Half-Life 2 : Substance mod

Luck is blind and Sfiga sees wonderfully. If you don't know what Sfiga is,it is the opposite of Luck: but nothing so impersonal and far away,because everyone knows hers very well and she isn't impersonal at all when cheating you all the time.

The site is down for excess of bandwith usage,tomorrow I'll have it up again but until monday HL2Files won't be hosting the new 0.35 patch yet. Do you know if halflife2.net hosts mods like mine?
xdiesp said:
Zeus: copy your "\half-life2\hl2\maps\" directory and paste it into the "sourcemods\hl2substance\maps\" directory. A jump to lightspeed in loading times.

Thanks man, I'm doing this for all my mods! Someone should make a sticky about this method!
I've been working with the Experimental Language Pack (also known as xdielp). Listening to different languages is 1. entertaining as listening to music but 2. bothering if you need to know what people are saying. I.e. Breencasts in russian on the megascreens are a killer,as are the occasional scripted chit-chats between citizens in + languages. However,people like cops and soldiers must been understood when they're talking about to you. So no combat dialogues in the language pack,just scripted voice overs. If you'd like a specific one in some language,tell me...
try the new 0.35 on filefront! You'll like Future Alyx!
time to think again the possibility of including the friendly fire mod. We can now have hostile citizens and friendly enemies at will thx to the Super Happy NPC Spawning Guide. You get that this means bad vortigaunts,right?
That sounds pretty good, I like the friendly fire idea.
would you like to do me a favor? It is now clear that's not the graphics of Substance that makes medium systems crawl,it's the audio: also known as audio stuttering issue. Could you try if the old recipe snd_mixahead "0.7" still helps with the framerate?
Gordon Tales
HL2S is now open to anyone who whishes to partecipate with his non-canon story edited savegames. Try your best editing like me! Any SP or MP (you've read well: MP) map is good. Contact me to send your creations,you can also use this space for *limited* editing questions as well.
After playing "substance" you see how fantastic half life singel player is. In my mind you is loosing something in "substance" and that is the experience of be in the hl2 world.

In substance all you do is shoot all the time, and it is too much of everything, but fun to see some of these creatures that valve did remove.
Alphadec: actually your argument is favorable to Substance without you realize it,in fact you did have your satistying carnage in Substance before replay the original. Tell me instead how much it was fun replay the original again for the 6th time one after another all the same all the time,instead,without Substance in view.
personally when I replay the original levels,at least the not heavily scripted ones,I have the feeling to be decompressed in outer space as they are void. I've heard people complain even that Substance has too many striders and gunships: when the original had no more than a dozen total of them,you get it?
I really liked the ravenholm area, but when I went to load up one of the last maps, it started me over 2 maps ago! This needs to be fixed. Also, when will the next version of Substance be released?
Zeus: you experienced the bug mentioned in the installation guide (currently unsolved)
"installation guide
extract the zip archive in your programfiles/valve/steam/steamapps/sourcemods directory. To play,simply load steam and select "Play games - HL2Substance". Then pick the Substance level of your choice from the "New Game" menu. When you beat it,the next one will be loaded automatically (Note: level 26 must be loaded manually)."
I'm working on it,but it REALLY is difficult!...
The next version of Substance come this weekend.
Let's get some more reviews of this mod. I'd like to play it if its more fun, not just because it's different.
NJSpeed: it takes less to try the mod and see for yourself than read a bunch of reviews and prove yourself a conformist.
I swear I never had such a good time at editing as now finishing the 39th. It plays like Turok! It's the map where you can't touch the sand because the antlions come out: only this time there are NO props for you to walk onto,and there's antlionguards on the bigger rocks throwing you things (barrels,ships)! The final match now is 1 vs 3. There are also a couple allied citizens at the start,and just when you start wondering "how's that when they touch the sand nothing happens?" suddenly from a dark cave a guard rushes onto them and goodbye XD
ta-dah,here's the new cop skin. http://ludus1942.ngi.it/immagini/copskin.jpg It's a mix of both Toby's prerelease metropolice versions,customized with green lights,darker outfit,reflective mask with non reflective dark eyes. Anyway,that brown jacket could turn pitch black in a moment,who knows. Now that I'm arrived at Nova Prospekt,I have to say I completely hate the guardian skin: I must recolor it as soon as possible. Guess the color? Dark Black. And,but this is still debatable because in a second moment I'd have anyway to overwrite it with my future beetle strider skin,there's a chance I'll include Fragger's elite strider skin too in the next release. I'm also asking to have Alyx's pants reworked a bit to see the texture below. The sound pack is being slightly updated with sounds for casings,the crossbow and shotgun.
Sparta said:
I just have one question.....does it make the game harder?

Because thats my only complaint about Half-Life 2. the combine were too easy to kill and can't aim either.

:laugh:, 2x. The AI in HL2 is great, but what good is brilliant AI that is purposely made to have terrible aim and short spurts of fire on ALL difficulties? :dork:

I admit that on Hard it's difficult to stay alive in a couple places, regardless.


I'll try this mod when it's all finished and sparkling clean with an installer n everything. Until then, too busy modding... :monkee:
Dario D.: all that changes from a release to another is some skins and the overall performance tweaks,the edited levels' structure is unchanged. Anyway,wait for the next release this sunday to download it.

Sparta: in the next release you'll have an hotkey to remove the HUD and a new skill.cfg file to unlock Italian Extreme difficulty.
I've changed the weapons' names:

"a man alone wouldn't stand a chance in Nova Prospekt,but a man with a pack of antlions is different story". Duh! You assaulted Nova Prospekt with no more than 6 antlions...expect to see the size of the swarm you'll be leading in Substance.

vote: who's for and who's against renaming the smg1 "XM-29 SABR/OICW Assault Rifle"? All that changes is the name and the laser dot (green),I still have no OICW mdl file (*many* people asked me if I had it)
However there's an HL1 mod that has the OICW (Sands of War) and many other games too. How can we do to get it? By the way (just informatively) did the infamous leaked version have it?
about the Difficulty Mod: what a shock,I realized it actually lowers the game difficulty! My italian extreme mod is instead Nightmare skill. The only drawback is I don't know how to insert it in the mod: as of now,it's in a zip file in the cfg folder,called "italian extreme mode unlock"... Does anyone know how can I hotkey the use of this particular skill.cfg?
Make the smg stronger in the mod please....its unrealistic for them to take that many shots from the smg..it should be like 5 shots instead of 15
in 035 the headshots were stronger just because of that. Maybe I can upgrade them again for the italian extreme
ok,now it remains the problem of attaching an output to a touched entity,able to exec "map 1". I have to imput something after "ent_fire name addoutput ..." : where ... stands for <output name> <targetname>,<inputname>,<parameter>,<delay>,<max times to fire (-1 == infinite)> I've been suggested look at the CBaseEntity::InputAddOutput in dlls/BaseEntity.cpp to see how it's parsed,but I still don't get it. I'm hoping in revelations from someone here...
another problem! no levels beyond the 38 appear in the new game menu. if it's a limitation of the menu,I'm in trouble until I find out how to solve this...!
I found another review of Substance with the nobrainer idea that "Substance is bad because it's different from HL2". You wouldn't believe how many people complained about finding an headcrab out of Barney's door,or having some antlions in Level 7 (wasting mine and their time). You'd think they would be able to accept what they see,realize this is a mod and therefore try and then give a new meaning to it. I.e. that in level 7,maybe,there's been an unforeseen invasion; or that the combine themself may have driven it against the citizens,who knows. Absolutely no: because even if they are teenagers they think as 80 years old ultraorthodox fundamentalist (and we're talking about a videogame,note...). So when they see something different,they delete it and mark it as heresy. At least,this means this kind of people don't play my work.
Very nice mod my friend. Unfortunatley my 1.7 Celeron/768MB RAM/ATI Radeon 9600 is really struggling to keep up with it. I have lowered my resolution/settings to no avail. I am actually getting a 2.8 P4 tomorrow so I will give it another whirl. This is exactly what I wanted in a mod though. I actually asked here a while back if there was a mod like yours but this wasn't released. At least I don't have to complete the original on hard for the 3rd time. :)

Does it have an official website?
I finally got this working at a reasonable rate. I am running it in 800x600. Everything on low. The sacrifice was worth it though. This is AMAZING. Can't wait for future releases.

Good job xdiesp!
the 041 has been released and hopefully will be upped on HL2Files soon. As of now it's on my site:

041 Features:
- 6 new edited HL2S levels: 36,37,38,39,40,41
- major bugfixes and performance tune up on all the old levels
- added Friendly Fire Mod v.02 by Adam Hines: allies now suffer injuries from your hits and even turn against you! Now with added Bullet time: press "alt" (default) to toggle
- added autoinstaller: check the "copy HL2 cache files" option
- revised skins: Nova Prospekt prison guard,cop,scanner,strider
- revised sounds: crossbow fire
- new hud fonts
- new hud animations
- vortigaunts' and gunships' strenght rebalanced
- skill hotkeys added: while Substance levels stick on Hard difficulty on each level start,you can change the skill at any time by pressing "F1" (Easy),"F2" (Normal) or "F3" back to Hard. Press "F4" to toggle the HUD on/off,for an even more challenging game!
- new "italian extreme mode": if you still think HL2S isn't enough difficult for a pro like you,try press "F12" to toggle this special mode. Try and mix it with the skill hotkeys
- gravity gun range doubled (best for headcrabs)
- last minute ultraviolence update: the crossbow now sets targets on fire!
Funky Mulky: if you only arrived had two hours later...anyway,the 041 bugfixes,new levels,tweaks and tricks are well worth another download!
I'm very happy of the new bullet time,it adds depth to the gunfights
Just a few observations from a small play.

I don't like the new HUD.
I don't like the new reticule.

That is all.
Funky Munky: you did a good job,I play without the crosshair so I didn't know the Alba Hud changed it in that horrible manner. Now the 041 has been reupped without it.