Half-Life 2 Xbox Information

Good job valve, shoot for the floor. no multiplayer(co-op or xbox live) and having it be on xbox not xbox2 will ensure that it will suck after about 20-something hours. i would hold out and make it better for xbox2 and take that time to add in xbox live and co-op, because it starts out at a disadvantage because of no mods. Im sure it would be a success if those components were added in.
Have you ever thought that Microsoft said it's either Xbox or nothing? A big PC title will get sales for their soon to be redundant console
True Murray, it wil keep Xbox game sales up with a new good title, instead of nobody buying anything and waiting for the xbox 2. I think Valve will release hl2 (atleast aftermath if its long enough) and css on the Xbox 2....
they probably mean HDR with "improved lighting effects" ... didnt know the xbox could handle HDR ?? and im sure as hell it isnt better than a pc ( with decent gfx card and specs offcourse :p )
Yeah, does anyone know what kindof 'improved lighting effects' will be implemented?
Lt.Hinkle said:
they probably mean HDR with "improved lighting effects" ... didnt know the xbox could handle HDR ?? and im sure as hell it isnt better than a pc ( with decent gfx card and specs offcourse :p )

I dont know they might have improved lighting but it sure as hell aint HDR.
The lighting for the Xbox version looks the same to me. But the textures are pretty low res, same with the models.
Chris_D said:
The lighting effects are better, apparently.

Until the HDR patch comes out for the PC, then the lighting effects will be
"Far worse than on the PC"
closest console to a PC..at least for now! I have seen the screenshots in the latest OXM and it could use some anti-aliasing ;) but other than that it looks great for a console..