Half-Life 2 to Hit Arcades in Japan


Jan 15, 2004
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I'm sure the last game you'd expect to see in a games arcade next to all the racing chairs, plastic guns and Beat 'em Up joysticks is Half-Life 2. Well, Taito has decided to go ahead and put it there anyway, so it looks like Gordon's coming to an arcade machine near you! ...At least, if you live in Japan, that is. [br] IGN were the ones who discovered this collaberation between VALVe and Taito, and they also reveal that the Japanese company will be debuting the game, named "Half-Life 2 - Survivor", on it's "Type X" hardware.
At last year's announcement of the game, Taito promised a version of Half-Life 2 featuring, in addition to a single player story mode, an Online mode allowing for play between players located in arcades throughout Japan.
Read more about it in IGN's Article.
Playing it on an arcade would suck. Noises everywhere, needing save points unless you play the shit all at once, no immersion, people waiting behind you waiting to play or watching over your shoulder...
Say whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa?
That's so crazy, it might just work!

Actually, no.

No it won't work.

"Hmm... Japanese arcade... let's see what we have here... DDR 20X6, no... dildo and kiddy porn vending machine, no... aha! Half-Rife 2! Now these Japs are talking!"

Maybe they'll come out with DoD: Opposing Force next...
If they can pull it off, congrats to them. Sounds like a horrible idea though imo.
I remember when there were rumors about this wayy back when... Around the time that HL2 released...

And of coarse, no one other else but Japan... hah... I love that place.
would this be something like a "House of the Dead" type game? if so, it might be fun!
I thought that I remembered reading that it'd be a small little room-like enclosure thing, w/ surround sound and fancy graphics and such... Deticated to playing HL2, with a joystick or something...
CookieCuttah said:
It will be a mindless shooter with gordons facial hair development.
thats ****ing hot.

This should be...very interesting.

/boots up MAIM....
TheMastahC said:
Say whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa


RaBiD WeAzEL said:
I remember when there were rumors about this wayy back when... Around the time that HL2 released...

And of coarse, no one other else but Japan... hah... I love that place.

yeah looks like it was true
Wow this is going to be interesting.
bigdeezy23 said:
Playing it on an arcade would suck. Noises everywhere, needing save points unless you play the shit all at once, no immersion, people waiting behind you waiting to play or watching over your shoulder...
I doubt it will be the PC version of Half-Life 2 in an arcade machine. Most likely it will be a game called "Half-Life 2" that will bear a passing resemblence to the PC version but will be more suited for the arcade environment.
I dunno, but there was a game I played in an arcade once where you where surrounded by cameras that kept track of you movements and positions and relayed in on the screen. The game was a first person shooter, and it did all the walking around on a set path for you, but if you lept to one side the character would leap, if you ducked, you could make your character duck behind a crate... I think Half Life 2 would be compleatly awesome on a system like that... Imagine actually running and ducking from CPs, or what if you had to solve the (always overly-simple) physics puzzles by ACTUALLY picking up bricks or cinerblocks and moving them around?

Plus, games like that have a tendancy to replicate real guns for the zappers you hold, and I REALLY want to hold a Pulse Rifle :bounce: