half life 2 was to be the greatest game....

stop whining and play a different game. It makes no difference when it comes out your just impatient :D
Feath said:
That the game will go gold and Vivendi will be able to make enough copies in 3 days? That's impossible.
no, it already went gold secretly and they're currently Mass producing it. It will ship on the 29th or 30th and be made available at the 30th at noon East Coast Time or as soon as possible afterwards at stores. It will be made available steam-wise on the 30th as well. They will also announce the long-awaited TF2: Brotherhood of arms soon after (between 1 day and 3 years, not sure ;-) ). Well, we can hope.
Quick, cynical opinion about trusting PCGamer:

Magazines (and online review sites like Gamespot-- I friggin hate Gamespot) give favorable reviews to whatever games the game companies who buy the most ad space produce. Typically, the more adspace purchased, the higher the game will score.

Crap games not worth reviewing can be bashed all they like, because they won't lose advertising revenue. If HL2 didn't meet their expectation, they probably would not say something negative about Valve who bought thousands and thousands of dollars of space in their magazine (or on their website), precisely when trying to get people to buy that magazine or that game.

Just a thought.
lol, i feel like everyone is just padding themselves with justifications to brace themselves for some negative reviews.
Rhalle said:
Vivendi will commit corporate suicide if they hold the game, because they will generate a lot of hatred for themselves if they do.

But they might not care if they are already close to bankruptcy.

Interesting few weeks coming up. :imu:

Well you're got the corporate suicide part right. but VU doesn't care about being 'hated' by the public. They know all the fanboys who are 'hating' them will buy the game the momment it's released (even if it's 6 months from now :frown: )

The reason it would hurt them to hold off is that the longer they wait, the more and more 'killer app' titles will be out with their own established userbases (ie STALKER). Increased competition is bad for sales no matter how good your game is. (ie little Johnny spent his $50 saving to buy STALKER a month ago, and has to save up for 2-3 months to get HL-2.)

While this would be a reasonable motivation I don't think it's the case. Given the popularity of HL and whats really at stake (IP rights to HL) then VUG probably does give a rat's ass about this senario and would sell their mothers for the rights to HL.

The only thing that may save the day is that VU is hurting for cash and they can't afford to miss the holiday season sales.

Let us pray that is enough... :angel:

They were suppossed to be *FIRST* next-gen game to be released back in 2003... now it may be the last. Sad how wierd this whole thing has gotten. I hope the reviews and greed will push VU to release the game by Novemember at the latest.
God damnit i hate it when people bump threads...

i was on like the 20th post basicly with an expression similar to...


then i realised it was a old thread.....
hunteraz stop thread mining usless old threads. Its a good way to earn yourself a ban, this is the second one you have done so far!
I don't think vivendi will cause the death of the most interresting game of the world after all they 've released it , and they know for sure that HL2 will bring some fresh millions of dollars in no time so...where's the problem ?
They have their reasons, i am sure there was a reason, Valve coulda had a big bug problem they encoutered with physics at the last second, VU may of not of thought that enough people knew about the game, and decided to wait a few more, i am sure there are atleast 100 000 more people that are getting the game now