Half-Life 2 Xbox Hands On Preview

.. no It is the Xbox. all you have to do is compare the spec's to the average high end PC that runs the game on near max settings. You need to cut texture quality, you need to optimise models, just so every map runs consistantly smooth on the console. Judging from the screens Im impressed it's able to deliver, but then again im also suprised that the game works well on medium/low settings on a 512mb 1.1 gig Gforce 3 powered PC, the game is extremely flexible in that respect, Its cool to see.

they could of waited for Xbox 2, and not optimise the game so much, if any atall.
a price of a xbox2 will be 300$ maximun 400$ (right?) and a latest videocard cost like 500$ and the processor and RAM sure are close to the same price
so ist end up the oposite

"If our computers sucked too, your argument would be valid. Turns out, it's not!"

and you PC fanboys call yorself mature people

$400 for an Xbox that will be current for a year, and you'll still need a computer to do word-processing, web surfing, etc. Call that another $300 MINIMUM. So $700. I built my computer, which can run any game on the market at full settings, for about $800 (not including monitor). Over time, I will need to upgrade parts -- in about a year, I'll need to upgrade the video card and maybe RAM, it will be a while before the 3200+ processor is outdated. In any case, this computer has MUCH more longevity for the price because the parts are swappable.

I'm not a PC "fanboy," I'm economically minded and recognize that it's cheaper to upgrade hardware that I need anyway to gaming spec than to buy a closed-sytem, proprietary device that cannot perform the functions of a desktop computer and will be obsolete in a short period of time, and requires a unique media to use games.
Feuyaino said:
$400 for an Xbox that will be current for a year, and you'll still need a computer to do word-processing, web surfing, etc. Call that another $300 MINIMUM. So $700. I built my computer, which can run any game on the market at full settings, for about $800 (not including monitor). Over time, I will need to upgrade parts -- in about a year, I'll need to upgrade the video card and maybe RAM, it will be a while before the 3200+ processor is outdated. In any case, this computer has MUCH more longevity for the price because the parts are swappable.

I'm not a PC "fanboy," I'm economically minded and recognize that it's cheaper to upgrade hardware that I need anyway to gaming spec than to buy a closed-sytem, proprietary device that cannot perform the functions of a desktop computer and will be obsolete in a short period of time, and requires a unique media to use games.

but you dont need a super PC to use wordprocesing and web surfing,whit a Pc of 2.5Ghz and 512RAM is enough,so no need to upgrade the PC that much

and whit the console you dont need to upgrade every year or so,maybe will not hav the same graphicall quality as a hig end PC but you will not need to buy more parts to play the games better cuz every console game is optimised to the console
and what make you think a console will last just a year?
compare the first games of the current consoles whit the lates one and you will see a big advance
but you hav to upgrade the PC every year to hav the game in the maximun graphic quality so is better to keep a console that be buyng new videoicards and stuff every year
Why has there been no mention of Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory? To me it seems like the X-box version of Half-Life 2 clearly has the worse graphics of the two.

Oh, and... Some people like to play consoles, some like to play on a computer. I can browse the internet just fine with a 600 mhz processor and 128 RAM, by the way. Is the console gonna have better graphics than a top-of-the-line PC during it's popularity time? No, but you won't notice as much because it's on a TV screen, the games really will get alot better the older the console is, and it's a cheaper resolve.
I'm with Jay Stelly: "uh" x133 (I lost track after how many times he said "uh" after that number). ;)

640? no MP? Sounds like a rush-job to me...oh wait, the interview already has them admitting this.
When it comes down to graphics, i think that although gameplay is key, the graphics help with the immersion into the games world. and that IS important.

My issue with consoles, is you dont have a CHOICE to upgrade parts of it. You buy it, and as technology moves forward your stuck with the same technological limit you had a year ago.

If the graphics arnt important to you, why do you own an Xbox? Why didnt you stick with your Nintendo 64? Megadrive? Snes?

At least with a PC you can upgrade over time, even in small increments so that it doesnt cost too much all at once. I can spend £100 on a slightly newer graphics card every year, maybe some extra RAM (although im on 1.5gig now), and keep playing the new games like HL2 and Doom3 on high settings.

We all like games that look awesome, and in my opinion, HL2 on the Xbox does not.
dunno why youre all trash talking xbox if you have pc's capable of running hl2 well. do you not want people who cant afford top of the line pc's to enjoy hl2?
lemonfridge said:
^^^ even Quincy says WTF??!!

He is partially right. Since TV are so low resolution (not HDTV) they end up hiding low resolution textures and jagged edges. Playing Max Payne and far cry on my TV it looked better at 800x600 then 1024x768 because more problems were visable, even 640x480 looked alright. This is how console games get by with low resolutions.
Cons Himself said:
dunno why youre all trash talking xbox if you have pc's capable of running hl2 well. do you not want people who cant afford top of the line pc's to enjoy hl2?

thats the principal point of this

Hl2 on xbox will be a solution to everyone who dont hav a super PC,but all the PC fanboys "ZOMG PC l00kz B3tt3r Console SUCKKXXORZ!!!1" and think they are the best just they hav PC
well I prefer buy a game on a console that maybe dont hav it to the max in graphics that buy it for a PC that cant run it and need to buy more hardware

for example see DOOM3 in xbox,it look ice and sure a lot of people whiout a super PC hav enjoyed the game and ID get more money

but PC fanboys just dont understand that and they keep whit theyr console bashing thinking that everyone will agreed whit them
wlodi said:
Videos looks quite good, but I still can't imagine destroying manhacks with an Xbox-controller.


FPS on consoles just suck. Period.
CommunistPenguin said:
I think Halo 2 has proven that.

Halo was fun, haven't played the second one.

In the announcement of the X-box version, it was said that the lighting effects would look better than on PC. So it's no surprise they've added bloom effects(or HDR, but that just seems stupid to me).
Nobody has yet mentioned that the video card in an Xbox is a NVIDIA card. If I'm not mistaken, HL2 runs amazingly better on ATI cards. This is just another nail in the coffin that is bad graphics for HL2:Xbox. If it comes with deathmatch though, it won't really matter what the graphics are like cause deathmatch is just plain fun no matter what it looks like =) .
badenglishihave said:
Nobody has yet mentioned that the video card in an Xbox is a NVIDIA card. If I'm not mistaken, HL2 runs amazingly better on ATI cards. This is just another nail in the coffin that is bad graphics for HL2:Xbox. If it comes with deathmatch though, it won't really matter what the graphics are like cause deathmatch is just plain fun no matter what it looks like =) .

Dude it does not matter who makes the card it is just the design of it. In this case there is no better card on any other system and if they start using partial precision throughout the game it will run better on the Geforce 3 then many other cards. Look at the 3Danalyze "hack"

Also you are right. To bad there is no deathmatch or multiplay as that would have been the best part. I would never want to label HL2 as a rental but multiplay is an important part of console games especially if this debuts at full price.
Heh good point, I forgot they would obviously be reoptimizing the engine for the Geforce. Yah I definitely hope they have multiplayer, hopefully it'll make the console gamers see how much fun PC users have and get more people online through PCs =) .