Half-Life 2 Theft Information

Chris D

Staff member
Jul 1, 2003
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Earlier on today a forum member, SAJ found and posted an interesting article found on the Guardian Unlimited website. The article is about the hack performed on Valve's network, the investigation into the theft of the source code and some details of the arrests. Here's an interesting part:
The risk of being caught prompted the primary instigator to contact Newell. He admitted hacking into Valve's server, but denied any role in the theft, instead naming those responsible for distributing the stolen code. "We now had three independent ways of confirming this primary instigator and, through conversations with this individual, had convinced him to fly out to us in Seattle for a job interview. The plan was changed so German authorities would do the arrests on German soil," says Newell.
Definitely an interesting read whether you already knew about the arrests or not. You can catch the full article by clicking here.
What, valve tried to lure him with a job offer to arrest him? Was the job offer legitimate?

Not a good example for the script kiddies of the world : Hack valve and get hired.
Trying to lure him to the US to arrest him, that is kinda cool. Tricky tricky Valve. Nice read.
arrest dat mudda fudger... beat him with a crowbar and ask how it feels to be leaked (by that i mean hit him were he doesnt have anything)
What kind of freakin idiot would fall for a job at the company he just hacked in... another case of dumbass criminal. :|
Some_God said:
What kind of freakin idiot would fall for a job at the company he just hacked in... another case of dumbass criminal. :|

Lots of hackers get tech jobs after doing something like this - who better to secure a network then someone who knews how to get into it?

It's not hard to see how someone could fall for it.
But hiring a thief?

Someone robs a bank, blames someone else, and then gets offered a job as bank security. Doesn't seem logical.
I wonder what laws are like in Germany regarding computer crimes. Here in New Zealand he'd probably get something like 150 hours community service and $50 - 100,000 fine.
here in canada they would reap he's nipples off and feed them to the sharks :P j\k lol
Man valve are dogasses.

I mean, he did wrong and all, but tricking him outright, jesus.
**** him. He is a criminal, thus he deserves whatever he gets. Good on Valve for catching him. Anyway, which is worse? Still X years of work or tricking someone to bring them to justice? Exactly. Criminal deserve nothing, as far as I am concerned, if you decide to be a criminal you are deciding to give up your basic human rights.

A True Canadian - Yes, by hiring a thief. If they are on your payrole and you can see what they get up to, then people who know how to get in are usually the best people to keep others out.
urseus said:
Man valve are dogasses.

I mean, he did wrong and all, but tricking him outright, jesus.

What's wrong with that? did you know that some police officers pose as prostitutes to get some arrests? It actually would have been better if the hacker flew to Seattle, imagine him being confronted by Valve. I think he would have learned something that way. But who cares he's going to a federal pound me in the ass prison. So long sucker!
Answer n# 1
Some_God said:
What kind of freakin idiot would fall for a job at the company he just hacked in... another case of dumbass criminal. :|

really, would you refuse a job offer from the game, that you wanted to hack sooo bad because this game looks so darn cool? you hacked it because you couldn't wait for it, and obviously test their security on their rigs.
when they asked to come over for a job interview, the possible hacker wasn't dumb, he thought of the oppertunities he could have. so it wasn't criminal dumbass, they guy was probably just blinded by his own love for this game.

but i don't say criminals aren't dumbass.

Answer #2

sheesh. you know what we call this at home, here in this awkward-peasant-farmer-country? its a saying called ' Oude koeien uit de sloot halen' .
it depicts the fact that why come up with news loong ago when you can think forward. or work forward. this news, is pretty interesting, i gotta give in. but this isn't something we completely haven't heard about.

never mind. no1 goin to listen anyway.
Dear Para (wow, I feel schitzophrenic now)

As far as I know, USA is the only country in the world which does that. As a comparison, here in Finland such things is illegal because it's kinda fooling somebody to perform a crime of some sort.

Anyway, tricking a thief to expose himself with a job offer of some sort is actually quite clever. Thumbs up VALVe.
A True Canadian said:
But hiring a thief?

Someone robs a bank, blames someone else, and then gets offered a job as bank security. Doesn't seem logical.

You seen Catch Me If You Can? it is based a real life story (the new one has Leonado Di'Caprio in), you should watch it, its interesting.
To cut it short its about a boy who starts cheque fraud and goes to far and has FBI chasing him over the world where he eventually gets found in France, sent to jail and gets an offer from the FBI to be the cheque fraud investigator as a replacement for being in jail. He then goes on to get payed millions for working for FBI. It is based on a True story
They hired the hacker because they made him loyal to valve. So if someone breaks into valve once again, the hacker who gave in and knows how the others could have broken in can inform valve in time to counteract before it's too late.
Wow, so the guy actually thought Valve would hire him after breaking into their servers? He may be a clever hacker but he's not very bright!
Para said:
As far as I know, USA is the only country in the world which does that. As a comparison, here in Finland such things is illegal because it's kinda fooling somebody to perform a crime of some sort.
Actually, police officers posing as prostitutes or drug dealers are simply catching people who have the intent to commit a crime.

In the case of Valve, the crime had already been committed. They were just tricking the guy into getting himself arrested.
Mountain Man said:
Actually, police officers posing as prostitutes or drug dealers are simply catching people who have the intent to commit a crime.

In the case of Valve, the crime had already been committed. They were just tricking the guy into getting himself arrested.

Thats the only reason im not picking up a hoe...
Hah, yeah. Good news post, and I think that only good criminals aren't stupid. To be honest, I might have gone to the USA for a job interview with VALVe, but I bet it took a lot for him to go. I bet he must have weighed up the odds of it all:
Do I go and have a 50% chance of getting a job, but also a 50% chance of being prisoned for a while. Or...
Do I stay here in Germany, and sit it out; keeping low, not going online for a while, and the rest.
I certainly would have gone with the first option, because it would have been ace to work with Valve. Don't you agree?
Investigations are continuing, with those involved found to have links with similar crimes. Valve is preparing to sue the hackers for damages, while working towards an end-of-summer release date for Half-Life 2 - widely considered the most anticipated shooter in PC gaming history.

"widely considered the most anticipated shooter in PC gaming history"
Take that!!!!! all you other games...(including Doom 3)
Well, would these hackers buy HL2 after they are released from jail? huh? Ops, maybe Half-life3 or 4. Ouch!
Para said:
Dear Para (wow, I feel schitzophrenic now)

As far as I know, USA is the only country in the world which does that. As a comparison, here in Finland such things is illegal because it's kinda fooling somebody to perform a crime of some sort.

Anyway, tricking a thief to expose himself with a job offer of some sort is actually quite clever. Thumbs up VALVe.
Mountain Man said:
Actually, police officers posing as prostitutes or drug dealers are simply catching people who have the intent to commit a crime.

In the case of Valve, the crime had already been committed. They were just tricking the guy into getting himself arrested.

The Correct term would be Entrapment
TheOriginalEvil said:
The Correct term would be Entrapment.
That is the correct term, just not for this situation. Entrapment entials coercing somebody into committing a crime they would not have otherwise committed. What the police posing as drug dealers/prostitutes do is let people intent on committing a crime approach them, then they arrest them for intent to commit.

In this case, the guy had already admitted to the crime. Valve was just trying find a way to haul his ass in and throw it in jail where it belongs.
it would be just like a kid hacker to think that valve would be "impressed" into wanting to hire him, time for a reality check...

The Guardian.co.uk said:
In January, it came to light that the FBI, Scotland Yard and the German authorities, along with the Half-Life 2 fan community, had been searching for the culprits since the leak was announced last October. Last month, the thieves were arrested in Germany and other undisclosed countries.
I wonder who did the most/best job on tracking them down? The different authorities or the actual community we are all part of? :thumbs: