half-life 2 tv commercial



should we expect a tv ad for half-life 2

after all it is probably the most anticipated pc game released...........ever.......... for most people

or something..... so tv ad yes? or no?
[psychic] heeeeeeeee...... yeeee....... neee........... arghhhhhhhhh[/psychic]

Sorry, I'm not actually psychic :rolleyes:

Some of your questions are very pointless... No one knows alb... yes, no, maybe, I don't know.
Yeah true... You very rarely, if at all, see PC game ads.
well i think its gonna be there, probably gonna made for the X-box version and gonna have a small PC-CDROM at the end i bet,
very few commercials for pc games like Vice City, and UT2k3 and the Sims whick Rossell pointed out

we need commercials for PC games!
and we rarely see a PC commercial because its cheaper to make a AD and put it on a gaming site
I'm afraid it will only appear as a subliminal message on you favorite cola commercials. Now how did Valve know your favorite cola.......hmmmmm.
Well to make the commercial, there must be need FOR one, which valve hardly needs because they know their fanbase is huge and that everything he says is over anylized until "the" becomes "Hl2 will cost $50" so I doubt there is need for a commercial. Not that Im saying I wouldnt love one.
PC games don't advertise on TV.

PC isn't a console and isn't backed by 1 particular company. Console game commercials are usually made to sell hardware more than anything else, not necessarily the software (people already know about the games).
Valve never made tv commercials... they only make tv commercials when it's for xbox and pc. and often some games won't sell that much so they send some tv commercials hoping that their game will send better. There is no need for valve to do that.
Valve never made tv commercials... they only make tv commercials when it's for xbox and pc.

OK...not to be an asswipe here.......but isn't that exactly what we're talking about!
did they make ads for the PS2 version of HL?

there's your answer.
I think they should. There are still alot of people who don't understand just how great a game this is going to be. Everytime I bring someone over to my house I show them the E3 tech demo and gameplay footage and they are shocked and amaze. They automaticaly want to buy the game as I start the movie.
We'll see commercials for the XBox version of Half-Life 2.
UT2003 had TV ads
GTA:VC Had TV Ads (OK, it was for both versions...)
The ad for vice city made the game look really crappy....I hated the music to...ehhh!
Vice City IS really crappy. :p

Anyway... it had a commercial because it's a PS2 game...
Yeah but the ad didnt appear until after the PC version had come out.
No. I saw the ad before the PS2 version even came out... they had a different ad when the PC version came out though. Shit they STILL advertise that game today on TV...
I wonder if tv ads make any difference in sales.
i dont mean for console games i´m just talking about pcgames.
PC games... nah, the casuals mostly do not care for PC games. Which is also a reason why PC games are not usually advertised on TV anyway.
I seen Warcraft III ad in theater, while waiting for some movie.
vice city owned! well the ps2 version that i have atleast.

i really hope hl2 gets a commercial!
I would be cool if they did a tv commercial that was like this...
A black screen with the HL sign on it or lamba /black mesa and its only last for maby 1 sec then the other commecrial begins...
wouldent it be cool!
I think that there will be a TV ad closer to the release date and possibly also some time after release. We shouldn't underestimate the number of people that hear about the game but don't really have the time or the interest to follow up on it until its release date and so they think "It'd be cool to buy this when it comes out" and then they forget all about it. Having worked for an advertising company I can tell you that TV ads are quite important in generating sales. There will definitely be an ad for DOOM 3 and I'm willing to bet there will be one for hl2 as well.
Half-Life advertised in my GCSE Physics textbook. really in-depth stuff. Pages 86-90, or something like that.
If half-life means that the radiactivity declines by half the previous value every time period, does that mean HL2 is gonna be half as good?
thats what the textbook badverts say to me. the voices in my head disagree though.
Originally posted by Goddamn Freeman
Half-Life advertised in my GCSE Physics textbook. really in-depth stuff. Pages 86-90, or something like that.
If half-life means that the radiactivity declines by half the previous value every time period, does that mean HL2 is gonna be half as good?
thats what the textbook badverts say to me. the voices in my head disagree though.

puff, puff and pass on b.
We did an entire peice of course work on half-life.

gameing channels will have an advert and mainstream ones might have one too, c&c:ts had one and that wasn't on any consoles, but then again why do they need adverts on TV when they have a feature length one comeing out in the cinema ;)
They will have an ad, and at the end it will say for Xbox and PC CDROM
It's been on TV, I was watching this games programme on ITV and they were counting down the 10 most anticipated games, I thought 'It'd be a crime if HL2 wasn't number 1' - of course it was!