Half-Life 2 Source Code Dilemma


Sep 13, 2003
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Is this the most elaborate hoax the community has ever seen, or frightening reality? We have over 2300 users browsing our forum as I write this, and over 400 users in our IRC channel (irc.quakenet.org #halflife2) reading about and discussing this very question. Both these numbers are climbing rapidly as interest and speculation builds just as quickly.

If you aren't one of these individuals and would like to know what all this fuss is about, please direct your attention to this thread. Inside you'll find what is at the time of writing, over 600 heated posts regarding the legitimacy of a leaked "Half-Life 2 source code", a thread that has reached nearly 60,000 views. A huge number of people now have their hands on this code, there is clearly no doubt that this code actually exists, the doubt lies in what it is, exactly.

While coders and mod team members frantically try to make sense of what they have their hands on, there is still no clear answer. Many claim that this is the real deal, others are convinced it's nothing more than perhaps the scariest hoax we have stumbled across. HalfLife2.Net have contacted Valve about the situation and with any luck will have some clarification in the not too distant future regarding this apparent leak. Let us hope that it is in fact a fake, otherwise we're sure to expect further delays for Half-Life 2.

On a final note, HalfLife2.Net does not support or condone the uploading or distribution of this source code, posting of code fragments, nor screenshots of anything leak related, regardless of legitimacy. Any users found doing so will be dealt with harshly.
Let us all prey to God and hope it is all a major hoax...
I wouldn't bother God with something so trivial in the big scheme of things, but I understand your concern. ;)
Not quite sure what to make of this at the moment has Valve done this on porpose.? For reasons best known to them selfs.
Or has some one ****ed up BIG time.!
ummm... I don't understand, can you explain to me in a noob way? Is this a bad thing for mod makers or is HL2 not going to work.. or what?
Originally posted by x-DarkRage-x
ummm... I don't understand, can you explain to me in a noob way? Is this a bad thing for mod makers or is HL2 not going to work.. or what?

Hehe.. Exactly, what's all this about? :o
Originally posted by Droogie
Hehe.. Exactly, what's all this about? :o
It shows Valve in bad light for it being leaked
Fans can easily find out everything the game contains (well, code wise, like creatures, vehicles, weapons, stuff like that)
And it shows Valve are idiots since they apparently left OpenGL parts in the source :P (this is my biggest reason thinking its a very neat hoax)
After reading through a large portion of it, I must say this is *definitely* the source to HL2 (and TF2 and other Valve stuff). There are things in there that are not in anything valve released. For example, you can find all the new weapons and enemies, and their associated code in there. All of them have legitimate code that seems to have differing actions for each of these new characters.

If it's a hoax, the person who made it should have spent their time actually *making* a game, rather than copying HL2...
regardless of legitimacy. Any users found doing so will be dealt with harshly.

But apparently you guys don't care about people posting links to copyright infringing content, as long as it's not Valve's.
if this is true then christ knows whats gonna happen to HL2.
Originally posted by timdorr
For example, you can find all the new weapons and enemies
Can we? Have you seen it? I know I havent (yet). All I have seen is the little little LITTLE part of creatures and weapons that we already know is in HL2. But they have confirmed like 20+ more enemies we havent even heard of. None of the code shown or examples is actually *unique*...

I know, I'm skeptical, its my nature, it could very well be real :)
arg why so confused whos emailed gaben?


still confused though does the code look bad why are people all antsy
I could rattle off all the enemies that are in here.. stuff like bloaters, bullsquids, ichthyosaur, leeches, roaches, gargantuas, vortigaunts etc etc... they're all in there. it's not just the stuff we've heard of.
The main problem for valve is the fact that the code that has been leaked was going to be purchased by hundreds of design companies... Now before any design company released a game they WOULD still have to pay valve for the engine.. But in early stages of development they can "try test" the engine and see if they like it.. FOR FREE..

= Valve lose money = less great games for us! :(