Half-Life 2 to be bundled with ATi Radeon 9900 Pro?

10% of all proceeds from purchases of ATI boards will go towards the "You can make Gabe rich!" fund.
Originally posted by ThePuppetMaster
Exactly. You dont buy HL2 and get the card lol. Man, some of you guys are slow. Its just a free game with the vid card. The card must be expensive. :bounce:

im guessin a little over $500...just a thought lol
well if theres any truth to the title of this thread.. then i guess i might be owning 2 copies of HL2 since i already pre-ordered one :cheese:

Originally posted by festivalman
10% of all proceeds from purchases of ATI boards will go towards the "You can make Gabe rich!" fund.


im sure Gabe would get a chuckle outta hearing about such a "fund" real or not :)
Hello! i am new in the forum , well I have problem and i hope you will help me well: i gonna buy new comp but i have problem i am planning to buy the radeon 9800 pro 256, and i realy want my hl2 to work perfect ! but the problem that i cant wait till the 9900 pro, because i deliver it from outland and i got more probs that i cant order after mid september , well should i but the radeon ?
it will work fine in the 9800 pro?
well plz help me, i dunno what to do

i demantion again Radeon 9800 pro 256mg


fine it will run, radeon pro 256 you must have. good will it be. by all, fast frame rates will have.
btw, is there any official word on whether HL2 will be bundled with the 9900? or is this thread all speculation?

I skipped to the end of this thread BTW.

Here is more on the ATI+HL2 bundle
9900pro is going to be named 9800XT btw.

But what I want to know is...What version is this HL2 going to be?
SP only?

IF its SP+MP, I will buy this bundle. I like the idea of getting a top end card you know will play everything and a top end game free ;)

If its only SP ill settle for 9800pro/5900Ultra (will be lowered in price from the release of this new card of course) and HL2 SP+MP version.
the only time I can remember when a graphics board maker bundled the full version of a game was when the game was already 1-2 years old. otherwise it's always some lite edition which I'm sure this will be too. they probably came up with these cheap versions of HL specifically to help the OEM market.
Good point. The SP version is an excellent stripped down version to be shipped with a graphics card... Most likely it is that instead of the MP version.
It seems so obvious that the game bundled will be the "small" version. Cheaper for ATi, not hurting Sierra's eventual sales for the MP crowds.

I hope Im wrong however. IT would be so cheesy that the people willing to spend up towards $500 on a vid card would at the same time NOT want to play online. So I sure hope Im mistaken.
i would wait a while to buy my gfx card...wait untill the next gen cards, then you will be able to play HL2 at 60-70 fps
what the hell is this "sp or sp+mp" thing?! Why would anyone NOT want multiplayer? The AI is smart enough for bots and otherwise HL1 was both so why divide it into packages :P
This thread should be changed to "Radeon 9800-XT' now.