Half-Life 2 still set for 2004 release

I would but they would probably close the thread as soon as possible and maybe ban me on the spot depending on the mood of the moderators. ;)
epsil0n said:
yea.. seriously.. would someone please paste this official letter from Gabe saying that it WILL be released this year, onto planet half life's forums?? they just keep going off about hl2.net calling them brown nosers etc when in actuality this site is the only site ive ever actually trusted when it came to hl2 news..mostly because of their direct contact via emails etc to VALVe. those phl guys just need to stfu.. .anyone care to do the pasting?


I wouldnt, no one at PHL has any maturity (including fraggy) to believe that letter...they will say its made up, flame it, flame the poster, then continue work on their negativity bubble, to fly into the negative future where everything is negative.
Well after reading the article from May 2004 PCG, id say that the summer seems very promising indeed, :)
Munro said:
I really can’t believe the amount of people reading this simple text wrong.


Fragmaster can say whatever he likes about us it won’t change the way we keep the community updated with facts instead of pessimistic rumours and outdated information.

And hl2.net insists on the other extreme. As I said before, no-one in their right mind could think the game is delayed right now, there's just no evidence. But that said, it's clear that a 2004 release isn't a sure thing by any means and posting as much isn't helping anyone.

And no, emails from Gabe confirming 2004 doesn't change that. Have all of you suddenly forgotten the lead up to September 30?

Yes, Valve is targeting a 2004 release and there's no reason to think otherwise. No, 2004 is by no means 100% certain.
I agree that the news should not say "The game will be out in 2004." It should say "Valve says that the game will be out Summer 2004" That's all anyone knows, that's all anyone should say.
dude i just got an email back from gabe saying it'll ship this summer...relax
man i'm so ****ing glad this game is coming out soon i've never been hyped about a game so much, i mean this game taught me new ways to get information other than the reg gameing sites and mags, also i just absolutely adored hl1 which is in my op still the best fps ever made, i mean halo owes so much to it ahh well i'm too ****ing happy just to be sitting on the same old forum gonna talk about this on all the other hl2 forum sites
"dude i just got an email back from gabe saying it'll ship this summer...relax"

Er, exactly my point. All we know is that they say it will come out. We don't know that it will come out. Maybe it will, maybe it won't. Valve has been wrong before, so there's no reason to treat their stated expectations as facts. There's no reason to contradict them either, but they shouldn't be stated as facts.
Apos said:
I agree that the news should not say "The game will be out in 2004." It should say "Valve says that the game will be out Summer 2004" That's all anyone knows, that's all anyone should say.

totally and completely agree, my friend..
but .. someone should still do something about hl2world and phl... they can get outa hand sometimes... if only for their lack of respect for other fan sites such as this one.

Fragmaster should never have gotten that job in the first place. I sure as hell wouldn't hire him (it should be a news site, not a "I'm kool, this is my opinion site"). He likes atttention and seems he doesnt get any elsewhere. just dont go there until he vacates.

Only thing I find funny is how people said "he was right!" hell flip a coin and become "brilliant" just like him.
I don't recall Valve setting any dates in 2004.

You won't see HL2 until 2005, trust me.

wbcheater said:
dude i just got an email back from gabe saying it'll ship this summer...relax

Yeah and we all know how trustworthy he is.
I'll sell my printer for a copy of hl2! gimme da game gimme da game! (but if it sill needs a ton of work ill wait)

well their doing box art for the game so that usually means the game is about done or something no?
This is just another sympton of how shitty PHL has become, the forum mods are a bunch of two bit wankers who use it as their personal chat room, anyone who posts and doesn't have over 300 is a nob and their opinions are slated as nothing more than swill. They have beaten to death any possible similarty to a fan site they built up.

I personally can't see any purpose in PHL's existence anymore, this site has positive forums, constant news, sensible mods who have an idea about what their saying and go so far as to, *gasp* share what they know as opposed to heckling people trying to learn.
Rupertvdb said:
This is just another sympton of how shitty PHL has become, the forum mods are a bunch of two bit wankers who use it as their personal chat room, anyone who posts and doesn't have over 300 is a nob and their opinions are slated as nothing more than swill. They have beaten to death any possible similarty to a fan site they built up.

I personally can't see any purpose in PHL's existence anymore, this site has positive forums, constant news, sensible mods who have an idea about what their saying and go so far as to, *gasp* share what they know as opposed to heckling people trying to learn.
I sent Fragmaster an e-mail, and he got back to me. He admits he is disgruntled, and he is leaving PHL. I think it's for the best.
If you don't like PHL, it's as simple as not visiting it.

Whining about it and badmouthing the webmaster on another fansite's forums is pointless. FRAGMASTER SUXX!!!11 is getting really old.
Why are you ruining everyone's enthusiasm?

Mr Bond said:
If you don't like PHL, it's as simple as not visiting it.

Whining about it and badmouthing |snip| on another fansite's forums is pointless.

So why are you here, trying to curb everyone's enthusiasm and optimism about a Summer 2004 release date? People can complain about PHL if they want.
Sorry, you're right: telling people what they want to hear is more important than the facts! Nothing may dare harm the sacred enthusiasm!

Come on. I want HL 2 out as much as the next guy. I really want a summer 2004 release. But news sites aren't about what we want; they're about facts. And right now the facts don't support this news post.

And I didn't say they couldn't complain here. I said it was repetitive and pointless. Which it is...we've heard it all before. Any useful feedback should be posted on PHL or sent to Fragmaster.
Mr Bond, it's pointless.
There is no 'logic' in the life of a fanboy. No matter how right you are and how easily you present the facts, it will be ignored. Or worse, marked as blasphemy towards the holyness that is HL2 and Valve, and as devil-worship of the satanic FragMaster.
dunno why developers dont all adopt a Duke stance :D

"Its done when it's done!!"

All businesses have deadlines and budgets and times to work to. I know it's annoying when everyone is waiting for a hyped release. However time and time again people whine and whinge and get all upset over nothing really.

If I was VALVe I would just say "its done when its done but we aim to have it out some time this year 2004" /5/6 whatever :P

I dont see why all the constant debate and flaming etc etc really. Don't you have plenty of other great games to play :) (Farcry etc etc).

At the end of the day they are a business, if they decide to release a half arsed attempt of a game (which I seriously doubt) then more fool them. They can never win with the fans really.
If its delayed then live with it and look forward to a fully polished and finished product. If it comes out soon lets hope its because it is ready and for no other reason (I'm 100% sure VALVe aint so stupid to release a POS half finished product and tarnish their great success of HL1).

But cummon guys/gals etc cut them some slack they know what they are doing and they are good at what they do. Gabe and Co have obviously worked hard in the past to give us the fantastic HL1 and a whole multitude of free mods. What more do you want for your £29.99.

All the petty name calling on some forums really pi**es me off and it really is childish.

Here's to VALVe and may they complete HL2 in speedy time "I hope this year" but I dont care as long as the final product is half as good as it actually looks!!.

Budgie55, out :)
Come on. I want HL 2 out as much as the next guy. I really want a summer 2004 release. But news sites aren't about what we want; they're about facts. And right now the facts don't support this news post.

The facts don't support Fragmaster/PHL's stance either, which is entirely the opposite end of the spectrum.

Any useful feedback should be posted on PHL or sent to Fragmaster.

Please do.

But really, you can't highlight them as a paragon of news-providing virtue. With their overtly negative stance towards anything HL2-related, surely you should be looking for some middle ground? Otherwise, your preference for PHL over HL2.net is just that - a personal preference.
I dont give shit when it comes out as long as its within the nest year or so, other wise it will become outdated and just another game. But i do want to know when HL2's official site is coming up!
Mr Bond said:
Sorry, you're right: telling people what they want to hear is more important than the facts! Nothing may dare harm the sacred enthusiasm!

Come on. I want HL 2 out as much as the next guy. I really want a summer 2004 release. But news sites aren't about what we want; they're about facts. And right now the facts don't support this news post.

And I didn't say they couldn't complain here. I said it was repetitive and pointless. Which it is...we've heard it all before. Any useful feedback should be posted on PHL or sent to Fragmaster.

What facts?

That gabe newell himself said "it's not delayed" and "it will ship this year" ?

THOSE ARE THE FACTS, and you sir, are making up your own facts :hmph:
HalfLife2.net said:
Half-Life 2 still set for 2004 release
PlanetHalfLife said:
Newell: "delaying the game to 2005"
Both news statements are entirely accurate and 100% the truth. The problem is that they both say very little.

The fact that Half-Life 2 is set for a 2004 release simply means that Valve wants to release the game in 2004. Whether the game will actually be released in 2004 is a different question.

PHL's quote is accurate (Gabe did say that) but taken out of context. The rest of the newspost at PHL explains that there is a possibility that HL2 might be released in 2005. That's also true.

I conclude that both news posts report the truth, however both with a certain bias.

First while Gabe is the man in the know they have basically lied and BSed people in the past on a host of issues. Release date, HL2 SDK and the Benchmark. So I, stress I, am taking anything he says with a rather large grain of salt. I do think it will come out this year but not because Gabe says so. Hopefully a year is more than enough to finish out a game that was SUPPOSEDLY ready to be released last year. Gabe's word is poo right now, that's right I said poo, strong word there.

Maybe Gabe is the wrong person to single out in my post above. I will just say VALVE in general instead.

News isnt about the Truth Truth...

Its about the "How bad can we Make this sound?" Truth.

The Mullinator said:
Then who would you trust?

I will trust EB when I get an email with the header "Your Half-Life 2 Pre-orded has shipped" and a tracking number inside.

Until then I dont neccesarily trust anyone. I will read what they have to say but I am not going to blindly trust them. Thats how people upgrade and then get screwed by the game not coming out or the card not living up to the expectations that the dev said.

I remeber when quake3 came my brother bought a TNT2, I think, because Carmack in and interview said it was the card to get if you wanted to play Q3 in all its glory. Well my brother bought that card and when the game came out he got crap for frames, it was dissapionting to say the least, and I was using a vodoo 2 daughter card and the voodoo 2, old card at that time, was kicking the crap out of the TNT2 card. Basically dont listen to dev's about hardware BEFORE the game. You should check the hardware sights AFTER the game is released. There will be plenty of video card breakdowns with HL2 once its released.
Man, all this talk about 04,05,this summer,next fall,next winter release dates has really gotten the entire HL world on its heals. *jesh* To me speculating on a possiable HL2 release date is like trying to ask the US goverment did we really land on the moon, what was that, that landed in Rosewell or who really shoot JFK? Im as anxious as the rest of you & cant wait till it comes out rather it be this summer or next, makes me no mine. So why sit here a bash Gabe,Valve & others for something "they" perhaps cant control. Who knows maybe the game isnt finished yet? Unless your Gabe himself or an employee of Valve,we dont know the exact date untill someone from Valve gives us a positive release date. So sit back & enjoy life untill HL2 finally hits the store shelves. :)
When It comes out, it comes out!!!

Can all you cry babies stop, :o I mean come on. We all know that all of us will get the dame game when its out. So, stop crying about the release date already. You guys act like a group of ungrateful rich kids at Christmas time. This fuc*ing game took years to make and millions of dollars then the source code gets stolen.

Of course the game is going to get pushed back, till its ready to come out. If it came out next week all of you guys would be like, man there is a lot of bugs in this game! and be complaining about that sh*t. :frown:

Games like HL2 are going to be delayed and pushed back because the money they spend on the average game now is about $20 million and they want to make sure it will work well and not crush on your ungrateful ass. Give Value a break to prove them selves and to prove your ungrateful assess wrong.

Later :borg:
Xenome said:
What facts?

That gabe newell himself said "it's not delayed" and "it will ship this year" ?

THOSE ARE THE FACTS, and you sir, are making up your own facts
The emails have already been discussed, oh FactMaster. They don't really effect this discussion because last time we got the same confirmation from Valve and look what happened.

PiMuRho said:
The facts don't support Fragmaster/PHL's stance either, which is entirely the opposite end of the spectrum.
Agreed... no one liked Fragmaster's attitude (including himself) but the main topic here has nothing to do with PHL.

PiMuRho said:
But really, you can't highlight them as a paragon of news-providing virtue. With their overtly negative stance towards anything HL2-related, surely you should be looking for some middle ground? Otherwise, your preference for PHL over HL2.net is just that - a personal preference.
This entire topic has nothing to do with PHL, or preferences. I only made the point about PHL-whining to stop the thread being derailed into another Fragmaster-flamefest. And you're right, PHL is no saint of newsposting. But I never said they were.
Real reason for delay!!!!!!!

Gabe Newell says in the PC zone that the main reason for the delay is their poor planning, and their lack of understanding of how hard it would be for the HL2 team to work after the leak demoralized them.

It also reads on and says that the game is coming out this summer.
Which is cool I and others can't wait!