Half-Life 2-so extemly unbeliveble beautiful


so you recon source engine will be able to update and have features like unreal 3 engine?

kewl cant wait for source engine to be able to take 200 million polygon source art and display low polygon version without much difference in quality like unreal 3 technology can.
fbuko said:
so you recon source engine will be able to update and have features like unreal 3 engine?

kewl cant wait for source engine to be able to take 200 million polygon source art and display low polygon version without much difference in quality like unreal 3 technology can.

Source already supports normal maps.
Yes, Half-Life 2 continues to amaze me also, even to this day. The only part of Half-Life 2 i'm sick and frickin tired of is waiting for it! :burp:
ue3 is beautiful, but dont expect to see games using it until many years
Gabe: Thurs 9/02/04 8:46am: Listen guys, it's not like our thumbs are covered in shit. We're not sitting on our asses. We're not rotating either. We're working on the game feverishly, I havent seen my family in 3 days. You guys need to stop emailing me, you'll know when it goes gold. Enough with the stupid tests, enough with the predictions, the theories, the bashing our beta testing, the constant bitching. Every email you send me prevents me from reading important work emails, It's like wading through piles of toxic sludge. omg plz stfu and gtfo kthx!

haha i was about to ask the same thing
StAtiC said:
ue3 is beautiful, but dont expect to see games using it until many years
Last time i heard of U3 they were going to release it in 2006
There won't be a U3 game. Apparently Epic are working on a non-Unreal game (but made on the Unreal Engine 3.0).