Half Life 2 XBox



I dont want to hear people telling me "it will suck for x box anyways" etc etc. because im sorry i dont ahve a souped up computer that can handle it, anyways can someoen please tell me when this great game comes out for x box if they know? thanks
valve never said but i'm assuming it will be in a year. if i were you i would just buy a new cheap comp that meets the minimum requirements cuz xbox isn't going to have cool mods like pc
Well said, DrunkPanda. Has anyone seen the XBOX screenshots for Doom3? Bleh. It lost graphics, now it has nothing but fright-factor.
the xbox port was canceled about 4-5 weeks ago.

i believe it was in the news ... look for xbox or x-box
BetaMaster said:
Well said, DrunkPanda. Has anyone seen the XBOX screenshots for Doom3? Bleh. It lost graphics, now it has nothing but fright-factor.

d3 doesnt lost that many gfx.
u can compare xbox d3 to pc d3@low quality.

they rebuilt most of the maps so there is much less light interaction, but its still a good looking game (u cant see details on the tv, so res and tex res arent that important)

and you can believe me, hl2 would look much better on the xbox then d3 does, coz its not that cpu dependent (xbox -> weak cpu -> u have to cut polys and many stencil shadows in d3.)
jacen said:
the xbox port was canceled about 4-5 weeks ago.

i believe it was in the news ... look for xbox or x-box

Uh... source?
since it'll most likely come out next year, it'll be a 'out-of-date' game for the xbox, since xbox '2' is apparently coming out next year.
Half Life 2 will still be worth buying tho because with xbox 2 you will be able to play ur xbox games on it too. I got halo 2(awesome game) and have a few other agems and was planning on buying a few new up comign games soon as they come out (Half Life 2 hopefully being one). I dont know if you gusy own x box or anythign but i wanted you opinions, I wanted to get: Half Life 2, Doom 3, Ghost Recon 2 and Rainbow Six 3 Black arrow. Keep in mind I have XBOX LIVE so think of the online play, do you gusy think these are good choices. if so why or if not why and wich games do you recommend.
Wo1f said:
Half Life 2 will still be worth buying tho because with xbox 2 you will be able to play ur xbox games on it too.

That's not confirmed, and Microsoft have hinted numerous times it won't be backwards compatible.
Ok well it MIGHT be, anyways I'll just keep my xbox, but thats besides my point, about your thoughts on the games and such.
Wo1f said:
I dont want to hear people telling me "it will suck for x box anyways" etc etc. because im sorry i dont ahve a souped up computer that can handle it, anyways can someoen please tell me when this great game comes out for x box if they know? thanks

update your comp. Good setting (Mim for decent play) are
2.8 Gig Pentium 4
512 RAM
Geforce 4 (Hell it run doom 3)
if hl2 comes out on the xbox, its going to well, look like some one who has about a 1ghz cpu, and a geforce 3.

(bad compared to what it SHOULD look like) but good for the xbox...

Hopefully M$ is smart and waits, then releases it for the xbox 2 (which when it is released will be top of the line compared to todays computers_ and will be able to do half life 2 in all its glory, probably at 720p widescreen goodnies.
I bet Microsoft will get jealous of PC games mods and somehow make something for Xbox-2 so u can import mods from pc to the shitbox2 and get the pc gaming industry to see hell D:
[SARCASM]that was a really smart comment abdi. i bet microsoft are jealous.[/SARCASM]
Abdi said:
I bet Microsoft will get jealous of PC games mods and somehow make something for Xbox-2 so u can import mods from pc to the shitbox2 and get the pc gaming industry to see hell D:
playing mods on xbox wont be that easy, considering that most mods have serious stability issues and are often missing media.

its just not as easy to fix a mod on the xbox (2) then on the pc
well depends what features the xbox-2 will have, it might turn out to be a pc but they will call it a console :|

They have a story today about the versions of XBOX 2 and how one will be a PC pretty much. Who needs a specifically written HL2 port when you can just use the PC version on it ? ;)
jacen said:
the xbox port was canceled about 4-5 weeks ago.

i believe it was in the news ... look for xbox or x-box
woohoo, take that concolse owners. now go play your little Halo 2. i am happy to see a good pc only game for a change (if its true).
i could reverse that comment to talk about halo2, but i've done that so much.

also, some console owners who like halo2 have computers . . .
destrukt said:
i could reverse that comment to talk about halo2, but i've done that so much.

also, some console owners who like halo2 have computers . . .
i know, but it just feels good that half life will not be ported (i hope). i wanna play halo 2, but Microsoft won't port that to pc. i have always hated consoles.
destrukt said:
i could reverse that comment to talk about halo2, but i've done that so much.
i played halo2 yesterday @ a launch party and visaully its far behind hl2/farcry/doom3
destrukt said:
so its not as good as hl2
give the fact that the story of the 2 are both exciting.

very good story
very good gfx

very good story
good gfx

see what i mean?
bottom line is, regardless of gfx, you want the mod community - that and i never understood how you kids can stand dual analog fps (ewww, mouse and keyboard anytime, everytime)

get it for the pc

chances are if you can't at least RUN HL2 on your comp, its time for an upgrade anyways (convince your parents you need it for school work ;-)
Valve has already stated they plan on a port to XBox-2 (next, whatever it's called). There is no plan to port to XBox 1. And M$ stated they are having ISSUES with the backwards compatability not that it won't be.
jacen said:
so its not as good as hl2
give the fact that the story of the 2 are both exciting.

very good story
very good gfx

very good story
good gfx

see what i mean?

if the only thing you look for in a game is GFX then your seriously ****ed in the head mate.
The Brew Master said:
if the only thing you look for in a game is GFX then your seriously ****ed in the head mate.
im not looking only for the gfx
i also compared the storys

u cant compare the interface (joypad vs mous/keyboard any1?)
the sound is pretty much okay for both of them.

what else can u compare?

btw: in fps games, the gfx are the major sellingfactor
listen people, I got an XBOX yesterday ... and the console sux

and a Half-Life 2 port to XBOX would be similar to Super Nintendo games ports to GameBoy (original, not advance)
wilka91 said:
listen people, I got an XBOX yesterday ... and the console sux

and a Half-Life 2 port to XBOX would be similar to Super Nintendo games ports to GameBoy (original, not advance)
what dya go an do that for? :)
to see if Halo 2 was really "that" good

now I know this game is a joke just like that stupid poll on Gamespy

a Half -Life 2 video is way better than Halo 2 - the full game
What the **** is all this about it wont be good on x box, stfu im sick of it, its the same god damn thign, and graphixs dont matter as CS 1.6 has tought us all. god and i said the first thing in my very first post. Dont turn this into a x box vs pc thread i sjut wnated to knwo when it coems out. and plus i foudn out its coming out on the same day as the pc from that future shop link sumone posted a ways up int he thread.