Half Life 2's Combine are dimwitted...

man...i'm glad I'M not a dimwit. that would suck. a lot.
Lobster said:
Aslong as the combat experience is as good as say, Call of duty

It better be a crap load better than that :)
The only criticism I've heard is that the squad A.I can act stupid - like they'll follow you anywhere - so in a small room they'll block your way.
But this is the ONLY flaw they've reported, with the A.I.

man if that's the only criticism the review had about the A.I., than i am really looking forward to playing! That part never really bothered me in hl1 what bothered me a LOT more was that barneys had a hard to following you and getting stuck in another room.... now if they made it so that they could follow you through a hurricane that would be awesome...

also make it so that your teamates actually HELP you take out guys against overwhelming odds that would be VERY VERY hard for you to do on your own. From the looks of the videos this is the first game i can think of that has a group of friendly A.I. fighting as a group to take out a common goal...

i can't wait
Warbie said:
It better be a crap load better than that :)

I have to agree with this after watch my buddys run in and out of a nazi fulled room in my MG line of sight, dumb ass conscripts. But the ability to give orders should end that kind of problem.
My friend showed me the Half Life 2 leak when i went to his house one day, I was dissapointed, but watched, am I allowed to answer some questions (that probably arent right but may be close) that I know based on the leak I saw. I dont want to get in trouble, if its a yes, ill gladly tell you guys what I saw (and it was good ;-) ) Please dont ban me mods for saying this, if its that bad delete my post and pm me, i never played the leak or downloaded it.
nice a Halo fanboy that like HL2 :cheers:
MilkMan12 said:
My friend showed me the Half Life 2 leak when i went to his house one day, I was dissapointed, but watched, am I allowed to answer some questions (that probably arent right but may be close) that I know based on the leak I saw. I dont want to get in trouble, if its a yes, ill gladly tell you guys what I saw (and it was good ;-) ) Please dont ban me mods for saying this, if its that bad delete my post and pm me, i never played the leak or downloaded it.
Halflife2.net does not allow spoilers, especially those that come from leaked content. They generally frown upon any sort of talk about the leaked version of the game beyond speaking on it in a very general manner. Your post doesn't seem to break any of their rules, but just be wary in general when talking about things of this nature.

EDIT: So to answer, no you likely would not be allowed to answer any questions (except perhaps really general ones like, "Did you/your friend enjoy it?").
Gabe said that they reduced the damage taken when shot during the binks so that the player wouldn't keep dying. When we get the game it will be harder.
OK thanks for letting me know. Yes we both enjoyed it and thats as far as it will ever go :). Sorry if I made anyone upset lol
OK I just got confirmation from a mod that I can post this, its not a spoiler, I do not have the link, its what I saw on someone elses leak. The traptown AI was scripted, end of story, just to answer some peoples questions. However coolest part about traptown, my friend through a nade under the dumpster to make it do what it did in the videos, and the dumpster doesnt fall the same each time, it reallistically reacts to where your grenade is and stuff, its awesome. And thats all I can really say without getting in trouble.

(mod if I misread your PM please let me know)
Jackal hit said:
lol haha... wtf. he's a hl2 fan also, btw. excited to play it. *pbbt* silly.

Hl2 fan!!! He calls Gordon, Gordan!!!! Ok look Halo2 is gonna be great and tons of people are going to play it.(that includes me)So stop wasting ur time making up stuff, cuz u dont even know what the game is about ,and probably never played HL.
Halo ai was ok.... in legendary, it was mostly just that they had immense shielding, and knew the places you could pop out of, just as if they had their back turns, waiting for you. so far, the hl2 ai looks good, when you get it, play it on the hardest settings, and tell me if the ai sucks.
Lusitano, 0wnzed, stop being a racist of fanboys, its great there is a fanboy of halo who is a fanboy of hlaflife.
Ahhh, damn, poked my eye really hard.
MilkMan12 said:
OK I just got confirmation from a mod that I can post this, its not a spoiler, I do not have the link, its what I saw on someone elses leak. The traptown AI was scripted, end of story, just to answer some peoples questions. However coolest part about traptown, my friend through a nade under the dumpster to make it do what it did in the videos, and the dumpster doesnt fall the same each time, it reallistically reacts to where your grenade is and stuff, its awesome. And thats all I can really say without getting in trouble.

(mod if I misread your PM please let me know)

Basically - most of the true A.I showed off in E3 2004. The leak is pre-e3 2003, so it's not a real sign of the A.I. Hell - a lot of stuff sucked in the leak - but have improved A LOT since the delay.
MilkMan12 said:
OK I just got confirmation from a mod that I can post this, its not a spoiler, I do not have the link, its what I saw on someone elses leak. The traptown AI was scripted, end of story, just to answer some peoples questions. However coolest part about traptown, my friend through a nade under the dumpster to make it do what it did in the videos, and the dumpster doesnt fall the same each time, it reallistically reacts to where your grenade is and stuff, its awesome. And thats all I can really say without getting in trouble.

(mod if I misread your PM please let me know)

Of course it was scripted (no scripts, just one AI instruction), it was the only way they could get the AI and the game to play as they wanted it for the demonstration purposes, otherwise the AI would keep playing differently.

As far as someone elses comments as knowing where you can pop out from cover, it doesn't take a genius to work that out, i had immense fun hiding from the combine, they knew when to use cover fire when you were ever so slightly visible (they'd send someone to go round). They also moved to better vantage points when you went out of view, always trying to flank you or ocupy you, depending on the situation and how many combine there were.
MaDMaXX said:
Of course it was scripted (no scripts, just one AI instruction), it was the only way they could get the AI and the game to play as they wanted it for the demonstration purposes, otherwise the AI would keep playing differently.

As far as someone elses comments as knowing where you can pop out from cover, it doesn't take a genius to work that out, i had immense fun hiding from the combine, they knew when to use cover fire when you were ever so slightly visible (they'd send someone to go round). They also moved to better vantage points when you went out of view, always trying to flank you or ocupy you, depending on the situation and how many combine there were.

Oooooo..... i want hl2 NOW! :bounce:
InnerDemon said:
So far, I've only ever seen Halo's covenant AI to be diverse and tactical.

Seriously, is that a joke? Most of their AI routines consist of:


  IF YouAreShot == 1 THEN




If that's what you call smart then you're easily impressed. I wouldn't worry.