Half-Life 2 still set for 2004 release

Thanks for clearing this up, a lot of sites seem to be "confused."
Oh lookie! :O


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While the statement was obviously hypothetical and many sites seem to have misinterpreted the whole thing, it's almost equally misleading to be confirming a rock solid 2004 release. There's no reason to think HL 2 is delayed but by the same token a 2004 release isn't guaranteed by any means.

Mr bond read this

email by Lobster to the man himself...


From: Bill [mailto:***]
Sent: Monday, April 19, 2004 8:49 AM
To: Gabe Newell
Subject: Setting a mind at rest

Hi Gabe

Things happening around now (magazine previews and build up to E3) with a lot of good messages and quotes coming out of you guys that your gonna make a summer release.

I understand you can’t say anything right now about the release date, but you could clear up a recent piece of news that’s kinda stirring things up, some site called VG Pro have taken it upon themselves to take an answer you gave to an interview in Polygon magazine, suggesting (In VG Pro's Mind) the game had a chance of being delayed into 2005.

It's a tense time in the community right now, everyone’s dying to start playing this game, and any light you could shed on any of these things would be great.

"...if we delay the game, it'll be only to blow your socks off even more when it finally releases."

:flame: Um, no Gabe, it won't. By 2005 the Doom3 engine will be licensed to 3rd party developers who will dedicate the majority of their time to gameplay instead of engine development. The market will be rife with competition. Are you going to recode the engine to keep up with 2nd gen Doom3 quality?

When WILL this bullshit cease? Everyone was expecting this game to ship LAST year. I even bought a now aging R9800 for this title. I understand that's my bad and not Valve's, but the info seemed accurate at the time. Wait a minute, I do have a HL2 license key! Perhaps I DO have a legitimate gripe!

I can't help to feel that the "entire" gaming pulic is being punished for the code theft. Or perhaps they hyped the Q3 2003 release to get a fat check from ATI.

While I expect nothing from game developers except for decent games, they shouldn't hype a title's release if they have no idea WHEN damn thing's going to ship. Does anyone really give a rat's ass when DNF is going to come out? No. It's not even newsworthy. I suspect few will believe the news should it ever ship.

Whatever, take your time. HL2 has officially been moved to "back burner" among my LAN party circle...
Eheh, funny theGreenBunny !

I really hate those rumors, and even more those guys who say bad things about Gabe Newell or Valve in general, adding some fake things like commercial reasons to explain this delay ...

They shouldn't be allowed to play the game !
Yay. This year...yay...not yay for new video cards, makes my 9800 Pro shrink :(
The Radeon 9800 is still a high performance card, so theres no need to worry. Wasnt the E3 video run on one?
Lethal8472 said:
The Radeon 9800 is still a high performance card, so theres no need to worry. Wasnt the E3 video run on one?

Did you see the reviews of the new nVidia 6800 cards? In quite a few cases the cards are twice as fast or better than the 9800XTs. I can't wait to see what ATI's response is going to be like. You can bet they are going to try to out do nVidia.

The 9800 is going to look like a low end budget card once the next generation of cards hit the market. They are a giant leap forward.

My 9700 PRO stutters with Far Cry. I wouldn't be very surprised if to run hl2 with max settings, you need one of the next generation cards.

A bit off-topic but I just had to let it out in glee.
Well, you have to understand, HL2 is going to be around 50 to 70 $ so it will be on the heavy said for our wallets but this price should get quite a good bit of money to come in right away! Plus to Selling’s of CS:CZ is bring in money, and CS:CZ isn't quite that much different from CS. Before I start to rambling to get to the point is that HL2 will bring in much more money than they have spent on it, also I seriously drought that they have spent more than maybe 5 to 8 million on this.
Apos said:
Uh oh: fragmaster said a nasty thing about HL2.net...


Truth is nasty? Wow.

He only said that because he was right and he knows what he is doing. Just because someone makes a nice looking website and registers the domain www.halflife2.net doesn't mean they are THE source for Half-life 2 news.

Fragmaster is not an idiot, he is not Fragmasturbator, or whatever names you all come up with. He tried to tell all of us last year before 9/30 that Valve wouldn't make the release date and he was right.

Now, this fan site today gives out a bunch of opinion (no proof provided, although they MIGHT have established some form of contact with Valve) and you all bow down to them because they are right and perfect.

Fragmaster works for IGN/GameSpy. Go ahead and shout curse words about them. How dare they give us some of the best online gaming info! Fileplanet? You mean Filewhore! You people are so......whats the word.....i dont know.........you believe something just because its there and it looks pretty. There.

Rant over.
I really can’t believe the amount of people reading this simple text wrong. It’s as if they’ve got selective vision only seeing the words “Half-Life 2”, “delayed” and “2005”. I guess it doesn’t help with a few sites presenting it in a way to suggest it is delayed and fuel those daft rumours.

Stop running around shouting at Valve for doing something that’s only happened in your heads.

Valve have told us and the community so many times now the game will appear this year (2004). Everything is running smoothly and there’s no reason to think the game will be delayed for any longer. Fragmaster can say whatever he likes about us it won’t change the way we keep the community updated with facts instead of pessimistic rumours and outdated information.

Rofl dose he still write..!

the guys a bloody fool..

yup well said again munro...bout time people started to acctualy read whats been said rather then read HL 2005 ho **** no another delay....
Nothing like a good bit of drama to speed time by. Though it has to be said, FM lays into Valve as much as he does HL2.net. Guess he's pretty pissed.
Now, this fan site today gives out a bunch of opinion (no proof provided, although they MIGHT have established some form of contact with Valve) and you all bow down to them because they are right and perfect.

and Fragmaster is right? Sorry, since when did facts become opinions?


Straight from the horse's mouth.
PiMuRho said:
and Fragmaster is right? Sorry, since when did facts become opinions?


Straight from the horse's mouth.

I am basing this off who was right in the past. MARK MY WORDS (not physically, but you know....kind of like that stupid phrase you used above).

Half-life 2 will not be out in 2004.

Can you really imagine going up to a store that sells video games in the near future and Half-life 2 is there on the shelves? Of course not.

Hope is all you have, not a vision of it on the shelf.

Sure, you could say that I have the complete opposite of hope, and I am at fault too if you are.

But this is Half-life 2.....
I respect Frag's intuitions, and he was right about the first delay. But to be fair, he had evidence then (he was in touch with the gaming mags, who didn't get tapped to review HL2 when they should have been if the game was going to be on time), and he doesn't seem to now: he's just bitter about the whole mess.

I honestly don't know what's got into him. Back when I was on news staff here, he sent an email asking if we could all make up and play nice. Now he seems on the warpath again. I don't think he understands the difference between rabid fans who flamed him (which hl2 can't control the existence of) and the hl2 staff which just disagreed with him, with their own good reasons to think otherwise this time. Maybe he thinks the original news post was reffering to PHL? As far as I can tell, it wasn't: it's reffering to VGo, which has now recanted. And after that, the next site to pick it up with a deceptive headline was bluesnews, not PHL. Although, to be fair, PHL's summary is still a little misleading.
Varsity said:
Nothing like a good bit of drama to speed time by. Though it has to be said, FM lays into Valve as much as he does HL2.net. Guess he's pretty pissed.

No no, no more drama for me... got enough of it when i joined this site :D
Majestic XII said:
No no, no more drama for me... got enough of it when i joined this site :D

Yes, true. Anyway, this is the end of replying in this topic for me.

I know how Internet arguments go.....

Its not like one side is going to suddenly say "You know what? You are right!"
d8cam, i envy you. Ignorance really is bliss.
Basing things on who was right in the past is just fundamentaly wrong.

"Can you really imagine going up to a store that sells video games in the near future and Half-life 2 is there on the shelves?" Being that it is a video game, and will be coming out in the near future, I think it's more than likely that shop owners will find some shelf space for it. Do you have any solid proof that the game won't be released this year, like, proof that outweighs ours stating it will?
I am basing this off who was right in the past.

Fragmaster was not imbued with some mystical knowledge of the future. He was right, sure, but only by coincidence.

Half-life 2 will not be out in 2004.


Can you really imagine going up to a store that sells video games in the near future and Half-life 2 is there on the shelves? Of course not.

Whoa! Slow down there! Yes, I can imagine it. Just because you don't think so, doesn't make it true.

Hope is all you have, not a vision of it on the shelf.

Right back at you.

Sure, you could say that I have the complete opposite of hope, and I am at fault too if you are.

No. You see, you're indulging in wild speculation based on an out-of-context quote from Gabe. We're going off the correct interpretation of that quote, as well as further information from Valve themselves.
have you guys seen the lates headline at www.planethalflife.com ? Its under geiger counter.... I think that idiot is reffering to us. Whos side is Fragmaster on?
PiMuRho said:
Fragmaster was not imbued with some mystical knowledge of the future. He was right, sure, but only by coincidence.
Not to take sides, but:

Apos said:
he [FM] had evidence then (he was in touch with the gaming mags, who didn't get tapped to review HL2 when they should have been if the game was going to be on time)
PiMuRho said:
His own, presumably.

But he was right about the gaming mags part. They really do need longer lead times, and it's apparently entirely true that Lombardi told them late summer that the game would not be available to review on time for the Sept. 30 release.
The simple fact is numerous sites have been running around with this news screaming "HL2 DELAYED TILL 2005!!!!!11111oneone"

All we're trying to say at the end of the day is .. thats not at all what that statement says. It's like reading The Sun ( really inanne and rubbish british tabloid for those of you who don't live in the UK )

At the moment everything seems to be progressing nicely ... and I mean come on it's only April and we're getting bashed for hoping that it'll be released this year :o

There's plenty of time left this year
HL-2 isn't delayed.

-----Original Message-----
From: Neale Roberts [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Monday, April 19, 2004 10:33 AM
To: Gabe Newell
Subject: No delay

Hi Gabe,

I don't suppose one of you guys would drop by our news forum and make a
brief post to say that Half-Life 2 isn't actually delayed? It doesn't
seem to matter what we post, they're still running round like headless


Neale "Pi Mu Rho" Roberts
Halflife2.net staff
Hot Soup said:
The simple fact is numerous sites have been running around with this news screaming "HL2 DELAYED TILL 2005!!!!!11111oneone"

All we're trying to say at the end of the day is .. thats not at all what that statement says. It's like reading The Sun ( really inanne and rubbish british tabloid for those of you who don't live in the UK )

At the moment everything seems to be progressing nicely ... and I mean come on it's only April and we're getting bashed for hoping that it'll be released this year :o

There's plenty of time left this year

exactly! We are the only HL2 site that hasent jumped to conclusions. I wonder why Fragmaster would post something as stupid as whats on PHL home page. I wonder if he actualy likes HL.... as Soup said, we still have many months in this year!
lol Fragmaster is leaving soon so he is probably just trying to create one last controversy before he goes. Either way he is being a complete moron for doing it.

EDIT: Or maybe its because PlanetHalfLife has been losing alot of visitors since HL2 has been up so they are trying whatever they can to get people comming back.

Who really knows?
The Mullinator said:
lol Fragmaster is leaving soon so he is probably just trying to create one last controversy before he goes. Either way he is being a complete moron for doing it.

EDIT: Or maybe its because PlanetHalfLife has been losing alot of visitors since HL2 has been up so they are trying whatever they can to get people comming back.

Who really knows?

err...whos teaching them there buisness strategies? Gates? To win me back (yes I was a PHL go-er once :() they will have to start posting reliable news, and fire all of there loser mods :)
Six Three said:
err...whos teaching them there buisness strategies? Gates? To win me back (yes I was a PHL go-er once :() they will have to start posting reliable news, and fire all of there loser mods :)
Well its like politics. If you can't make yourself seem better then try and make your opponent seem worse. It seems to be exactly what Fraggy is doing.
The Mullinator said:
Well its like politics. If you can't make yourself seem better then try and make your opponent seem worse. It seems to be exactly what Fraggy is doing.

The Mullinator said:
It seems to be exactly what Fraggy is doing [63 edit] trying [63 edit] .

Fraggy is teh Sux!
The Mullinator said:
lol Fragmaster is leaving soon so he is probably just trying to create one last controversy before he goes. Either way he is being a complete moron for doing it.

yes he is leaving soon and it also turns out he was working on prima's hl2 behind the scenes book which is why he knew so much about hl2's status. apparently he knows whats going on with the game now which is part of the reason why hes leaving.
slapdragon said:
yes he is leaving soon and it also turns out he was working on prima's hl2 behind the scenes book which is why he knew so much about hl2's status. apparently he knows whats going on with the game now which is part of the reason why hes leaving.

I never heard of this...Do you have a link or something to prove?
PiMuRho said:
HL-2 isn't delayed.

-----Original Message-----
From: Neale Roberts [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Monday, April 19, 2004 10:33 AM
To: Gabe Newell
Subject: No delay

Hi Gabe,

I don't suppose one of you guys would drop by our news forum and make a
brief post to say that Half-Life 2 isn't actually delayed? It doesn't
seem to matter what we post, they're still running round like headless


Neale "Pi Mu Rho" Roberts
Halflife2.net staff
I would like to think that this would shut people up but I know how alot of people enjoy thinking of everything so negatively. *cough* Fragmaster *cough*
yea.. seriously.. would someone please paste this official letter from Gabe saying that it WILL be released this year, onto planet half life's forums?? they just keep going off about hl2.net calling them brown nosers etc when in actuality this site is the only site ive ever actually trusted when it came to hl2 news..mostly because of their direct contact via emails etc to VALVe. those phl guys just need to stfu.. .anyone care to do the pasting?
