Half-Life 2 tips and tricks

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When you open the first door to the left in the first level, you can see a box. Open it, and i surprise will pop out! This happend when i first played it:

I got home from scool and im like: Im gonna play HL2 for sure duuude. So i started the game, but then my mum came in, and shes like: Hell no duuude, youre not gonna play that now, mister. And then im like: **** you, im gonna bitch slap your ass man, so STFU! And then shes like: Wanna piece of me? Comon, wanna piece of me???
And then IM like: Yo bro, youre gonna be dead, like, youre gonna be REEAAAL sorry duuude.

And then the story ends.
:afro: :afro: :afro: :afro: :afro: :afro: :afro:
duuuude i woulda been like bitch step off my props i got shit ta deal with yo.

and if she be frontin i whip out the gat and put a 187 in her bitch ass

Originally posted by TheOriginalEvil
Completely random, but funny lol.

i disagree...this was completely idiotic. I'd be happy if i never saw a post by erikk again. he posts only moronic crap and lies/rumors
The situation of that he dosnt get banned is becomming more lame than his posts
Youre like: Ban the moron duude, but im like chill out guys!

Erm...humm... Where do you find time to write all this rubbish? :D
omg, this is complete spam yet its still up. Never EVER delete one of my threads again if this crap can stay ALRIGHT?!
Originally posted by Crusader
Erm...humm... Where do you find time to write all this rubbish? :D
I think anyone can find 10 seconds.
Whats the word im looking for....

i for one hope the shelf with all the half life 2 boxes falls on this moron when he goes to buy it during the holidays.

or maybe he gets raped by a hobo on the way home.

either one would be sufficient punishment.
why do you guys think these threads are popping up now that the sept 30 release date is being doubted by more and more people?
the date should be doubted b/c the game is delayed it only makes sense.
if ur talking to me im not in denial i know its delayed big deal.
purple monkey ketchup fever
Green chimpanzee mustard flu

Id say lack of breast millk as an infant, that is y like eminem erikk or whatever this guys name is feels the need to lash out at his mother.
Originally posted by 0zz0
Id say lack of breast millk as an infant, that is y like eminem erikk or whatever this guys name is feels the need to lash out at his mother.

Blue orangatang relish sickness?
Miracle-Whip juicy-fruity-tootie hemeroide cream over dose?
In the third chapter in the game when you just narrowly missed the Combine raid on that factory, there is a secret area right where you start. If you blow up the barrels (c'mon, there are always exploding barrels) and crack open the crates, you can squeeze through the tight alley between the two buildings (the brown and the tanish one). You then have to dispatch two combine soldiers but behind a few more crates there are some grenades and ammo to help you dispatch the upcoming baddies.

Man, that level rocked btw.

*goes off to play Duke Nukem Forever*
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