Half-Life 2 will be unlocked on Steam on November 16th as well. UNLESS...



"Steam users: Half-Life 2 will be unlocked on Steam on November 16th as well. Unless of course any retailer breaks the street date and puts it out on shelves sooner, then Steam will unlock Half-Life 2 sooner."

Source: Shacknews

Anyone working at a videogames store so you can start selling the game early? You´ll lose your job, but hey, seems that you´ll be a new hero!! :LOL:
What would be very cool is for the release date to come forward for once :) How many times has it been moved to a later date? Come on VUG, surprise us!
w00t!!! just enough time to get the job!! i wanna apply at EB and release it the day it comes out
Yeah man... tell someone to release early. Me = want to play my fricking game :E
galoot3000 said:
w00t!!! just enough time to get the job!! i wanna apply at EB and release it the day it comes out
And then on the day, suddenly feel ill whilst at work and smuggle home a copy? :D
marketing gimmic so ya'all love vivendi when it comes out early. Surprisingly, there have been no comments from Valve, that i have seen. I wonder what they have to say about the whole situation?
are you sure? Cause im pretty sure VUG would love so sue the arse off any retailer than sells it eairly.
the game still has to be authenticated via steam. To prevent early realease steam will just not authenticate your copy until the realease day.
Oh...Too bad Vivendi doesn't control Steam. :)

Steam is basically Valve's way of circumventing the publishing process and not having to pay royalties to VUG for publishing, printing, pressing, and shipping HL2 to retailers worldwide...That does cost money, ya know. A lot of money...

Steam allows Valve to sell their game directly to users who can immediately download the game from Steam's network. And Valve keeps all the money. Hell, if everybody had broadband, we could technically have HL2 today.
can't be true, the game WILL NOT be playable untill steam unlocks it, whether you buy it steam or retail, steam has to allow you to play it b4 you can play it.

unless some crackers find a way around it and spread it on the net ...

edit: ahh .. beaten by two posts :/
ferdelancebz said:
Oh...Too bad Vivendi doesn't control Steam. :)

Steam is basically Valve's way of circumventing the publishing process and not having to pay royalties to VUG for publishing, printing, pressing, and shipping HL2 to retailers worldwide...That does cost money, ya know. A lot of money...

Steam allows Valve to sell their game directly to users who can immediately download the game from Steam's network. And Valve keeps all the money. Hell, if everybody had broadband, we could technically have HL2 today.

No we couldnt, valve is bounded to a contract and cannot release HL2 before retail. It's been said before.
hasan said:
can't be true, the game WILL NOT be playable untill steam unlocks it, whether you buy it steam or retail, steam has to allow you to play it b4 you can play it.

unless some crackers find a way around it and spread it on the net ...

Who you callin' a cracka? hehe just kidding.

I just hope the last pre-load isn't on the 16th because I don't want to come across bandwidth issues when I can finally play :)
The Silhouette said:
based on what? your a moron.
based on they're NOT allowed to sell a game before the date a publisher has set!
A contract that Vivendi has used multiple times to rape Valve with. After the 16th, VUG will be screwed forever. Weren't they going to sell off a lot of companies to pay for some debt? HL2 will make them a ton of money through retail copies, but it won't be their cash cow. I hope VUG dies(along with all their Frenchness....)
VUG can't "sue" a store that breaks streetdate. The only thing VUG has to hold over the heads of those breaking street date is that they won't sell the game to them ever agian. My dad was a vice president of a company out here called zia records. They had major issues because companies like best buy and such would very often break street date by a couple days. Nothing the publishers could do (your not going to sell to best buy lol), but Zia was too small so they just had to deal with it.
ferdelancebz said:
A contract that Vivendi has used multiple times to rape Valve with. After the 16th, VUG will be screwed forever. Weren't they going to sell off a lot of companies to pay for some debt? HL2 will make them a ton of money through retail copies, but it won't be their cash cow. I hope VUG dies(along with all their Frenchness....)

VUG isn't dying anytime soon my friend. They've got a pretty good lineup of games on their hands. They will be doing fine.
Dirtball said:
VUG can't "sue" a store that breaks streetdate. The only thing VUG has to hold over the heads of those breaking street date is that they won't sell the game to them ever agian. My dad was a vice president of a company out here called zia records. They had major issues because companies like best buy and such would very often break street date by a couple days. Nothing the publishers could do (your not going to sell to best buy lol), but Zia was too small so they just had to deal with it.
Depends on the contract.

The standard clause for embargos is, as you say, the possibility of never being given another early-release again. But they -can- also put in a clause (see Harry Potter 5) that means they can fine the store/company that breaks the embargo, if they so choose.

However not all publishers are big enough to do this, and I think it's a fairly uncommon clause to include in a contract.
kikekun said:
"Steam users: Half-Life 2 will be unlocked on Steam on November 16th as well. Unless of course any retailer breaks the street date and puts it out on shelves sooner, then Steam will unlock Half-Life 2 sooner."
What this means: if anybody sees a retailer putting the game on shelves early contact Valve/Vivendi immediately and let them know! You will be a hero if it leads to an early Steam release.
Wasn't doom3's release a couple days after it actually started selling everywhere?

I thought it was
ID: Doom 3 will be out on the 5th unless *nudge nudge wink wink* someone decides to sell on the 3rd ;D
PUSH FOR NOV.9th!! COMPETE WITH HALO 2!! lol....it would be fun to watch.
dream431ca said:
PUSH FOR NOV.9th!! COMPETE WITH HALO 2!! lol....it would be fun to watch.

Do you know how much hell that would be for retailers? :LOL:
Orange said:
Wasn't doom3's release a couple days after it actually started selling everywhere?

I thought it was
ID: Doom 3 will be out on the 5th unless *nudge nudge wink wink* someone decides to sell on the 3rd ;D

not sure if it was released, from what i remember some kid got a copy because his dad owned a gaming store and got to play it about 4-5 days before actual release. game got leaked online 2 days before retail release. the early leaks didnt force any other retailers to sell early. hl2 will be interesting... just have to wait and see what happens.
Bet you all $1 that they release HL2 a day early or so on Steam just to make Steam the more appealing option. Sure, Valve owns Steam and not Vivendi, but there may be something in the contract none of us know about that allows Valve to legally do this. They surprised us all with CS: Source, why not with more? :p But then again, that may be wishful thinking on my part.

Btw, I am basing this off of zero real information, it's all just guesswork on my part.
UmbrellaMaster said:
Bet you all $1 that they release HL2 a day early or so on Steam just to make Steam the more appealing option. Sure, Valve owns Steam and not Vivendi, but there may be something in the contract none of us know about that allows Valve to legally do this. They surprised us all with CS: Source, why not with more? :p But then again, that may be wishful thinking on my part.

Btw, I am basing this off of zero real information, it's all just guesswork on my part.

Pure wishful thinking on your part..
This sucks, none of my avatars will work.

We need some 60X60.