Half-Life 2 Steam Offers Ready Thursday

I just cancelled my CE pre-order to order through Steam! Take ::THAT:: VUG!

::Smacks VUG executive upside the head so hard that his glasses fall off, and he accidentally steps on them because he's also knocked off balance::
what do u think will take long untill they release HL2?? i want it so bad!! wow im ZOMBIE now cooolll :afro:
Hmm. I wonder what kind of markup that is.

Not that I'm not excited...
Weeeeeeeeee.... i get off for two weeks tomorrow for school holidays, great timing
What time is it ready in GMT?
Woohoo - the wait is over (well most of it)...

Silver for me:
59.95 USD = 33.6992 GBP


Whilst waiting why not take PC Gamers advise and chill: http://www.tqworld.com/
I feel the calm already, before the storm natch.

Gotta go on the lash tomorrow night though, but may get an hour in beforehand :P
What the **** ever happend to selling games on steam cheaper?

The whole purpose of steam was to make games cheaper for consumers by taking the CD printing process out of the picture...

I was expecting the 1st package to be no more the 40$...

VAVLe is a bunch of greedy mind ****S!
wait let me get this right you can purcahse it tomorow at 11pm and they say the final version of couter strike source will be available immeaditly, does that mean that tomorow at 11pm we can be playing the full version of couter strike source?
yes... that's literally what it says

gold here i come :)
How is 50 dollars not cheap ypu get HL2 and CS:S . Two Games for the Price of one. Of course, I'm getting the gold edition even though a can't really afford it.
ch0ke said:
wait let me get this right you can purcahse it tomorow at 11pm and they say the final version of couter strike source will be available immeaditly, does that mean that tomorow at 11pm we can be playing the full version of couter strike source?
11am, huge difference.
Great news... but this is too damn expensive. I rather have an extra box and manual for that amount of $$$. :|
ch0ke said:
wait let me get this right you can purcahse it tomorow at 11pm and they say the final version of couter strike source will be available immeaditly, does that mean that tomorow at 11pm we can be playing the full version of couter strike source?
Actually, Chris said 11am which is better. :)
lol i was waiting 12 more hours than you guys :P
Yeah, it's too bad they aren't including that Half-Life: Raising the Bar book with the Gold edition instead of the Strategy guide. I hate strategy guides and have never used one without feeling like I was cheating. I mean, who wants to pay for a game and then go buy the strategy guide so that they can beat it.
Are you reading this vivendi? You had your chance to be fair. HL2 is not to be treated as a "stocking stuffer," I hope this proves to be a very hard lesson not to screw over fans. Although I feel sorry for the retailers that are getting screwed because of the corporate slime that is VUG.
Umm Chris, as an aside, why does it say you posted this at 2:43pm on the front page?
Am I going mad and I missed this earlier, or is it a cunning ploy?

Perhaps you're trying to convince Valve it's currently tomorrow afternoon! Heh, good one. I'll shut up now :P

Edit: Bang goes that theory, it'd delay it since it clearly says Wednesday.... DOH

uses my ATI voucher and goin for the gold!!!! :cheers: :farmer: :bounce:
Finally we get the news!

Silver here I come! Is anybody else concerned that Steam will be totally filled tomorrow and their order won't go through?
ApocalypseNow said:
What the **** ever happend to selling games on steam cheaper?

The whole purpose of steam was to make games cheaper for consumers by taking the CD printing process out of the picture...

I was expecting the 1st package to be no more the 40$...

VAVLe is a bunch of greedy mind ****S!

The most appealing one is the Silver one and saves you loads of money. For the Bronze ($50 = £28 *note* Games in UK always retail at £30 or £35) you save money, save having to get up and go down the shops to buy it. For the Silver ($60 = £33) you get HL:S - DoD:S and their back catalog on Steam (which afaik consists of HL1 and Blueshift etc...). If this is considered expensive to you then maybe you should take a minute to consider how long it takes to make a game. Especially this one (6 years?)
Alig said:
The most appealing one is the Silver one and saves you loads of money. For the Bronze ($50 = £28 *note* Games in UK always retail at £30 or £35) you save money, save having to get up and go down the shops to buy it. For the Silver ($60 = £33) you get HL:S - DoD:S and their back catalog on Steam (which afaik consists of HL1 and Blueshift etc...). If this is considered expensive to you then maybe you should take a minute to consider how long it takes to make a game. Especially this one (6 years?)

in that case it should only be 5 GBP to upgrade to silver from bronze ati package, but I bet ya cant
They'll make almost a half mil for selling 5000 golds...
If i buy the Silver Pack on steam, will i be able to purchase HL1 source afterwoods?
ApocalypseNow said:
What the **** ever happend to selling games on steam cheaper?

The whole purpose of steam was to make games cheaper for consumers by taking the CD printing process out of the picture...

I was expecting the 1st package to be no more the 40$...

VAVLe is a bunch of greedy mind ****S!

It's a marketing tactic - they want you to buy the silver edition, since it's just $10 more than the Bronze and contains 2 more games!
urseus said:
If i buy the Silver Pack on steam, will i be able to purchase HL1 source afterwoods?
If you get the Silver, you won't need to purchase it. It will be made available to you when it is released.
urseus said:
If i buy the Silver Pack on steam, will i be able to purchase HL1 source afterwoods?

RTFM - it's included :bounce:

How do you know Tiger's gonna buy it? :p
Alig said:
you get HL:S - DoD:S and their back catalog on Steam (which afaik consists of HL1 and Blueshift etc...)
I wish someone would confirm what the heck their "back catalog" actually includes. I don't know if that's going to be including Blue Shift or not. Not that it matters... instead of actually going out and buying the game, I just decided to "play through" the PHL Blue Shift Walkthrough.

Definitely got my money's worth. :-D
hahahaha im gonna steal my friends ati voucher cause he doesnt play cs and get it for free!!!! teeheehee :devil:
SILVER -- $59.95
* Half-Life 2*
* Counter-Strike: Source
* Half-Life 1: Source*
* Day of Defeat: Source*
* Valve's back catalog currently available on Steam
*To be made available upon products' release.
GOLD -- $89.95
* Half-Life 2*
* Counter-Strike: Source
* Half-Life 1: Source*
* Day of Defeat: Source*
* Valve's back catalog currently available on Steam
* Complete Half-Life 2 Strategy Guide from Prima Games
* 3 different Half-Life 2 posters
* Half-Life Collector's box
* Half-Life 2 hat
* Half-Life 2 postcard
* Half-Life 2 stickers
* Half-Life 2 Soundtrack CD
* Chance to win a trip to Valve! (1 trip offered for every 5000 Gold packages purchased).

Why the **** would you spend another $30 for these gay items?
The hl2 stickers and posters sound neat..
Not quite for thirty bucks though.
mbrithoms said:
in that case it should only be 5 GBP to upgrade to silver from bronze ati package, but I bet ya cant

It should be the case. They said that's how it's going to work so they can't take it back now, certaintly not after they release it. I've not got an ATI voucher anyway (£320 x800 and no HL2 :( ) so it does'nt include me.

soundstruck said:
I wish someone would confirm what the heck their "back catalog" actually includes. I don't know if that's going to be including Blue Shift or not. Not that it matters... instead of actually going out and buying the game, I just decided to "play through" the PHL Blue Shift Walkthrough.

Definitely got my money's worth. :-D

Well, i think that's what it is. Not that it bother's me anyway because i've got Half Life whatever big blue box 4 cd's edition somewhere.

I'm buying the bronze one. I've no desire to play a game i've played so many times through i lost count yet again on source engine. I'll have HL2 to play instead :P
gonna buy gold, cant afford it, but i feel valve deserve my hard earned!! i just wish we had a confirmed release date..
i hope they ship the extras to the uk..?
Whoaaa! Hold on there comrades. I think the deal tomorrow is that you can purchase it... not play it. Some one correct me if I'm wrong but there's nothing in that post on the news section from steam powered that says anything about playing is there? I'm old and my eyes don't work right all the time.
Not HL2...you buy HL2 tommorow but it's kept locked, CS:S is activated for your playing pleasure's immediately.