Half-Life 2's anti-aliasing still broken for me


Jul 25, 2007
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Hey guys. After four years, it seems that HL2's anti-aliasing glitch is never gonna be solved, and I'm still pissed about this too! (No links to Gabe's HL2.net speech please, I already know about this) Don't know if ATI's FSAA was ever fixed, but NVIDIA or Valve sure never did anything to fix the damn issue.:P When I turn on AA, I get white lines (artifacts) in and around all distant texture boundaries, hence the infamous anti-aliasing artifacting issue of 2004 when HL2 was first released. How come nobody else seems to be bitching about this like I am? Has everyone else just become complacent and just eventually ignored this issue all together, while still enjoying the game? Please, I'd like to know some secrets on how to get this damn issue fixed. Shoot, I'd even hire a Source modder to fix the issue if I could at this point!:P
You're referring to to this, right?

Sorry, I never solved it except for turning off AA completely (can't play HL2 without it though :o). Best way is to just try and forget about it while you're playing. It took a while for me but I don't care about it anymore thus I don't even notice the artifacts except if I try to look for them.
Yeah, very similar to that actually, except the artifacts I speak of appear at distances. $leket0R was incorrect BTW. I tried every conceivable driver (properly installed mind you)and that's not the problem. The problem seems to be within the Source programming itself and a lack of video card manufacturer attention thereof. Oh, and here's that old HL2.net thread I spoke of:Gabe Newell's speech on AA artifacting All that talk and they never fixed the problem. Typical. I also spoke with Asus on this matter several months back in the Software/Hardware forums, and he was having the same problems with his ATI card too, so it's not just NVIDIA, it's Valve.:P I envy you though Loke, for you are not anal-retentive like me and can enjoy the game even with said problems.:P
I've noticed this in places and just thought "maybe its just me, oh well" and just played through, dont think much of it, but i guess I was wrong. I just thought it was poor map construction or something.
I've played HL2 on three different computers with varying spec's and I've never seen this (at least not that I remember) and I've definatly never seen it in other Source games I've played recently (TF2, Ep1, Ep2, Vampire, GMod old and new).

Edit: Do you have this in other Source games?
I don't notice it much since I bought my 1440x900 monitor, wierd huh?
I've played HL2 on three different computers with varying spec's and I've never seen this (at least not that I remember) and I've definatly never seen it in other Source games I've played recently (TF2, Ep1, Ep2, Vampire, GMod old and new).

Edit: Do you have this in other Source games?
I don't notice this as badly in Half-Life Source as in HL2, but maybe it's because the textures are so low-res in that game it's hard to tell? Also, this problem is almost identical to Loke's, but it only manifests in more distant textures, and like Loke has stated in his original post on the subject, it's even more obvious in dark lit tunnels. I do believe it's a shader/Source problem that can only be fixed by an experienced modder though. Could be my GPU model that's somehow incompatible with the Source engine too, though I don't ever get such artifacts even in Oblivion (Which is based on the GameBryo engine, I know.:P)
What I mean is I've got a couple of graphical glitches on the new construct, do you get that in any other map?