Half-Life 2 was missing one critical thing!

I needed either that or a Hive Hand :(....... but snarks were cute, and vicious! :monkee:
actually it misses deathmatch too but if we`re going to discuss it we get flamed and called whiners
TBH I didnt miss them in the game but now that you bring it to my attention I did miss them.But at least I got my wish for Aliens launched in Mortars(Al La the "Shelling")

But you got a better controlled alien in the form of the PheroPod Antlions.A good Trade off in my opinian.
I think ant lions kinda replace them, no? To me they´re cuter too.

you know, i just remembered VALVe threw out the thing I was most excited for in HL2... Prowlers! the concept art of them was awesome, when I saw a picture of the Prowler I wanted to fight them right there. They looked like they were going to be a real challenge. Does anyone know if they talk about Prowlers in "Raising the Bar"?
Why? said:
you know, i just remembered VALVe threw out the thing I was most excited for in HL2... Prowlers! the concept art of them was awesome, when I saw a picture of the Prowler I wanted to fight them right there. They looked like they were going to be a real challenge. Does anyone know if they talk about Prowlers in "Raising the Bar"?
Yup, they cut the prowlers out because it doesn't fit the game that much. But the AI for the prowlers are still used for the fast zombies though. It's in the book I've got from CE.
I always wanted to know...where does Gordon keep the snarks? :upstare:
it would be kool if maybe prowlers were captured by the combine, so they would unleash them on you or something. I dont know, the idea just popped into my mind, I WANT TO KILL ONE SO BAD :sniper:
Prowler,Cant remember what they looked like,Anyone with a Screeny?

Had a look in the Media Section for the Prowler but found some interesting stuff.The Combine wore trench Coats?:http://www.halflife2.net/media/displayimage.php?album=3&pos=7
Also tis a pity they cut out the Hydra Aswell.That looked like a cool enemy.
But back to the Snarks,Hope they are in HL3 like some sort of Mass weapon,Like turn a wheel and a flood of Snarks surge out into a Storm Drain taking out a ton of Combine(Assuming they are in HL3)
alpha_crusis said:
Yup, they cut the prowlers out because it doesn't fit the game that much. But the AI for the prowlers are still used for the fast zombies though. It's in the book I've got from CE.

Perhaps someone will come up with a mod or something. It would be DA BOMB. Or valve just might release a patch or perhaps I'm just a dreamer.
a Snark Barnacle and Hive Gun mod.. oh and that living gun from op4 with gills that you pet and shoots big toxic blobs! bring on the creepy kickass xen guns!
Sh4mp00 said:
a Snark Barnacle and Hive Gun mod.. oh and that living gun from op4 with gills that you pet and shoots big toxic blobs! bring on the creepy kickass xen guns!

I had a love for the iguana-gun that could only be described as unnatural, and probably a sin in several ways :p
What we need in hl2 is some of those incredible scary fish thingys, (cant really remember what those are called at the moment) :O

And as the first post said, we needed some snarks in the nova prospect level :E

I woulda liked to see some of those annoying small worms from the original half-life, on the water-hazard :cheers:
Mickeey said:
What we need in hl2 is some of those incredible scary fish thingys, (cant really remember what those are called at the moment) :O

There was one in a lake where you accidentally get teleported in the begining

Mickeey said:
And as the first post said, we needed some snarks in the nova prospect level :E

I woulda liked to see some of those annoying small worms from the original half-life, on the water-hazard :cheers:

I could of sworn the worms were in the water near the sentry guards when you have the ant-lions. They killed me once while I was exploring. Were they also in the water near the lighthouse?
You know what else they didn't have...Ichthyosaurs. That would have been cool but I don't really care.
LGonForum said:
There was one in a lake where you accidentally get teleported in the begining?

Yea but you don't get to kill one :flame: :smoking:

LGonForum said:
I could of sworn the worms were in the water near the sentry guards when you have the ant-lions. They killed me once while I was exploring. Were they also in the water near the lighthouse?

I noticed that too, they're also in the waters of highway 17, but i've like to see them all over Water Hazard :naughty:
Prowlers are actually called "Alien Assassins" in the Art Book... It's a shame really: Valve planned two "Assassin" enemies: The "Alien Assassin" and the "Combine Assassin", we ended up with neither. IMO, the real "one critical thing" that HL2 was missing in terms of Enemies was a good Assassin, jumping a couple of stories and all the rest of it. The Combine Elites are cool... But they seem like they're just Combine Soldiers with more HP...
ahhhh memories of those friggin female assasins from HL....... what buggers.
few grenades sorted the fkers out though mauahahhaaaaaa!

i miss the houndeyes to be honest.... infact a miss quite a few of the Aliens as enemies from the first one. I know most people didn't like Zen (yeah i thought it sucked to) but i think Valve went the otherway this time with not enough Aliens.

Those fast zombies are awesome though...... dunno if i like the poison headcrabs mind. I've gotta finish the game before commenting on other stuff however.
Kamakazie said:
i miss the houndeyes to be honest.... infact a miss quite a few of the Aliens as enemies from the first one.
I imagine these guys are still around... RtB has a piece of Concept art for a HL2 houndeye, but I guess it didn't make it into the game. I think they were planning them to hunt in packs like a group of Wolves. That would have been very cool :)
Aren't AntLions jumbo-sized snarks? Bugbait has just about the same effect (besides the fact that bugbait only works on one level), and it won't turn on you if it can't find anything to eat :LOL:

Sh4mp00 said:
a Snark Barnacle and Hive Gun mod.. oh and that living gun from op4 with gills that you pet and shoots big toxic blobs! bring on the creepy kickass xen guns!

Don't forget the Shockroach!
i loved the shockroach... it was da bomb...

shame it kild ya underwater.....

what about that gun that tp'd u to xen wenever u used second fire... id love that!!!
Wasn't that called the dislocator or translocator or something? Displacer?
On futher reflection, one thing I really do miss are the virtually indestructable intermediate bosses... like the Gargantua or the Tentacle (or Pit Worm in opposing Force). Those creatures that you'd meet with insufficient fire-power to totally waste, so you'd have to solve some puzzle to kill them (The Rocket Test Fire, The Airstrike etc.). These "battles" were what really set Half-Life 1 apart from all other shooters. It's a shame to see them go...
ZeeM said:
actually it misses deathmatch too but if we`re going to discuss it we get flamed and called whiners
That happens whenever we say anything negative about Half-Life or Valve. If you don't love everything, you're a whiner.

kupoartist said:
On futher reflection, one thing I really do miss are the virtually indestructable intermediate bosses... like the Gargantua or the Tentacle (or Pit Worm in opposing Force). Those creatures that you'd meet with insufficient fire-power to totally waste, so you'd have to solve some puzzle to kill them (The Rocket Test Fire, The Airstrike etc.). These "battles" were what really set Half-Life 1 apart from all other shooters. It's a shame to see them go...
Yeah, that's a good point. I loved those moments too.
Antlions are the new Snarks in regards to controlling aliens to attack things.

Manhacks are the new Snarks in regards to annoying little things that are a bitch to kill (not to the extent of snarks though).

You guys see that one Combine in Water Hazard who takes out a manhack and throws it at you? It'd be cool if they let you do that. Like Alyx would do a quick modifimacation and they'd be on your side :D
GetCool said:
That happens whenever we say anything negative about Half-Life or Valve. If you don't love everything, you're a whiner.
Stop whining FFS.

hehe, just playing with you.

I'd love to see the snarks back in action in a mod or something. They'd be scarier than a damn fast headcrab! >:D
