Half-Life 2 will show in Tokyo


May 29, 2003
Reaction score
or maybe

heh i wish
but that would be cool if we got some new info out of it...
I hope they show some new (playable) content.
Maybe my IGN Insider subscription will finally pay off, and they'll be hosting exclusive content.
Originally posted by Rarehero
Maybe my IGN Insider subscription will finally pay off, and they'll be hosting exclusive content.

Got that right!
Maybe just maybe we might get a concrete release date.

:cheers: heres to hoping
I hope that if there are new features game spy will get it too, I don't feel like paying another subscription simply for this game (but I probably will :( ).
Well I think they are tring to get the game done before the Tokyo show IMO, since they will be traveling like across the world and probably wouldn't be able to work on HL2 for a few days...
Yeh, it would be great to get some new footage and info. Maybe my Gamespot member ship will have updates. ;)
do i smell 'gold'?

That would own if they finally get the word out that its gold at the tokyo convention

Tomorow VAVLe could potentially announce that HL2 (in its encrypted form) will be available via steam. Which would tie in perfectly with a 30th Sept release, as they have previously said that the encrypted steam version would be released 1 week before the actual 'real' release date.
So tomorrow could potentially hold the key to whether we are gonna see HL2 this month or not!

Gripping stuff!

But lets not jump up and down just yet :bounce: . . keep yer feet firmly on the floor until we hear what VALVe have to say tomorrow.

I can't wait!! :afro:
The moment is almost upon us :cool:

*Bites Nails at the very thought*
Originally posted by DiSTuRbEd
Well I think they are tring to get the game done before the Tokyo show IMO, since they will be traveling like across the world and probably wouldn't be able to work on HL2 for a few days...

I disagree with that, friend.
I beleive only the Sales PR and stuff will go, I can see your point though.
Haha, good chum,
I am not all too fond of you but I shall not start any type of aggression towards by beloved half-life2 partner. No flaming should be going on at Munro's forum, especially in the news and announcements category, where SpuD moderates.
I am quite new here, I appreciate you not harrassing me. I hope to make better aquaintances with you later on.
Nor do you know me so let bigons be bigons...new slate?

SPUD: Ill let this one be.
Dont clog this forum up with non-sensical flaming.

Be nice kids, please.
Thank you, if you have any things to say not related to this article, use PM. Please.
God Damnit!!!

-----Original Message-----
From: nicolas vetterli [mailto:n_vetterli@hotmail.com]
Sent: Tuesday, September 23, 2003 9:53 AM
To: gaben@valvesoftware.com
Subject: Tokyo!

It'll be old material from the E3 that you're going to show, won't it?
Damn, if thats authentic.

What a perfect place to announce it has gone gold though.
Originally posted by SpuD
Damn, if thats authentic.

What a perfect place to announce it has gone gold though.

I hate it when people don't trust me:
And it certainly wouldn't be playable, as they've said time after time that there won't be a prerelease demo.
Its not that I didnt trust you, Its that there has been a lot of fake emails goin around.