Half-Life 2: Six Months After

Narcolepsy said:
I consider Deus Ex to be the only computer game superior to Half-Life 2 for the record.

hast thou playest system shock 2?

and yes deus ex 1 was brilliant. i rate it equal to hl2, but a different type of game which in my mind wmeans i can like both equally for different reasons.

hey Narcolepsy, can you imagine Deus Ex 1's story line on the Unreal 3 engine, with improved combat gameplay....now that would be orgasmic....:)
Cons Himself said:
hast thou playest system shock 2?

and yes deus ex 1 was brilliant. i rate it equal to hl2, but a different type of game which in my mind wmeans i can like both equally for different reasons.

hey Narcolepsy, can you imagine Deus Ex 1's story line on the Unreal 3 engine, with improved combat gameplay....now that would be orgasmic....:)
I think it could be described well by your user name. :LOL:

But yeah, I've always wondered why someone hasn't made the perfect game yet. It'd be pretty easy to do - just take the basic format of Deus Ex, add the combat of Half-Life 2 and Halo combined (best parts of each, of course) and the stealth of Splinter Cell. Throw in the Unreal 3 graphics engine, and you're good to go. :rolling: Wouldn't you love to see Warren Spector and Gabe Newell team up on something like that?

And no, I haven't tried System Shock 2. I've been meaning to, but I just haven't gotten around to it. Isn't there some "Rebirth" mod that enhances the graphics? Would you recommend it?
definitely. it was made by some of the same team that warren spector took his idea of 'immersive simulation' from. if you remember warren worked on thief the dark project before heading up ion storm austin and creating deus ex 1. that was at looking glass studios which has sadly since closed shop. LGS was where the idea of an immersive sim came from (dont know if youve played the first 2 thief games but theyre v.immersive). anyway, a lot of the team members from LGS who didnt join warren at ion storm went on to work at Irrational Games, who in turn made SS2 :)

so i guess you could say it has a fine pedigree.

i would reccommend it, if you have the guts to play it on your own in the house, in a dark room with headphones :)

and the rebirth mod does indeed update all the ingame models though if you are a graphics whore you wont like this game. it has great pacing, you really feel vulnerable in the game world, amazingly tense moments, and lots of scary bits, but the graphics are pants by todays standards. think a bit bettter than thief 1:


PS - just wait until you meet, well, you'll hear her coming long before you see her....The Cyborg Midwife :)

ill leave it at that
HL2 has forced me to go to my console and play games you can only get on them. Resident Evil 4 is amazing. So is Jade Empire.

I tried playing other FPS's and while they provided some entertainment, they just didn't match HL2. It's like when Beethoven wrote the 9th Symphony. No other composer wrote a symphony for ten years after that. I'm on my 3rd play through and it never gets old.
trizzm said:
the world seems to be slowly regaining from the massive impact Valve is responsible of when they released the game 183 days ago. people in offices and students everywhere are starting to work again, families finding back their balance- and such.

what are your impressions, how different are your lives after these six months than before them, how many times did you play through it, what kind of impact did it have on your surroundings.
Well, it set me back 50 bucks. Then I played it a lot. But if it never came out, I probably would have played something else. In conclusion, Half-Life 2 hasn't changed my life at all.
kupoartist said:
Would I like a System Shock 3 in a post Source Engine world? Yes. Yes I would.

Got you some good news. Irrational Games, the designers who made System Shock 2, are making a game called Bioshock--a spiritual sequel to System Shock 2. :)

Narcolepsy, you should play System Shock 2. It is one of the very best games of all time. Play it without the Rebirth mod. At least the first time.

For the record: I haven't played Deus Ex 2, because my graphics card does not support DirectX8/9 protocols. I expected I wouldn't get to play Half Life 2 either, but those Valve guys sure surprised me when they announced that HL2 would support old DX7 cards. Kudos to Valve.
AIDisabled said:
Got you some good news. Irrational Games, the designers who made System Shock 2, are making a game called Bioshock--a spiritual sequel to System Shock 2. :)
Well duh! Still, the engine is going to be their modified Unreal 2 engine. Unreal 2 Engine is venerable old tech now: it never really looked all that fantastic and now it looks really, really bad, especially when you consider the quality of a certain other Shock successor that sucked harder than a Vacuum cleaner testing facility. And it's just not going to be System Shock: sure it's a reason to get excited, but it's not the reason to blast into orbit that a Shock 3, on a decent engine would be.

Narcolepsy said:
add the combat of Half-Life 2 and Halo combined (best parts of each, of course)
What good part to Halo combat? The crap spud-gun weapons? The "i've crapped my pants here" movement speed? The "Fruit Pastel" approach to enemies, where there are only 4 types of enemy but in different colours?

Cons Himself said:
can you imagine Deus Ex 1's story line on the Unreal 3 engine, with improved combat gameplay....now that would be orgasmic....
After Invisible War, I vote that any Deus Ex game (and sorry to be realistic, but the franchise is pretty much dead) stays away from the Unreal engine. Even the first DX was ineptly applied to the original Unreal engine... but IW on U2? Completely Foul.

AIDisabled said:
For the record: I haven't played Deus Ex 2, because my graphics card does not support DirectX8/9 protocols. I expected I wouldn't get to play Half Life 2 either, but those Valve guys sure surprised me when they announced that HL2 would support old DX7 cards. Kudos to Valve.
Lol at the irony... Half-Life 2 in sub 640x480 resolution, in Direct X 7 on the lowest possible card, looks around as nice and plays as smoothly as Deus Ex 2 on full settings with all the latest tech in your PC. IW means I have no sympathy for the passing of Ion Storm ^^
kupoartist said:
Well duh! Still, the engine is going to be their modified Unreal 2 engine.

Well, I think it's better than nothing.

The way I see it, if Bioshock is a commercial success, someone might just finance Irrational Games to make System Shock 3.
kupoartist said:
What good part to Halo combat? The crap spud-gun weapons? The "i've crapped my pants here" movement speed? The "Fruit Pastel" approach to enemies, where there are only 4 types of enemy but in different colours?

Good Parts to Halo:

allies that react and dance and sorta run around stupidly.

Lots and lots of visible fire.

People who take cover occasionally.

Plasma Grenades. (GODS I LOVE THEM :D)

Bunting people.

STupidly high jumping.
Narcolepsy said:
It'd be pretty easy to do - just take the basic format of Deus Ex, add the combat of Half-Life 2 and Halo combined (best parts of each, of course) and the stealth of Splinter Cell. Throw in the Unreal 3 graphics engine, and you're good to go.

Overworked developers (and their suffering families) are weeping, weeping, at your gross misuse of the word "easy".

:D It's a fecking nice idea, though!
and kupoartist, just because ion storm didnt have any good grpahics programmers for dx 1 or 2, doesnt mean that they wont for 3.

its not the tech that precludes the game from being good, its how that tech is used....

oh, and dx1 was amazing in spite of the bland grfx, which for the time werent that bad neway
It hasn't had as much play as Half Life 1 thats for sure, Steam is partly to blame.

That is all.
This exam is hard, can you make it multiple choice ??

Cons Himself said:
and kupoartist, just because ion storm didnt have any good grpahics programmers for dx 1 or 2, doesnt mean that they wont for 3.

its not the tech that precludes the game from being good, its how that tech is used...
Ion Storm - on account of being closed down - probably have more worries than hiring new people to be capable of decent GFX. Admitadly, the fact that Ion Storm no-longer have a chance of ruining another DX game means that chances are, someone with some visual skill could pick the game are (and yes I know it's stupid to say that Ion Storm ruined DX when they were the ones that elevated the game to it's classic status in the first place, but IW sucekd beyond all rationality anyway). However, with Eidos' financial troubles, the fact that Ion Storm don't exist anymore - and the fact that IW wasn't just a pile of steaming horse shite in quality terms, it also didn't sell very well - I'd say that there simply won't be a DX3 (Just look at the world of crap over a Shock sequel, and that would be a sequel to a game that didn't completely blow!). One can dream...

And i never said that bad tech was the root of their problems - I specifically said that Ion Storm were the root of the problems!
i lost count on the amount of times i beat, it prolly in double digits now. i have this strange habit i have to look at the main page of this site to find anything new on lost coast or aftermath like every hour im on my pc, i need more of this incredible game. o and it hooked me so bad, i have a sort of hl2 shrine, i mounted my collectors edition box and postes around my pc, and i made a litho since it didnt come with a case itself :) i know i know, this is the only game thats done this too me.
Overworked developers (and their suffering families) are weeping, weeping, at your gross misuse of the word "easy".
Irony, my friend. :E

Originally Posted by kupoartist
What good part to Halo combat? The crap spud-gun weapons? The "i've crapped my pants here" movement speed? The "Fruit Pastel" approach to enemies, where there are only 4 types of enemy but in different colours?
I like the health system, myself (though with both the shields and the actual health, unlike Halo 2). I also like the general feel of the combat, but only on the Xbox. The PC version felt like a cheap budget game. I also like the needler. The use of vehicles, however, is by far the best aspect of the Halo series, and basically wipes the floor with HL2 in that respect.

[SARCASM]And let's not forget dual wielding![/SARCASM]
But I actually did like dual wielding (before you say Goldeneye had it, it wasn't like it was in Halo). But what I didn't like is how your guns cover half the screen.
I think its affected me mentally, I want to play Red Alert 2, but whenever I do, I no longer want to play it :(
To those of you, who think that Half-Life 2 has changed your life, I have something to say to you...
Simply put, you have no life due to your desire for superior FPS's (myself included).
All day I played, trying to new stuffs hunting for bugs to exploit. When Garry's Mod came out (V7) I was hooked like a dog on kibble's N Bits. But now that the phenominon for me has died off I look back on good times.

I still hate the sunlight and going outside. But I am now slowling returning to the TV now.

The impact for me though is I simply cant not play anyother game. If it doesnt have lifelike ragdolls then count me out. The only games I can still play are the GTA series for the PS2.