will. Yes I believe a game gets points for MP, but I do not think they consider it replayability.

Hell D3 should have gotten points taken away for only having 4 player MP. (or did I read that wrong)
RoguePsi said:
Please note: A game DOES NOT need multiplayer to recieve a high score in a review.

Whether or not HL2 has its own MP is irrelevent to the final score. It's only impact will be if its so unbelievable innovative and fun or just plain appauling. Your bog-standard MP won't have any effect. The main focus of a review will be the singleplayer. CS:S is irrelevent also, simply because its a different game entirely. DoD:S etc won't be reflected in the score so why would CS:S?

because CS:S comes out of the BOX and part of the package.!

everyone EXPECTS hl2 to have some sort of killer mp since they know valve controls CS, DOD, TF2 etc.. i know pcgamer and they will dock percentage points if there is no MP reviewed. its ridiculous to even think they will only review the SP when there is a MP, its never been done before by pcgamer!
What is wrong with you people? Calm down. Half life 2 will have its own seperate multiplayer.
I'd be shocked if HL2 didn't have it's own MP. Hasn't Valve already said something about the physics in HL2 MP being more accurate than those used in CSS (implying the existence of HL2 MP)? I haven't seen any quotes saying this, but have seen others say it so it must be so, right? ;) j/k, but does anyone know if that had been said. Regardless if they haven't, how hard would it be to slap a few maps together and throw some guns in? The original HL MP maps were fun, but not the greatest maps around - those came later from the mod community. If I had to guess (yes, this is a guess), they're keeping it under tight wraps possibly because they've tried to do something new with MP because of the integral physics system - me hopes anyway. I want a HL2 themed MP as much as anyone else here.
"The multiplayers great, I mean, I play it every day."
-gabe newell in video interview ( way before the idea of

Would valve really considering ripping people off and get review points taken off? Doubt it.

funny posty posey
Petabyte said:
"The multiplayers great, I mean, I play it every day."
-gabe newell in video interview ( way before the idea of

Would valve really considering ripping people off and get review points taken off? Doubt it.

funny posty posey
That's the exact quote i was looking for before. And like i've mentioned time and time again, why would Valve say multiplayer is just as important to single player if they do a hald-assed job on MP just by porting over CS:S?
Good point. (.\)² >Cs:s
Thanks Sparta. You confirm my belief that CSS will not be the only multiplayer.
Half-life has alwase had a strong multiplayer. Half-life 2 will be no different.