Half-Life 2 Sub-title

Half Life 2: Crowbar Commando. (try playing the game through with only the crowbar!)
Half-Life 2: The Trials of Doug and Gabe
Half-Life 3: Doug and Gabe Bond
Half-Life 4: Doug and Gabe get married
hmmmm..... maybe not so much subtitles as background story
Half Life 2:
Not in any way related to "1984". Honestly.
Half-Life 2: Revenge of the Headcrab


Half-Life 2: Night with Alyx
Half-life 2: The Crowbar strikes back
Half-life 2: The return of the crowbar
Half-life 2: The crowbar menance
Half-life 2: Attack of the crowbars
Half-life 2: Revenge of the crowbar

Half-life 2: A Crowbar nightmare
Half-life 2: Gordons Revenge
Half-life 2: The Crowbar master
Half-life 2: Crowbar warrior

Half-life 2: The new gang
Half-life 2: A new threat
Half-life 2: Night of the living dead headcrab-zombies!
Half-life 2: Bang, Bang, Splat
Frost said:
What does everyone think about a possible Half-Life 2 sub-title? What would you suggest to Valve knowing what you do about the game? Something that would catch people's attention without giving away the plot... I know that fan fiction novel has a pretty good sub-title so what about the game itself? Also, does anyone think they will give it a sub-title when they announce it is gold and release the different packages and such in a Press Release?

For the life of me, I can't come up with one single reason for keeping the subtitle a secret until release. Conclusion: there is no subtitle.
Half life: part duex, maybe they can get charlie sheen and that old crazy guy to do it
Great stuff guys :) I didn't think there would be a subtitle but thought it would be cool to see what everyone would come up with. Can ya tell I'm bored at work? All this news of Half-Life 2 AND CS: Source and HL: Source release candidates getting sent to Vivendi and the fact that they've spent so long tweaking the game to get it just right is getting me super excited about HL2 again! Half-Life went gold in about 48 hours of the RC being sent to Sierra so lets hope we hear something soon.... About Half-Life 2: Its finally Here!
Half-Life 2: About Damn Time

Half-Life 2: gaben
No one's said half Life 2:Electric Boogaloo? Shame on you.

Failing that, Half Life 2: It's in the shops now... no really... no joke... don't wait for email confirmation in the info from valve section just go to the shops!

and finally:

Half Life 2: It's out, now what are you gonna bitch about with your friends online?
Wraithen said:
Half Life 2: It's out, now what are you gonna bitch about with your friends online?

Thats my favorite so far :) This needs to be seen by the crazy people on the steam.com forums...
Half-Life 2: HEY! Look at me Dumbass
Half-Life 2: Radeon not included
Counter-Strike Source - "Oh and Half-Life 2 as well"
half-life 2: the impotent barneys strike back :p