Half-Life 2: The Lost Coast -- Released

nal777 said:
a nice accolade to steam and its slow ass servers

Ignorant statement of the day.

Theres over 1,000 people trying to download this file at once, what do you expect the servers to be? Super fast? Please.
Pajari said:
Sorry, this is not flamebait, but I just expected a little more. :(

Its been known for months it would be a 15 minute Tech Demo, now if you didn't read the reviews, well its your fault then.
chris tell me your vid card or im off to play, ive been done downloading for some time now,

ill tell you if it launches or not, if i dont post then you win.
anybody else think its funny that the "content hosting provided by:" picture is from nvidia? ha, i thought these were the ati levels... :D
gegam said:
deckstar you got one pointless sig, its to big, and stupid get rid of it for the forums sake. its like a roman senator wearing green to a white/red toga, meeting.

when you finish uploading, it will fix your steam account, its temporary, mines fixed
My Sig rocks. It's not pointless and it's definately not too big (under 4 lines).

So shush!
aeroripper said:
anybody else think its funny that the content download server picture is Nvidia? ha, i thought these were the ati levels... :D

It doesn't do that for me.
lol i treid luancing my 100% ready game

this game is unavailable,!!! OFLAMO dude in 4 days you might have to end up paying me over 100USD
aeroripper said:
anybody else think its funny that the content download server picture is Nvidia? ha, i thought these were the ati levels... :D

I'm on content server 6 with an NVIDIA card. Getting 200kbps and loving it. CANT WAIT 8 minutes. For some reason it says I dont have HL2 installed or CSS or DODS etc. I hope that will be fixed with a steam restart/ deletion of client regestry.
gegam said:
chris tell me your vid card or im off to play, ive been done downloading for some time now,

ill tell you if it launches or not, if i dont post then you win.
I have an nVidia GeForce 4 ti4200 which I'm using in place of my Radeon 9800 which is currently faulty.
DiSTuRbEd said:
Ignorant statement of the day.

Theres over 1,000 people trying to download this file at once, what do you expect the servers to be? Super fast? Please.
Ignorant reply of the month.

there are several servers around the world, and where i live is 1:27 in the morning. i doubt there is THAT much of a load.

moreover, you'd expect servers to be better than that, considering valve isn't exactly a little company and steam and half life 2 aren't exactly some undeground products. fileplanet, fileshack, countless file distributing servers (you name them) have that kind of load - CONSTANTLY and DAILY - and they seem to handle it just fine.
The plot thickens ladies and gentlemen! Will we play Lost Coast tonight? Or will gegam start a nuclear apocolypse to insure his prediction comes to pass? Find out next time on HALFLIFE2.net.
2 mintues 36 seconds..

I cant wait for this :D.. even tho i havent got enuff RAM, how much does RAM cost anyway?
DiSTuRbEd said:
Its been known for months it would be a 15 minute Tech Demo, now if you didn't read the reviews, well its your fault then.

I read that it was going to be a 'small expansion'. I assumed that 'small' would be about an hour. Also, since the technology is already in place, I assumed that they'd have more time to work on maps, especially since they're been showing shots of it for months now.
Pajari said:
I read that it was going to be a 'small expansion'. I assumed that 'small' would be about an hour.
Aftermath is a small expansion. This was always designated as a tech demo.
Pajari said:
I read that it was going to be a 'small expansion'. I assumed that 'small' would be about an hour.

That's what I assumed...
nal777 dont get your hopes up that high, were not on fiber optics yet man, deal with what you got, im a complainer myself though

anyway chris not to get your hopes up, game wont launch buddy, it still seems like im in the lead of our little argument, if i can keep this up for 4 days, ill end up being right? wont you say?

TheAmazingRando said:
The plot thickens ladies and gentlemen! Will we play Lost Coast tonight? Or will gegam start a nuclear apocolypse to insure his prediction comes to pass? Find out next time on HALFLIFE2.net.

really ufnny, sounds like a batman series
It keeps saying that the game is "Unavailable". Can someone help me the fark out?!

nal777 said:
moreover, you'd expect servers to be better than that, considering valve isn't exactly a little company and steam and half life 2 aren't exactly some undeground products. fileplanet, fileshack, countless file distributing servers (you name them) have that kind of load - CONSTANTLY and DAILY - and they seem to handle it just fine.

VALVe is a little company go compare them to EA, and you'll see a HUGE difference. The cap downloads so they don't run out of bandwidth, and have enough to spread around.
nal777 said:
Ignorant reply of the month.

there are several servers around the world, and where i live is 1:27 in the morning. i doubt there is THAT much of a load.

moreover, you'd expect servers to be better than that, considering valve isn't exactly a little company and steam and half life 2 aren't exactly some undeground products. fileplanet, fileshack, countless file distributing servers (you name them) have that kind of load - CONSTANTLY and DAILY - and they seem to handle it just fine.
Perhaps there's a problem with ports being blocked on your firewall as I'm downloading at my full 250KB/sec / 2mbps
I hope my Geforce 6600 is enough. I'll probably have to have anti-aliasing off.
VALVe should turn to bit-Torrent in Steam for their content delivery.
gegam said:
nal777 dont get your hopes up that high, were not on fiber optics yet man, deal with what you got, im a complainer myself though

anyway chris not to get your hopes up, game wont launch buddy, it still seems like im in the lead of our little argument, if i can keep this up for 4 days, ill end up being right? wont you say?

really ufnny, sounds like a batman series
Absolutely not. Because you said that The Lost Coast wouldn't be released in October. The game has been officially released so in the argument, I've already won.

However, I'm pretty confident that it will be playable.
Won't launch for me either. ALso I have that %account% thing, and it was kicking me off saying I didnt have access rights but I deleted the clientregistry.whateever and it stopped doing that.

Yeah... it won't launch, says unavailable.
yey, 89%. Cant wait for this!!!!!

Sufferin-rebel said:
how much does RAM cost anyway?

Cheep as chips, gets cheeper by the day!
Sufferin-rebel said:
2 mintues 36 seconds..

I cant wait for this :D.. even tho i havent got enuff RAM, how much does RAM cost anyway?

The price of RAM depends on the quality. Better quality means its more expensive. Get a stick of 512 megs of RAM (PC-2700, I think) for perhaps around or under $100.
dude, you just pulled an american on me, i thought you were in england.

anyway, i won because no one can play it yet, i got 4 days till end of month

if no one plays it in the community on their own system by the end of month i win.

no technicalities chris, i thought you were more nobal than that.
it's because 20000000 people are trying to download :P just leave it 10 mins
Face it Gegam, you're slowly being royally owned :).

50kb at a time baby.
W00t, its on 89% updating atm, cannot wait to see how it looks and plays :cheese:
gegam said:
nal777 dont get your hopes up that high, were not on fiber optics yet man, deal with what you got, im a complainer myself though

anyway chris not to get your hopes up, game wont launch buddy, it still seems like im in the lead of our little argument, if i can keep this up for 4 days, ill end up being right? wont you say?

really ufnny, sounds like a batman series

Just worked for me, you lost your arguement.
gegam Vrs October

Lets see who wins...

[edit] Points up at post above his. D'oh! He's down for the count folks!
dekstar said:
Face it Gegam, you're slowly being royally owned :).

50kb at a time baby.

1) stop kissing chris ass

2) have you played the game, has anyone on thier personal system

3) STFU noob