Half-life 2 runs already on Xbox

yes console are great gaming machines, which tend to collect dust in my house for being inferior to pc in every way.
Indeed. I'm not saying they're not "a great thing." Because they're nice, "cheap and cheerful" for a quick blast of gaming for those who can't be bothered or don't know how to set up a PC. But lets face it, they really ARE inferior to the PC in every way. C'mon now, surely you can admit to that?
Consoles are good if you want to play games with your non-computer nerd friends. :)
No I dont think consoles are "inferior to the PC in every way". They are both great, depending what you want it for. PC has never been as good for fighting or sports games and never will be. Consoles kick PC in the groin when it comes to fun, easy multiplayer with your mates, and consoles easily beat out PC in economy stakes. There are others but I'm not going to bother because you, Crusader, are a moron.
Warbie said:
I know this :) - having been to various LAN parties. But they don't happen that often, and can be alot of hastle to set up (which is fine - but not something you wanna do every day)

When my friends come around, and we want to play some Winning Eleven, we can - with no hastle. It's the convinience that makes console gaming great. (not to mention the massive variety of games. Samba De Amigo anyone? :) )

I also enjoy playing games online with my clan mates - but it's a different experience to console gaming in your living room (less social)

I'm not trying to argue which type of gaming is better, just that both have their pros and cons and that neither is 'the best'

actually there is a 'best' for each person. for you, lan parties dont happen often. for you, its a hassle to set up. for you its not something you want to do everyday. see where im going with this? all your points are subjective to different people. some people do have lan parties every day. and setting up isnt a hassle at all for them and they can do it rather quickly because theyve done it a lot and are proficient with computers.
Abom said:
What have I said about doing that? You're not a bloody moderator, so you don't have the right to go round saying things like that, okay?

:( awwwww!!
you Crusader, are a moron

Poor iamelephant. I am sorry I tried to engage you in discussion, because rather than making a good case for your opinion, now you have proven you are incapable of anything other than mindless abuse. Having illustrated your utter lack of reason, and inability to consider other people's point of view, I shall no longer be paying attention to you, since you are not worth my consideration.
Crusader said:
... now you have proven you are incapable of anything other than mindless abuse...

Never argue with a fool, people might not see the difference - Murphy's Law
Never argue with a fool, people might not see the difference - Murphy's Law

Hence why I said he was no longer worth my consideration now I have found him to be so.
in reply the 1st page of this thread:

I dont think MS can push Valve around like that, atleast I hope not. Btw, ive always disliked fps shooters like HL and Unreal to come out on consoles :s
fps in console just sucks.I have experienced it.U don't have to be a skilled gamer to play using a console."Ever imagined playing quake3 on a console".There is a lot of difference between a console and a 'PC'.
Why is it up to Microsoft, if the game will be released? Do they hold back the PC version for the XBox's advantage?

Any game which is going to be released on the xbox has to be cleared by microsoft and pass all their checks before microsoft allow the game to be produced.
Correct. And that won't have any affect on the PC version.
the problem with the xbox, more specifically its developers currently is this.

1) they cant afford to have high quality textures because of the '4.3' gig limit.
2) they cant install a game fully to the hard drive. in theory yes... in the real world no.
3) this nullifes those excuses... if the developers werent so lazy, or uncreative, they would figure out that they could use MULTIPLE game discs, thus allowing them to have HIGH quality textures. Look at KOTOR. it looks like CRAP. why? because they had to COMPRESS the textures down to CRAP. If the developers had taken the time to span that accross two X-DVD's rather than only one, they could have had high quality textures, AND cutscenes.

some might argue "the pc version of kotor fits on 4 cd's (far less then 4.3 gigs) just fine." But remember, that is inside heavily compressed CAB files.

bottom line, if they took the time and effort to span games accross discs, they would look phenomenol (sp?).
Francis_Cole said:
Why is it up to Microsoft, if the game will be released? Do they hold back the PC version for the XBox's advantage?

Any game which is going to be released on the xbox has to be cleared by microsoft and pass all their checks before microsoft allow the game to be produced.

I don't think, Valve would let the bug search be completely done by M$. So the game is theoretically finished if they wait for the OK from MS.
poseyjmac said:
actually there is a 'best' for each person. for you, lan parties dont happen often. for you, its a hassle to set up. for you its not something you want to do everyday. see where im going with this? all your points are subjective to different people. some people do have lan parties every day. and setting up isnt a hassle at all for them and they can do it rather quickly because theyve done it a lot and are proficient with computers.

You're just being picky now :)

I agree that you can have a favourite type of gaming - but you can't argue that PC gaming in a LAN is as coinvinient as console gaming in your living room (unless you have a permenant LAN set up in your house that is :) - and even then you're sat at a desk, with headphones on. Not really that same is it?)

It still takes time, effort, a venue and at least some planning to get a LAN party sorted. Ok, so I'm being picky now :) But this isn't subjective - console gaming is far less hastle than PC gaming, and that is one obvious benefit.

If me and my mates are waiting for a taxi to take us into town, and have half an hour to kill, we can decide to pass the time shooting zombies in HOTD3. We couldn't quickly set up a LAN (the pc also has a massive lack of pick up and play, arcade style titles ....... so even if we could have a LAN setup in minutes - it still wouldn't cater for the situation)
I don't think, Valve would let the bug search be completely done by M$. So the game is theoretically finished if they wait for the OK from MS.
I'm not sure I completly understand that post :).. but I was just pointing out that any xbox game HAS to be cleared by Microsoft first, as opposed to a PC game where you can realise a PC game whenever you want without anybody saying ok (i.e. you could release a PC game tommorow if you really wanted to - and could find a publisher). You can't release an XBOX game unless you get the ok from microsoft first.

They might have the game already playable on the xbox (guessing they just port from the PC version), but they can't release it (for the xbox) until MS gives the OK.
I don't think they releasing the PC/XBOX on the same date so they probbably finish the PC version, get that gold. Then concentrate on finshing porting to the XBOX and getting the ok from MS. (e.g. MS have rules on loading times etc, space a save game can take etc etc)

Never forget console gamers are DUMB so games designed for both PC and SuXBox are DUMBED DOWN, just hope Valve havn't streamlined (dumbed down) Half-Life 2 for the sake of console gamers :LOL:
^ proof that being dumb isn't unique to 'console gamers'
Warbie said:
^ proof that being dumb isn't unique to 'console gamers'

of course, but it is true for all console gamers ;) , while some pc gamers like me are exception :naughty:
Obviously not XD

(this could go on for a while :) )
If thats even accurate, read it. HL2 is running on the xbox. That means they got it working on the platform, not necessarily anywhere near done.

It was running on the PC over a year ago, but has been delayed.

As for releasing the xbox version first. If that happens, I'm going to dedicate my life to science, invent a way to travel through time. Then go back in time and put a gun to billy's head and force him to release the PC version first. :p
Warbie said:
You're just being picky now :)

I agree that you can have a favourite type of gaming - but you can't argue that PC gaming in a LAN is as coinvinient as console gaming in your living room (unless you have a permenant LAN set up in your house that is :) - and even then you're sat at a desk, with headphones on. Not really that same is it?)

It still takes time, effort, a venue and at least some planning to get a LAN party sorted. Ok, so I'm being picky now :) But this isn't subjective - console gaming is far less hastle than PC gaming, and that is one obvious benefit.

If me and my mates are waiting for a taxi to take us into town, and have half an hour to kill, we can decide to pass the time shooting zombies in HOTD3. We couldn't quickly set up a LAN (the pc also has a massive lack of pick up and play, arcade style titles ....... so even if we could have a LAN setup in minutes - it still wouldn't cater for the situation)

now you have a point i can agree with. in a small timeframe, even i would pick some console gaming over pc gaming...

UNLESS :p i have a constant LAN up where I live so when we want to do some lan gaming on a whim, its ready for action. which is actually true in the last apartment i lived in for me and my roomates :)
Naveed said:
Never forget console gamers are DUMB so games designed for both PC and SuXBox are DUMBED DOWN, just hope Valve havn't streamlined (dumbed down) Half-Life 2 for the sake of console gamers :LOL:

I have some mates that own consoles and I'll bet my bottom dollar they are smarter than you.
Okay...seriously, this is getting dumber by the minute:

Random Guy1: "X-Box is teh rulez!"
Random Guy2: "Nu-uh, it suxorz"
Random Guy1: "You suck!"
Random Guy1: "OMG! You are like sooooo lame! Oink oink"
Random Guy2: "Feel the wrath of my rubber nipples"
Random Guy1: "MOMMY!!"
Random Guy2: "Haha, me roxorzzusuzzz"
Random Guy1: "Fuxorz you!"
Random Guy2: "WAH WAH WAH WAH"

If you haven't noticed by now, those lines above are quite similiar to the ones you've written on these last 13 pages! For f*ck's sake! GROW UP!
Or for those of you dicks who are saying "FPS's on console suxorsazusz" ...well I think you are the ones you're being lame! Do you ****s really think that Valve would release a game that's actually unplayable? And you're also babbling about bad textures on a x-box? Don't you think that they've actually thought of this? Jesus Christ you people amaze me...
Frank said:
Sorry for double posting but I can actually answer this question:
It says:

The PC-game is suppose to be complete at the end of august...

Oh, okay. If Gabe has really said that, the September 30th doesn't seem so funny anymore :eek: Because "completed" is not the same as "released"
DreamWraith said:
the problem with the xbox, more specifically its developers currently is this.

1) they cant afford to have high quality textures because of the '4.3' gig limit.
2) they cant install a game fully to the hard drive. in theory yes... in the real world no.
3) this nullifes those excuses... if the developers werent so lazy, or uncreative, they would figure out that they could use MULTIPLE game discs, thus allowing them to have HIGH quality textures. Look at KOTOR. it looks like CRAP. why? because they had to COMPRESS the textures down to CRAP. If the developers had taken the time to span that accross two X-DVD's rather than only one, they could have had high quality textures, AND cutscenes.

some might argue "the pc version of kotor fits on 4 cd's (far less then 4.3 gigs) just fine." But remember, that is inside heavily compressed CAB files.

bottom line, if they took the time and effort to span games accross discs, they would look phenomenol (sp?).

I don't see how spanning games across multiple disks would help this problem considering the Xbox only has 64 megs of RAM.
Seppo said:
Oh, okay. If Gabe has really said that, the September 30th doesn't seem so funny anymore :eek: Because "completed" is not the same as "released"

No wait, I actually think it says: "The PC-game is suppose to be released at the end of august..." That is if "släppas" means what I think it does. It's almost the same as in Danish, and it would mean that it will get released in august...how nice, huh?
Frank said:
No wait, I actually think it says: "The PC-game is suppose to be released at the end of august..." That is if "släppas" means what I think it does. It's almost the same as in Danish, and it would mean that it will get released in august...how nice, huh?

Yeah, I checked the dictionary and it means release. That's the most accurate release date so far, if Gabe has actually said so.
Consoles are developed to make and play games entirely from the get go.
DarkStar, you don't know what you are talking about, and please don't take offense to that. It's just, not many people seem to understand how a console system works anymore. Actually...it seems like 95% of the pc/gaming community doesn't know.

You should go out and work with a rendering engine or two...or atleast work with a development console kit and understand how they work.

DO NOT just look at the cpu, video card/cpu, and on board ram. You will be entirely mistaken on whatever you say. It goes way, way, way, way, way deeper then that.

DreamWraith, you are kind of right. My only problem with your statement is that you dont seem to see how texture compression ticks for the xbox. They use a scale. 1:1, 2:1, 3:1, 4:1, 5:1, 6:1. Some developers make a custom software compression tool, to create for example, morrowind with a 12:1 scale. There is also texture passing, and tons of other little tricks.

They can cache all of the textures onto the x-box which then would use a hardware/software tool to feed those into the main bandwidth pipeline and stream them. You can create freakishly good looking games doing this without needing 15 disks. With all of this though, you still have to look at the limitations of your engine, and the limitations of the console system. 4 disks wouldn't change this. The developers could increase the texture quality with more development time. Not like they needed to though. KOTOR is one of the best looking xbox games available.
Polykarbon said:
Consoles are developed to make and play games entirely from the get go.
DarkStar, you don't know what you are talking about, and please don't take offense to that. It's just, not many people seem to understand how a console system works anymore. Actually...it seems like 95% of the pc/gaming community doesn't know.

You should go out and work with a rendering engine or two...or atleast work with a development console kit and understand how they work.

DO NOT just look at the cpu, video card/cpu, and on board ram. You will be entirely mistaken on whatever you say. It goes way, way, way, way, way deeper then that.

DreamWraith, you are kind of right. My only problem with your statement is that you dont seem to see how texture compression ticks for the xbox. They use a scale. 1:1, 2:1, 3:1, 4:1, 5:1, 6:1. Some developers make a custom software compression tool, to create for example, morrowind with a 12:1 scale. There is also texture passing, and tons of other little tricks.

They can cache all of the textures onto the x-box which then would use a hardware/software tool to feed those into the main bandwidth pipeline and stream them. You can create freakishly good looking games doing this without needing 15 disks. With all of this though, you still have to look at the limitations of your engine, and the limitations of the console system. 4 disks wouldn't change this. The developers could increase the texture quality with more development time. Not like they needed to though. KOTOR is one of the best looking xbox games available.

Don't you think there's a slight chance you guys may have starting to get off topic? :)
Maybe, but if someone posted information that isn't correct, wouldn't it be nice if someone corrected it?
DarkStar said:
I don't see how spanning games across multiple disks would help this problem considering the Xbox only has 64 megs of RAM.
you act like 64 megs of ram is small... but you fail to realize that the XBox OS doesnt eat ram like windows... the Xbox OS is only 256k...
Polykarbon said:
Consoles are developed to make and play games entirely from the get go.
DarkStar, you don't know what you are talking about, and please don't take offense to that. It's just, not many people seem to understand how a console system works anymore. Actually...it seems like 95% of the pc/gaming community doesn't know.

You should go out and work with a rendering engine or two...or atleast work with a development console kit and understand how they work.

DO NOT just look at the cpu, video card/cpu, and on board ram. You will be entirely mistaken on whatever you say. It goes way, way, way, way, way deeper then that.

DreamWraith, you are kind of right. My only problem with your statement is that you dont seem to see how texture compression ticks for the xbox. They use a scale. 1:1, 2:1, 3:1, 4:1, 5:1, 6:1. Some developers make a custom software compression tool, to create for example, morrowind with a 12:1 scale. There is also texture passing, and tons of other little tricks.

They can cache all of the textures onto the x-box which then would use a hardware/software tool to feed those into the main bandwidth pipeline and stream them. You can create freakishly good looking games doing this without needing 15 disks. With all of this though, you still have to look at the limitations of your engine, and the limitations of the console system. 4 disks wouldn't change this. The developers could increase the texture quality with more development time. Not like they needed to though. KOTOR is one of the best looking xbox games available.
i would agree with the part about kotor if it were true. KOTOR looks like crap. hell, jet set radio looks better. :rolleyes: just because they have 'grass' doesn't mean it looks good. its crappy quality. hell when there is a load screen if you look close you can see the lossiness from the texture compression. its just sad. even on the PC on the lowest settings it looks better.
Well...the game offers one of the best visual packages on the xbox. The textures look great to me. The polygons/particles/etc running at any given time are enormous...and the envrionments are huge. The textures are pretty sharp. I havn't noticed THAT big of a leap as you mentioned, and I played both versions from start to finish.

jet set

KOTOR is loads better...