Half-life 2 Story: We need to know!



Hello fellow half-life fans...

I know this have been already argueed in this forum and many are tired of discussing the story or the theories behind the story. But i must say there's a lot of questions that need answer and many of this questions can be answered without waiting for HL3 explanations (perharps it even bring MORE questions...).

What I want to say is that there are so many HL2 players, forums and sites that it's not acceptable that nobody has done a "Full Story"/"Full Facts" text on hl2. I've been looking for this for a long time with no success, except one that needs registration + original cd + burocracy.

So... here's the deal:

Why don't everyone post some of the facts or hints they have picked up in the game?

For example:

I've played HL1 many times, but it has been a long time ago.... can someone make a review of the story and connect the first game with the second?

Can someone show some of the phrases and lines showed in the game that really proove some of the theories behind the story?

Can someone tell me a FULL STORY site, post or article on Half-life? PLEASSSSEE??? :)

Now, let me be the first:

First off there's something on the reviews that really bothered me. HL1 ends with G-Man proposing Freeman to work for him or engage into a battle that would certainly lead to his death. HL2 starts many years after hl1 ending. Now everyone just says that Freeman has accepted to work for G-man. But why? Who can proove this? In my oppinion, freeman's personality would most likely be against such a charactor as the misteryous G-man. Wouldn't it be great if our hero just tried to match this G-man or whatever battle he meant and showed him what he's all about? Wasn't in this very challenge that Freeman really became powerfull, even if it was impossible to win? (In HL1 he's a scientis that fights pretty well. In HL2 he's a savior. Why? How?).

Now, a few questions:

- What do we know about the Combine? What is their relation with Breener? Have they already conquered the world or just that area we see in the game?

- What's Breen trying to do in the end of the game? I was so alert to enemies that I confess I didn't pay much attention to what he was saying. But what is his plan? What is that portal for? What happened when Freeman destroyed it?

Now, some theory of mine:

It has already been discussed, but few tried to understand the idea behind it. What if G-man is Gordo FreeMan? Is it really that impossible? Why are we so certain it stands for governmant man?

And now some facts for no theory can be understood without facts (not saying it's true, just trying to make it plausible):

- If you imagine Freeman without glasses and beard he is not very different from G-man at ALL! I'm the only one with this picture in mind? They actually look similar! Haven't anyone noticed their eyes have the same collor? Try to imagine a Freeman with 50 years. How close to G-man would he look like?

- Time. It's the keyword on Half-life 2. The first game barely mentioned it. But in HL2, it's everywhere! Like they're hints in a puzzle! First off, a lot of time have passed since hl1. Secondly, we now know it exists in the game and it has been discovered! Freeman is actually a time traveler. The portals used in the game not only travel between space dimensions... they travel between time dimension as well. When Freeman use the portal with alyx they travel for a short time, but still travel. And we can see G-man mentioning time for many times. Actually, it's even right to say that G-man was not worried at all about time... it's as though this task was hard and crucial... but G-man still left Freeman with no weapons and very few information. Would you do that to an worker of yours? Only if it didn't matter the time you had to accomplish the task.. perharps it didn't even matter if you accomplished it THIS TIME. Now we're getting somewhere...

Theory: When Freeman used the portal for the first time he not only oppened this dimension to others... and not only he travelled to other dimensions and back to ours. He actually traveled through time. And that leads to a whole deal about Parallel universes, paradoxes, and other stuff that would make this story VERY HARD to understand. Anyway, it must have something to do with it. Time must be a keyword, a hint. Peharps Freeman travelled through time and learned a lot of things that we're not expected. Perharps he became powerfull for this and started changing the future. Peharps he designed a plan and made sure this plan would work. And then.. just peharps... he came back in time to make sure his other Life, in our dimension, succeded. So he is G-man, Gordon Freeman, that man that frees. And he's helping his "other he"... without trying to convince him that time travelling is real.. without trying to explain to him what is going on. Isn't it a great plan? And now this government we heard off, the employees... Peharps they believed in Freeman.. peharps they helped him travel back in time and become G-man.

And now something a few haven't noticed. In the end G-man says: "You have made it. You have impressed... And just to think everything could have been lost if not for...".

If anyone remembers any other phares, especially from G-man or Dr. Breener (explaining/convincing Freeman), please post it!
More facts!

Now that we have remembered the end.. let's think of the beginning. I think it's the greatest fact to the G-man Freeman theory: THE BEGINNING! It's the scene that made me guess it. Play it again if you don't remember what it is. It's G-man talking to Freeman. Explaining a bunch off stuff. For us, players, we can only see a black scenario and G-Man's face. Then, suddenly, we're in the real world. And what is in front of us? A mirror. We get from the face of the G-man to our own face reflecting on a mirror. We get from G-man to Freeman. Can you notice their eyes?
Good questions,all will be answered if you just replay the last Chapter again.
This time,try to pay attention.
All your questions are answered in the game :)

(Can't remember the link to the fragfiles site sorry)
I will

I will as soon as I get home. But that doesn't mean you cannot post your own opinion.. please do! :)
I'll answer one of them since i am pressed for time.

The combine have conquered the planet, they almost wiped us out in 7 hours. There are about 30 remaining cities with a human population, the rest of the world is wasteland over run with Xen wildlife
Cool.. Don't remember hearing that. But that's because my game's sound came bugged... I also didn't understand the first chapter.. a summary on that would be nice.
marcelobarros said:
Cool.. Don't remember hearing that. But that's because my game's sound came bugged... I also didn't understand the first chapter.. a summary on that would be nice.
What didn't you get?
Samon said:
I'll answer one of them since i am pressed for time.

The combine have conquered the planet, they almost wiped us out in 7 hours. There are about 30 remaining cities with a human population, the rest of the world is wasteland over run with Xen wildlife

Wow, for once I agree with you. Although, there's probably more than 30 cities.

Just as a reminder to everyone - there's no proof of Combine control on Xen :p

-Angry Lawyer
All they do is catch head crabs and launch them at resistance bases...The only ones they control are some vortigaunts...
Don't forget that Gordon is possessed by the devil. He must have made love to the cross when he was younger 'cos his head sure can spin when sitting in a buggy.
Breen has a beard, could he Gordon from the future too?

No. Just, no.
Samon.. what about the fragfiles site? Or any other site with a story summary?

If one could please tell me a few sites or posts concerning the story I would be glad.. because my idea here was to collect information from different sources and do a single post summaryzing it all...

But it seems like everyone got tired from discussing that.. well, I just got here so.. there's still a lot to discuss! :)

AJ Rimmer: I only remember G saying that Gordon will do something for him and that he's sending to City 17 (?) or something.. didn't understand much.
marcelobarros said:
Samon.. what about the fragfiles site? Or any other site with a story summary?

If one could please tell me a few sites or posts concerning the story I would be glad.. because my idea here was to collect information from different sources and do a single post summaryzing it all...

But it seems like everyone got tired from discussing that.. well, I just got here so.. there's still a lot to discuss! :)

AJ Rimmer: I only remember G saying that Gordon will do something for him and that he's sending to City 17 (?) or something.. didn't understand much.
G-man merely says that Gordon's time has come again and then dumps him in the trainstation, although he says it that G-manny sort of way. That's it, I thought you didn't understand something about the trainstation itself...
Angry Lawyer said:
Wow, for once I agree with you. Although, there's probably more than 30 cities.

Just as a reminder to everyone - there's no proof of Combine control on Xen :p

-Angry Lawyer

Whats that music i hear? Its something along the lines of "Here we go here we go...here go here we go here we go..." and so on.

Geez Lawyer why don't you just start handing out propaganda posters/leaflets to support your cause :p
Thank you Penfold!! That's exactly what I needed...

It even has screenshots... cool! So I was on the right line but there's some nice info in this site. Now I've another theory about G-man... what if he's not from another planet.. but what if he's a Combine himself? What if some of the combine, that are a mix of many different races, actually stopped agreeing with their taticts and politics.. and started an alliance to destroy the combine?

That makes more sense to me.. otherwise who else would have the strength to fight the combine and stay alife? It also explain all the mystery around G-man.... why he's always hiding, and never acts himself. He can somehow control time, and have a few tricks of his own, yet he does nothing by himself. It's like he's a Combine himself (disguised) that believe it's a human that will help the alliance destroy the combine. Then he tests Gordon, trying to demonstrate to the others members of the alliance (some that may be in doubt about the alliance itself.. or in fear) that this human (Gordon) can actually be of use. Now, after HL2, Gordon has prooven himself and the alliance will "expand" his services...

Anyway.. I still prefer the Time Travelling one but, the veredict is: whatever story they try to follow, Valve is going to kick some more ass in HL3!
Yeah, that site is very good. It's nice to see all the important info in one place and in chronological order - as opposed to loads of different threads in a forum with hundreds of different peoples theories, where people can't remember what has happened exactly (no offense to anyone here :) ). Although I think he mentions a couple of his theories on the site, most of it is just the plain facts.

Well done Chan "Ventro" K (the author of that site) :thumbs:
At the end of HL1, the G-Man offers you a job, and you CAN decide not to accept, and if you do, the game ends adn you lose. If you decide to accept, he puts you in stasis. Simple as that. Play it through again; it's worth it and still fun. Or wait 1.5+ years for Black Mesa Source to come out.
The fragfiles site is a big earwax pie, everything's wrong. They probably think that the main character in Half Life is Morgan Freeman.

Read this thread instead:

It's long but read all of it. Lot's of theories are discussed. You don't just get one guy's random unsupported theory but lots of people shaping different theories against eachother. Cheers.
Laivasse said:
The fragfiles site is a big earwax pie, everything's wrong. They probably think that the main character in Half Life is Morgan Freeman.

Despite this quote on the front page:

Gary McTaggart (Valve) said:
Good job! Marc Laidlaw pointed this out to me as being pretty darn accurate for the most part."
Er, wasn't it obvious I was exaggerating for the purposes of humour?

Besides, I could have a site that had complete unsupported rubbish for the parts of the story that are impossible to prove one way or the other (eg, I could say "G+man is GRODRON!!" etc).

But as long as I said that 1) The Combine are the bad guys, and 2) Gordon is the protagonist, then it could still be described as "pretty" accurate by someone who wished to pass a polite compliment.
Laivasse said:
Er, wasn't it obvious I was exaggerating for the purposes of humour?

Well yeah, but you're still implying that it isn't correct (in whole or in part), when even Marc Laidlaw says it's pretty accurate.

Besides, I could have a site that had complete unsupported rubbish for the parts of the story that are impossible to prove one way or the other (eg, I could say "G+man is GRODRON!!" etc).

But as long as I said that 1) The Combine are the bad guys, and 2) Gordon is the protagonist, then it could still be described as "pretty" accurate by someone who wished to pass a polite compliment.

...what? You don't turn in an exam and get a good grade because you got two basic questions right. You get a good grade by getting the majority of it right.
...what? You don't turn in an exam and get a good grade because you got two basic questions right. You get a good grade by getting the majority of it right.

Those who followed the whole combine-on-xen thread saga would know that my grievance with the fragfiles site is not that it gets most of the story wrong, but that it presents one interpretation of the story as fact, with no supporting evidence (it just says the evidence is there to see in the game, for anyone who looks). People then say "oh look, that guy has a site - he must have got the story right" and link it whenever anyone asks.

Those "2 basic questions" I mentioned are still the "majority" of the story, if you boil it down to a basic degree. The guy has got most of the story right when he talks about basics of the Combine invasion, structure, motives, etc. That stills leaves lotsof margin for gettings loads of stuff wrong, or at least making irrational conlusions.

you're still implying that it isn't correct (in whole or in part), when even Marc Laidlaw says it's pretty accurate.

Marc Laidlaw saying that the site is pretty accurate, itself implies that it is incorrect in part. Regardless, with my first post I was just highlighting that that site is not the be-all and end-all of the HL2 story theories.
Gordon accepted G-Mans offer in the end of H-L1 and H-L2 begins in the same train HL1 ends in.
Freelancer said:
Gordon accepted G-Mans offer in the end of H-L1 and H-L2 begins in the same train HL1 ends in.
That train was a one-car monorail that looks completely different to the four or so car "proper" train. How do you reach that conclusion? It's just a motif used in the HL series - the trains aren't the same train, its just the association that is important.